Monday 9 January 2023

ISLAM ... 1

ISLAM ... 1

Islam is not a religion. Its own Alims and Ulemas, Muftis and Maulanas, Mullahs and Momins call it a Deen. This Deen is a comprehensive political system which is expansionist in its intent with its singular focus on eventual world domination. Arising out of the Arabic Quraish tribe, it has all the tribal features of the day of its inception and, because of its scriptural intransigence towards timely modifications, it continues to hold its following in seventh century Arabic norms and mores.

Islam has borrowed much of the theological principles and practices of its earliest predecessor, Judaism, and has added to it the proselytising principle of Christianity, its other Semitic religio-political predecessor. However, Islam has its own distinctive features as well in that it is purely a political system which has theology as its motivating element and its threatening element, too, on its adherents to keep them on a tight leash with the promise of Paradise and the horror of Hell subduing them before authority.

The very word 'Islam' means 'submission'. Whosoever is an avowed Muslim has by definition submitted himself/herself to Allah and His Messenger, the Prophet Muhammad, and abides by the Islamic scriptural trilogy, the Qur'an, the Hadith [Hadees] and the Sirah.

Written by Sugata Bose

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