Tuesday, 31 January 2023



Sugata Bose @@YouTube [Pradhanmantri] : Shekhar Kapur's affected style of narration is destroying what otherwise is a very fine documentary. He is evidently trying to copy Orson Welles' narration in 'The Man Who Saw Tomorrow'. A fine director Shekhar Kapur is but a poor performer as narrator.

Sugata Bose @Riya Bhattacharya : Incredible episode but real. Shows the power of Swamiji to transmit spirituality which is the hallmark of the Avatar. So, this the conclusive proof of his spiritual status. He had once remarked, "Within ten years of my death I shall be worshipped as a god." The prophesy came true. In 1912, exactly ten years after his passing away in 1902, the Vivekananda Temple in Belur Math came up where he came to be worshipped not as a god but as God Himself, the incarnation of Shiva. Indeed, Swamiji was Shiva as testified by Raja Maharaj (Swami Brahmananda) and some of his other brother disciples. Sri Ramakrishna himself held Swamiji as one with him. Swamiji was worshipped as Shiva in the Kashi Kedarnath Temple on his last visit to the holy city in 1902 when, as prophesied by him in a mood of incensed indignation upon being insulted by the braahman pandits of Varanasi on an earlier visit to the city, he did 'burst upon society like a bombshell' and made 'it follow' him 'like a dog'. This, however, was the swansong and Swamiji 'cast off' his 'body like a disused garment' on 4 July, 1902 and flew to his ethereal abode whence he is for sure preparing for his return to earth as he had himself confessed to a Western disciple that he had 'fallen in love with man'.

Coming back to the discussion on the post, though, Swamiji very rarely exhibited inordinate spiritual powers as in this case but was always in possession of them as his Divine Master, Sri Ramakrishna, had bestowed upon him all his life's accumulation of spirituality and the powers thereof to help him transform the subliminal consciousness of humanity and reset the course of deflected humanity along the divine path. This was the store in the possession of Swamiji which never saw profane currency in him but worked at the foundations of human evolution. History will bear out the truth of this exertion on Swamiji's part as its convoluted course finally seeks recourse to his ways and means, his message and his teachings. Then will this assertion that Swamiji was the Avatar of Shiva be rightfully vindicated. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Suryodoy Mandal : Think it out and start leading the movement instead of engaging in idle questioning. Each man's commitment counts. Drops of water fill the ocean. So also your labour of love, ingenuity and enterprise will help Hinduism flourish along the line suggested. All force to you. We are there with you. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Suryodoy Mandal : Keep reading my posts unfailingly and light shall dawn before long. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Habibur Rahaman : All Hindus are Brahman [ ब्रह्म ]. So, come into the fold of the Sanatan Dharma. But before that first give a full-stop to your statement and learn to be sincere. Braahmans are accurate in their disposition and converts are expected to be sincere in returning to their Mother faith. Now chant the 🕉 and return to your ancestral fold. Remember as well that the braahman is sattvik by nature and does not thus bargain for gain as you evidently are doing here. One more thing. Braahman is a varna and not a caste which is akin to the French guild as per one's vocation or profession. The varna on the contrary is based on relative qualitative excellence based on the gunas that form the fabric of one's personality. 🕉

P.S. All prodigal children of the Mother, who had earlier been perverted from the Sanatan Dharma and are seeking readmission to their ancestral fold now, may be accepted under the banner of the 'Pratyaavarti' caste. 🕉 

Sugata Bose @Suvasish Ganguly : 'Pratyaavarti' will be the caste name for those seeking readmission into the Sanatan fold. But you are insincere. Hence, your idle questioning as earlier evidenced on my profile as well. It is thus a wasteful expenditure of energy to discuss with you anything. Renegades we have had enough and seek no more. And, curiously enough, nearly all of them bear the braahmanical surnames. 🕉

P.S. Even your question is devoid of proper punctuation, that is, the note of interrogation which is missing, which leaves one in doubt whether it is a semi-asserive sentence or a semi-interrogative one and, that too, held in suspended animation which is the most difficult lot for any entity to bear.

Sugata Bose @K Ajit : In due course this has to done. Else, peril awaits the Hindus due to their being eventually outnumbered by the Muslims who cannot brook the presence of the kafir among them once they are in the majority and the Sharia has replaced the democratic Constitutional rule of law.

Sugata Bose @Joyaditta Brahmachari : Please do not insult those who are our brethren but in a different denomination of faith. Sympathy wins over converts, never the lack of it. We should have historically learnt this lesson by now. Accordingly, we must amend our ways and means. "Love can cleave its way through adamantine walls of difficulty," said Swamiji. Welcome, brother Habibur Rahaman, to the Sanatan Dharma as and when you please. Meanwhile, keep repeating off and on 🕉. Let the strain be thus: 🕉 🕉 🕉 🕉 🕉 🕉 🕉 🕉 🕉...

Sugata Bose @Suvasish Ganguly : Brahman, being infinite, hath no part. Hence, the 'Pratyaavarti' jaati belongs to the whole of Brahman, for Brahman is nothing but the indivisible, immutable Whole. 🕉 Sanatani Akhandasangha!

Sugata Bose @Smita Mukerji : He (Suvasish Ganguly) operates from within locked lumber room, casting about caste crap with a bid to countering conversion to the country's correct course in historical flow. So, he won't bother you once he has been duly repulsed, and will choose fresher pastures elsewhere or put in a guest appearance at a deferred date hither. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : Annadaanam? Not anymore. Prasad being distributed in Belur Math itself against compulsory donation, a contradiction in terms really.

Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : Fallacious and facile claim made that China has learnt socialism from Swamiji and not Marx. This will be laughed at everywhere in China and, why so? everywhere in the world except in the world of self-deluded devotion. Intellectual naivete of nursery level. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Pahari Pothik : You are God in your innermost essence. This is the Vedantic view. There are disagreements among the different philosophical schools about the external God, the creative, preservative, destructive cosmic principle or embodiment, but none can deny his own existence which the Upanishads call 'Sat' and which in relative terms is called God. Sat (Absolute Existence), Chit (Absolute Consciousness) and Ananda (Absolute Bliss) -- these three integrated form the Vedantic divine principle. Abstruse subject but, if you understand it, it is a divine delight that you experience. No more dependence on an external God but dependence on yourself entirely. Your very understanding of yourself will change and life will take on a new turn. This is not to say that the omnipotent external force we call God does not exist. But it also, like our phenomenal selves, is a dependent reality. Transcend the limitations of the senses through yoga [Raja Yoga, Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga or Jnana Yoga] and attain to Atmajnana [Self-knowledge]. There you will behold the universe melting away like a dream and your true Self shining in pure glory. That Self [Atman] you are. You are God. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Sharmistha Chatterjee : In general start observing silence. Read and reflect, concentrate and contemplate, talk only when necessary and listen more. Become a lofty lady of few words.

Sugata Bose @M. Nayeem : The Qur'an divides the world into Momins and Kafirs, not Mohan Bhagwat and the RSS.

Sugata Bose @M. Nayeem : Using the democratic justice system to subvert it later when the Sharia rules. This is the history thus far.

Sugata Bose @YouTube [Jaipur Dialogues] : Sanjay Dixit gives the impression of self-conceit, assuming an air of superiority which is opposed to the humility characteristic of a man of genuine knowledge. This spoils the show somewhat. Also his self-exposition as a scholar of sorts takes up valuable time, denying the guest speakers greater time to place their propositions. This is poor journalistic posturing for an anchor. Dr. Koenraad Elst and Shankar Sharan have excelled in their depositions.

Sugata Bose @Khalid Umar : Great souls are those that are grateful.

Sugata Bose @YouTube : 🕉 Whatever the Maulana may say by way of apologetics, the Islamic agenda in the India of today, which is Dar-u-Harb in the eyes of Islam, is to convert democratic plural India to exclusive Islamic state ruled by the Sharia. And they are moving steadily in that divinely ordained direction. Hence, all these arguments based on legality and logic are inconsequential and this Islamic agenda has to be countered duly. The state should not pander to these religious extremists whose sole agenda is the destruction of Hinduism and the democratic republic of India. 🕉

Sugata Bose @YouTube [Neeraj Atri Channel] : Keep propagating the truth about Islam and its history in inoffensive language. That will bring home the truth about the same to its teeming millions (1.8 billion) and draw them away from their faith. However, do not be deluded by the preaching of Maulanas and Maulvis, Madanis and Masihaas, for they are patently anti-Hindu forces bent upon perverting people from the Sanatan Dharma. Expose the truths about Islam in an intelligent way and let truth do the rest of the work. Study Islam, know its ways and means of perverting people from other faiths, its age-old agenda of political domination of the world -- for Islam is not a religion but a political cult designed for territorial expansion of the Arabs and the Turks historically, its religiocentricity merely being a cover for its aggressive agenda -- and propagate in civilised language the uncivil intent of Islam among the people of the world. The world alerted, Islam's intent will be known and the subterfuge of its proponents seen through. Overall, conquer fear. Study the Geeta and be fearless. But do not forget to thoroughly acquaint yourself with the Islamic trilogy -- the Qur'an, the Hadis and the Sirah. Om 🕉

Sugata Bose @Dhyan Maneesha : Buddhism did not demonise anything but it was Buddhism that introduced idol worship in India. Prior to that the Sanatanis did not do idol worship.  That is all that I have said.

Sugata Bose @Ranjan Mitra : With whom? Be specific. To my understanding I am not with any element that is the corrupt combination of these two factors [force and ignorance that lead to barbarism]. I stand alone as an independent thinker and travel along the pilgrim's path seeking the intermediate truths en route to the destination divine where my Absolute Self reigns in supreme solitude.

Sugata Bose @YouTube [Bodyline 1984] : 974 runs in a series, not 975. [Refer, Bradman, Ashes 1930 in England]. Mistake made by Percy Fender in delivering his dialogue concerning Bradman. Perhaps intended to bring in a touch of reality where people are actually prone to such lapses of memory. If that be so, it was a brilliant cinematic move that has lent authenticity to the whole dialoguic affair.

Sugata Bose @YouTube : This Rajdeep Sardesai is a shallow moderator for he interrupts and deflects discussion more than he moderates it to good effect. His superficiality, confused understanding and suspect motivation, all compound to produce a perverted programme whenever he is in the act of anchoring.

Sugata Bose @Prabal Kanti Choudhury : And it is quite true. The natural propensity to advertise self seeks easy, unedited expression on Facebook.

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