Sugata Bose : It requires a big heart to admire and appreciate other people's talents. Fault finders can scarce do it. Simple people appreciate.
Sanjib Bhattacharyya : Very true, our ego is coming between our feelings and intellect to do the damage.I am always trying hard to omit the 'E' and walk with 'GO'.....Hope with Thakur's grace I will succeed one day, Bhakti is the key factor here which seriously I am lacking very.🙏
Sugata Bose : So much is not being called for. Just a bit of a big heart to appreciate others, applaud them in their achievements and encourage drooping spirits who are talented enough but lack the space for self-expression, instead of engaging in hair-splitting arguments with criticism being the main agenda in one's bid for self-establishment at the expense of the other which is what brings out one's jealous carping where sympathetic applauding would have done infinitely better.
Simple people, they who are less endowed in the special gifts we call talent, it has been my experience that they are the ones who are guileless enough not to see the fault in others so much as the ones who are intelligent to a fault, if I may use the expression, who are ever intent on running others down somehow with clever logic hither and shrewder ploy thither. The common mass of humanity may be less gifted in terms of head and other adornments but they are the ones who have the magnanimity of spirit to say a kind word or two by way of their simple acknowledgement of whatever may have given them aesthetic pleasure. They suffer neither from a sense of competition nor from a sense of insufficiency when they are faced with a work of artistic grace and are happy to enjoy it with a supplementary note of appreciation to boost the morale of the artist. This is purely a thing of the heart and has no great philosophical connotation appended to it. Feel good when you see others doing well and encourage them sincerely so that they do even better. That is all.
P.S. : Your comment is very profound and it is at a very much higher plane that covers the whole scope of human behaviour. Thank you, Sanjib Bhattacharyya.
Sugata Bose : It requires a big heart to admire and appreciate other people's talents. Fault finders can scarce do it. Simple people appreciate.
Sanjib Bhattacharyya : Very true, our ego is coming between our feelings and intellect to do the damage.I am always trying hard to omit the 'E' and walk with 'GO'.....Hope with Thakur's grace I will succeed one day, Bhakti is the key factor here which seriously I am lacking very.🙏
Sugata Bose : So much is not being called for. Just a bit of a big heart to appreciate others, applaud them in their achievements and encourage drooping spirits who are talented enough but lack the space for self-expression, instead of engaging in hair-splitting arguments with criticism being the main agenda in one's bid for self-establishment at the expense of the other which is what brings out one's jealous carping where sympathetic applauding would have done infinitely better.
Simple people, they who are less endowed in the special gifts we call talent, it has been my experience that they are the ones who are guileless enough not to see the fault in others so much as the ones who are intelligent to a fault, if I may use the expression, who are ever intent on running others down somehow with clever logic hither and shrewder ploy thither. The common mass of humanity may be less gifted in terms of head and other adornments but they are the ones who have the magnanimity of spirit to say a kind word or two by way of their simple acknowledgement of whatever may have given them aesthetic pleasure. They suffer neither from a sense of competition nor from a sense of insufficiency when they are faced with a work of artistic grace and are happy to enjoy it with a supplementary note of appreciation to boost the morale of the artist. This is purely a thing of the heart and has no great philosophical connotation appended to it. Feel good when you see others doing well and encourage them sincerely so that they do even better. That is all.
P.S. : Your comment is very profound and it is at a very much higher plane that covers the whole scope of human behaviour. Thank you, Sanjib Bhattacharyya.
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