Tuesday 3 January 2023

🕉 HINDUS, AWAKE ! ... 1

🕉 HINDUS, AWAKE ! ... 1

Aggressive Hinduism is needed today. Martial valour instead of weeping piety, strength instead of soft sentimentality, a clear-cut integrated philosophy and active programme instead of a plethora of puerile opinions cast about in the air by self-serving people and institutions is the call of the hour. Practicality must combine with philosophy in combating the threats that face Hindus everywhere. Secure defence against proselytising Christianity and Islam must safeguard Hindu interests. And all this cannot be achieved by the singing and dancing of devotees, idle verbal adoration of the Divine and soft lecturing by monks that induce passivity in people while concealing the real intent of the enemies of Hinduism under the cover of imagined harmony of religions which has never been nor will ever be.

Hindus, awake to the threat of your impending demise in the coming decades at the hands of your historic enemies who are even today slowly advancing towards your citadels and working their way in to precipitate your doom! Just look around to behold what is happening to your brethren wherever they are in a minority or wherever their self-declared enemies are in a sizeable proportion of the polity. Sleep no more. Arouse your kshatriya power. Defend the Dharma like your valorous ancestors of yore. 🕉 

Written by Sugata Bose

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