Sunday 8 January 2023



A disciple [shishya/shishyaa] must come up to the due level of discipleship before the grace of the preceptor [Guru] becomes evident to him/her and transforms his/her life. In the absence of preparation this divine link between preceptor and pupil is seemingly lost even after spiritual initiation and all that goes by in the name of the relation is an outer crust of effete ceremonials at best and utter negligence of relation-keeping at worst. The subterranean current of grace from the Guru, though, continues to flow, to the disciple's sudden discovery one summer day when the outer encumbrances have been broken through by the evolutionary lapse of time. Then 'kaalenaatmani vindati' becomes evident, as in shining armour the warrior pupil appears before himself/herself to realise his/her true status in life and its transcendence in his/her divine relation with the great Guru who now seems the living embodiment of God. All this is expedited in the energetic soul, delayed indefinitely in the languid one.

Written by Sugata Bose

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