Unless you read the Islamic scriptural trilogy of the Qur'an, the Hadith and the Sirah, your delusion about Islam will not leave you and your confusion will continue.
Remember, Islam divides thd world into believers in its creed and the non-believers or the kaffir. The vaunted universal brotherhood that Islam supposedly talks of is not so universal after all. It is by scriptural injunction strictly limited to Momins [believers in Islam] and none else.
Islam is an exclusive religio-political ideology which is imperialistic in outlook in the sense that it aspires to impose its rule over all of humanity. To achieve this purpose which is divinely decreed, it uses force, fraud [Al takiya] and all other coercive measures that may be imagined.
The history of Islam since its very inception is blood-stained. And it is not non-Muslims alone who have suffered at the hands of the brutal Islamic sword. Muslims by the millions have lost their lives in internecine wars, sectarian violence that has sent civilisations to despair. And all this in the name of the faith, interpreted variously by various segments of the fraternity who have differed on certain non-fundamental points.
What are the fundamental points then? They are the content of the aforesaid Islamic trilogy. These three texts are central to Islam and binding on all Muslims, be they of any denomination. Muslims are obligated to follow them in toto. They may not be challenged or their credibility or veracity questioned. Such a daring would be deemed blasphemy with appropriate punishment as per the Sharia which is the Islamic legal code.
Remember, Islam lays down a behavioural code for its followers to the minutest detail. From daily prayer with its specific prior ritualistic cleaning to the posture to be adopted, the direction in which one must pray, the specific mandatory verses to be recited, to the manner and mode of the monthly fast of Ramadan [Ramzan], the amount of Zakat [donation/charity] and to whom, and the innumerable dos and donts, guidelines which are prescribed in the Hadith [Hadees], Islam provides for its adherents a comprehensive way of living, an entire civilisational culture to abide by. This lends it its apparent solidarity, although, it only appears to be so. Behind it there is compulsion -- divine, prophetic and human -- on its constituents to abide by its mandates, the constant instilling of the fear of Jahannum [Islamic hell] in consequence of the wrath of Allah [the Islamic God] and the priceless pleasures in Jannat [Islamic heaven] if one by strict adherence to the Islamic code can please Allah and enter the hallowed realm. And, to top it all, there is profound ignorance among the Islamic polity the world over with an incalculable amount of general illiteracy and absence of knowledge of archaic Arabic in which the Islamic trilogy was written. Hence, the common Muslim is in the control of the clerics who interpret the faith to the faithful selectively as per their professional convenience. Thus, even Muslims are largely ignorant about the real Islam as has been codified in the trilogy and abide by the apparent Islam that is handed down to them by the Mullahs and the Maulanas [Islamic clerics].
This intermediary between Momin [Muslim] and Allah had been done away with by the Prophet himself but has in due course crept in to keep common Muslims at the 'mercy' of the clerics for their 'right' understanding of Islam when all they are required by the Qur'an to do is to depend solely on the 'mercy' of Allah and the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad directly. If Muslims are thus confounded about what Islam truly is and what it is not, is it at all any wonder that Hindus who never care to read the Islamic trilogy should remain blissfully ignorant about the core content of this religio-political system of thought and practice?
So, I say, read thd Qur'an, the Hadith [Hadees] and the Sirah to dispel your illusions about Islam and to come to due understanding. Read and only then start speaking futile frothy stuff full of your fertile imagination which you deem Islam to be, a la monotheistic Hinduism that worships the formless Ishvar [God]. Wrong! Very wrong! Read and discover. Before that do not argue in vain.
Written by Sugata Bose
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