Tuesday, 24 January 2023



Islam is opposed to democracy. It mandates the dictatorship of Allah as the only way of submissive living on earth where submission is to the one and only God [Allah] who is the greatest and who allows no partners in offered worship. This earth after all belongs to Allah, the creator of all, and, hence, only His divine law as enshrined in the Sharia must have sway over all of humanity. The Sunnah of the Prophet is the earthly guide in human affairs, the Hadees and the Sira offering solution to problems pertaining to life and death. The Qur'an is the absolute and inviolable Word of God as revealed to Muhammad by the Angel Gabriel [Farishta Gibreel]. The trilogy of the Qur'an, the Hadees and the Sira form the core scriptural text of Islam whose dictates are binding on all Muslims. There is no question of the submitted Momin to deny it and establish a human democracy based on man-made laws. Thus, Constitutional democracy is not permitted as per Islamic tenets and is anathema to the genuine Muslim of original scriptural intent.

Islam divides the world into two major sections: Dar-ul-Islam [land under Islamic law] and Dar-u-Harb [land under non-Islamic law]. It is binding on every Muslim to do jihad [holy war] to convert Dar-u-Harb to Dar-ul-Islam.

The Dawa is the individual as well as institutional invitation to join the fold of Islam [Umma]. It is mandatory on every Musalmaan to extend the Kafir this Dawa. After all, as per Allah and His Rasool, all Kafirs are headed to Hell and must be saved by converting them to Islam. Thus, you will find ordinary Muslims needlessly talking to you about the glories of Islam, thereby gradually processing your brain to accepting Islam at a future date. If a Momin can convert a Kafir to Islam, the probability of his/her passage to Jannat [Islamic Heaven of infinite sensual delight] is much enhanced, for Allah is most merciful on such devout Muslims who propagate His cause of earthly dominance.

This being the general attitude of the Muslims as per Islam's scriptural dictates, dictatorship and not democracy defines Islam and Muslims. Their preoccupation is with the Deen which they are mandated to abide by to enter Jannat and escape Jahannum on the Day of Judgement. Their only mission in life is to pass the Test of Allah that is being conducted here on earth for which they do everything that the Deen dictates. Dictatorship is thus the norm for the Momin and democracy a human perversion of law which is erroneous and, thus, not worth aspiring for or abiding by. How can true Muslims -- most are Munafik [insincere and partial adherents of the Deen] -- therefore obey Constitutional laws except in pretence or perforce when they cannot help it, being in a minority and with no power to seize control of the state machinery? The moment they are in the majority or in power even as a significant minority, they are duty-bound by Allah and His Rasool to establish the Sharia state where the former through their eathly agents [Khalifa, Ayatolla, Badshah et al] will rule with an iron hand, crushing all opposition to divinely decreed mandate.

Throughout the western democratic world we thus see Islamic revolutionary groups clamouring for imposition of the Sharia with the moderate Munafik maintaining a studied silence as if by passive acceptance of what is their destiny by faith. These Islamists, to put it euphemistically, wish to destroy democracy and replace it with the Sharia. But why blame them? They are being true to their Deen, to their Allah and His Messenger. Are they not? This today is a major civilisational clash, to quote the Harvard professor, Samuel P. Huntington. Whither are we headed? 🕉 

Written by Sugata Bose

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