Saturday 22 December 2018



Fanaticism spoils any good enterprise and the one on Tulsi Maharaj must be conducted with utmost reverence maintained for Belur Math as we have been doing it till date. Remember, Tulsi Maharaj and Belur Math are not two separate entities but are one and the same, inseparable aspects of Thakur as disciple and mission are.

Organisation is a complex entity, a conglomeration of individual units and in it, periodically, problems arise which are solved only with the passage of time and the consequent change in organisational attitudes. So must we with patience work towards that good day when Tulsi Maharaj will be rightfully honoured as Thakur's direct disciple once more. Till that day, as Swami Sampurnananda says, let us celebrate his life on our own while we keep campaigning in a civilised manner for the cause. I am sure, Tulsi Maharaj would wish us to do just the same instead of resorting to vicious attacks on the Mother Organisation which we must assiduously avoid.

Jai Sri Ramakrishna ! Jai Tulsi Maharaj ! Jai Ramakrishna Sangha !

Written by Sugata Bose

Photo : Baranagar Math, the first monastery of the Ramakrishna Sangha.

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