Sunday 2 December 2018


(Translated by Sugata Bose) ... 1

Advent : 23 December, 1863 ; Mahasamadhi : 26 April, 1938

(The life, lectures, conversations and letters of Swami Nirmalananda, direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna)
Copyright : Sri Ramakrishna-Sarada Math, Baghbazar, Kolkata 700 003

Publisher's Note :
Revered Swami Nirmalananda (Tulsi Maharaj) was one of the intimate disciples of Sri Ramakrishna. His untiring efforts helped propagate the message of the Master in southern India and brought about significant changes in society there. Nirmalananda Swami also preached in erstwhile Burma (presently, Yangon) and in distant America (USA). But his seminal service in the propagation of his Master's message has remained largely unknown to the common mass of humanity. In 1943 an English biography of Swami Nirmalananda was published through the efforts of his monastic disciples from the Madras Presidency which filled the data void about him to an extent but the absence of a Bengali biography remained a big lacuna in this regard. The people of Bengal were sadly deprived of knowledge about this seminal saint from their very province. The efforts of Swami Jagadiswarananda has at last enabled the publication of the Bengali biography of Swami Nirmalananda. Swami Tripurananda of Sri Ramakrishna-Sarada Math had lived in close proximity with this intimate disciple of Sri Ramakrishna and had visited many places with him. He had helped the author with many an unpublished fact in the composition of this book. The incorporation of such data in this book has justified its being called a biography in the truest sense of the term.

The author, revered Swami Jagadiswarananda, has laboured hard in old age in writing this book. For this we remain in perennial bond of indebtedness to him.

Dated : 24 Phalgun, 1368 / March, 1962 (Eng) ... Publisher

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