Saturday 22 December 2018



I am neither an apologist for any nor am I the votary of any. I am simply the voice of truth and I shift my stance as and how facts reveal themselves and my truth, relative and resultant, keeps moving along the sands of time keeping its axis about the absolute truth of Brahman which ever impels me towards it and remains my motive force for service unto humanity. I abide by my faculties to discern the truth about issues without in any way tying myself up to any dogmatic stance or doctrinaire absolutism. I remain true to truth in so far as my faculties guide me, in so far as my conscience leads me to it. Hence, I remain strictly apolitical and unattached to institution or organisation of any kind and, so, remain free to pursue my vocation of following wherever truth leads me to. This is my disclaimer. Let none believe that anyone can possess me ever in any manner of their fanciful dreams or imaginations.

Yours in truth,
Sugata Bose

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