Thursday, 19 January 2023



●Islam's singular mission is to convert the kafir. A very large portion of the Qur'an is devoted exclusively to how to deal with the kafirs and will happen to them. Here in India for over 1300 years Islam has converted the Hindus to its fold and created a separatist polity which has eventually broken India (reference,  Partition) and the process is still going on. With an inordinately high fertility rate among Muslims, demographic changes are taking place slowly but surely that threaten to convert our motherland into an Islamic state within 50 years or a century as per a Maulana's open affirmation. Hence, Hindus must beware of the Dawa, the overt and covert invitation to join Islam. Remember the Geeta shloka 'Svadharmey nidhanam shreyah paradharma bhayaavaha' [It is better by far to die following one's own dharma (here, religion) but terrible to accept someone else's (here, conversion).

●Islam divides humanity into two groups: Muslims (Momins) and non-Muslims (Kafirs). The former have Imaan [absolute allegiance to Allah, Prophet Muhammad, Qur'an, Angels (Farishta) and The Day of Judgement or The Last Day (Akhiriyat)] while the latter practise Kufr [non-allegiance to the aforementioned five features]. 

●Islam means 'submission'. Submission to whom? Submission to the God of Islam who in Arabic is called 'Allah'. And what does this submission in principle and practice mean? It means absolute allegiance to the dictates of the Qur'an [indubitably so] and the Sunnah of the Prophet [the Sahih Hadees and the Sira]. Qur'an is the inviolable Word of Allah as revealed to Muhammad through the intermediate agency of Farishta Gibreel [Angel Gabriel]. The Hadees are the sayings of the Prophet and the living instances from the Prophet's life. The Sira is the authentic biography of the Prophet. The Qur'an, the Hadith (Hadees) and the Sira form the Islamic trilogy which is binding on every Momin (Muslim).

●Hindus have massive ignorance about Islam, its political principles, ultimate intent, aims and objectives, even aspirations which are fed into its adherents by the billion. Thus, Hindus feel a false sense of security about Islam and its influence in India. This is dangerous as our history amply testifies. One may arrive at a correct conclusion about Islam only by reading the Islamic trilogy thoroughly. Even a cursory glance will warn one of the danger it poses to Hindus. Hence, I exhort all my Hindu brethren to study Islam. 🕉 

Written by Sugata Bose

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