Wednesday 19 December 2018


(Translated by Sugata Bose) ... 16

Advent : 23 December, 1863 ; Mahasamadhi : 26 April, 1938

(The life, lectures, conversations and letters of Swami Nirmalananda, direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna)
Copyright : Sri Ramakrishna-Sarada Math, Baghbazar, Kolkata 700 003

Chapter 1 : Introduction ... 11
At the Madras Math Shreemat Swami Ramakrishnananda had told Shree Padmanabhan Thampi, the President of the Haripad Society of the Malabars, ''Swami Nirmalananda is the direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna and has been refreed to in 'The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna' as Tulsi.''

In January, 1911 Swami Ramakrishnananda wrote the following letter to Shree Subbarow Aiyer, the Secretary of the aforesaid Society :

Dear friend,

I am happy to have received your letter. Swami Nirmalananda is the direct disciple of Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna and he received monastic vows from Swami Vivekananda. Because of his extraordinary purity of character Swami Vivekananda gave him the monastic name 'Nirmalananda'. He has traversed the whole of India extensively and has done spiritual austerities in the Himalayas for almost twelve years. The King of Chamba was a prominent devotee of his. Our President, Swami Brahmananda, sent him to America to preach the Vedanta. Swami Nirmalananda worked so well in America that the American devotees did not want to let go of him. Responding to an urgent call, he returned to India to work for the awakening of his motherland. For a while he preached the dharma in East Bengal and Assam. Thereafter, he was sent to Bangalore from where you have now invited him.

Ever the seeker of your good,

Photo : Swami Nirmalananda

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