Sunday, 22 January 2023



An invidious ideology must be nipped in the bud right at its scriptural roots, its generational transmission of perverted preaching from the pulpit and in theological schools terminated forthwith, and its submissive adherents rescued from the prison-house in which they are perforce and by systematic brainwashing interned. Else, violence from this cult will keep on increasing with frightening frequency taking its terrifying toll that will throw humanity yet again into the Dark Ages.

A theology that preaches infinite sensual delight in Heaven and unceasing torment in Hell with earthly life serving merely as an intermediary hall of examination of action and intent that will qualify the examinees for either Heaven or Hell post Judgement on the Last Day can hardly be deemed rational enough for further sustenance in a modern world that has much rejected archaic irrational theological doctrines.

But the cult continues its stranglehold on its adherents through persistent programming of the cerebral software with its absolute tribal ideology having hardly any philosophical ground on which to stand. Borrowed ideas from Greco-Roman thought and modern science force-fitted to convenience can hardly justify the tenets of this cult that depend on absolute submission to its omnipotent overseer and terminal founder by self-proclamation in the ancient prophetic line. Faith that is bound in irrational supposition can hardly be rationally justified and, hence, such modern methods adopted by its western apologists may only be deemed as logical degeneracy.

But all things said and done to undermine its strength, this cult keeps proliferating through population boom consequent on inordinately high fertility rate of its following which poses a terrible threat to modern democracy which rules by majority mandate. This socioreligiopolitical system is contradisposed to democracy which it deems a man-made system bound in human error and, hence, invalid in the eyes of the true believer in its omnipotent God. It has its own elaborate legal system called the Sharia with which it aspires to replace democratic Constitutional codes across the world and thereby impose its own brand of theological dictatorship which it deems as the divinely perfected form of law that ought to govern all humanity for all time to come. 

There are two victims of this cult -- the believer [momin] and the non-believer [kafir]. Both suffer from the violence of this cult. The believer, though, is in a worse predicament. His is already an imprisonment from where there is no escape and no end of prison term for it is an imprisonment unto death and thereafter in the grave till the Day of Judgement, awaiting final verdict on his fate unto eternity. And the believer, even if he turns inwardly sceptical about the truth of the Deen, cannot leave it for fear of terrible persecution by family, friends and foes, by the all-pervasive environment of the Umma [global Islamic polity] and by Islamic law which in a Sharia-ruled state can deal the death penalty even for apostasy. So, you see, the Momin, once in, cannot get out of the Deen except at the grievous cost of loss of family, friends, occupation, country and even life. The believer, thus, is the worst sufferer at the hands of the Deen. Hence, do not bear ill-will against the believer but deal with him/her in your thoughts and actions sympathetically, being careful, in so doing, not to get trapped by the Dawa [invitation to join Islam] extended by such to you. Be firm in resisting the ideology but fair in treatment of its adherents, for, as aforesaid, the latter are the worst victims of the former.

About the non-believer or the kafir the Qur'an is full of passages and its treatment of the infidel must be separately dealt with to avoid undue extension of the present essay to the reader's loss of patience. 🕉 

Written by Sugata Bose

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