Sunday, 8 January 2023



Sugata Bose @Narendra Sheoran : All love and blessings to the divine mothers, now in bare sprout.

Sugata Bose @Shatarupa Halder : যাওয়া যেতে পারে কিন্তু বর্ম পরে | [Reference: Shatarupa taught two students. Both have failed. One month's tuition fee pending. Humorously seeking suggestion if she should go to her students' houses to collect her pending fees.]

Sugata Bose @Atanu Raha : You will understand when you mature in thinking more. Religious organisations have their problems which need addressing. "Truth does not pay homage to society, ancient or modern. Society must pay homage to truth or die," said Swami Vivekananda, the founder of this organisation who was himself founded in truth. Do you think Sri Ramakrishna had in gullibility said, "Truthfulness is the austerity of the Age"? Blind worship does not do service to a seminal spiritual organisation that is going material day by day and has resorted to this organisational expediency presumably for the sake of both propriety and cover-up of historical fact. Devotion to the Mission precludes the idea of raising resistance where it goes wrong. Hence, it is pertinent that such posts be made to right historical heresies such as the one cited above. In the absence of such criticism from concerned quarters organisational autocracy sets in which begins the rot that eventually brings about the demise of a spiritual movement despite tallest pretensions to the contrary. History has repeatedly testified to such an effect. As one devoted to truth, therefore, it becomes imperative to voice one's protest against the injustice that Tulsi Maharaj has been done historically in regard to his being not recognised as direct disciple of Thakur, an undesirable act that is still being regularly resorted to for reasons hinted at by me in the write-up, the real reasons known best by the executors of this deed.

Read more and you will realise. I am providing some pertinent proofs about my post for your perusal.

Sugata Bose @Manoj Sivan : Manoj, how much can I alone defend the case on my page? Please visit it and come up with your defence as well. Silly devotion to organisational untruth is sprawling out there in superficial comment that castigates me for spreading ill-will against the Mission as a malicious design, not knowing though that I care for the well-being of the Mission more than its nefarious elements that are ruining its course through propagation of untruth and material contamination. I detest cowardice and compromise both, but worst of all I have indignation for insincere devotion of devotees who do not raise their voice in protest against the aforesaid and like injustices despite pretence of piety to the incarnation of Truth and renunciation of lucre, our beloved Master Sri Ramakrishna.

Sugata Bose @Sachwala [YouTube] : Waiting eagerly for further illumination on the import of the Qur'anic text.

Sugata Bose @Sachwala [YouTube] : Sachwalaji is unique in the world of Ex-Muslims with his perfect mastery over the Islamic scriptures and his exquisite exposition of the same in delightful, delectable diction. That he ruffles quite a few feathers of the adherents of Islam is scarce a surprise, endowed as he is with powerful tools of expression and exposure of the true intent of the tenets of the deen. Sachwalaji's seminal service to the cause of liberation of the suffocated soul struggling to find a way out of the stranglehold of Islam ☪️ will one day find due recognition among the vast masses when the history of the Ex-Muslim Movement will be written over the epitaph of the buried faith. Till then it is a war of attrition which must be won and will be won when the 'old superstitions have run out' [Refer Vivekananda]. 🕉

Sugata Bose @[YouTube Sachwala] : Sachwalaji, you are reducing Hindu-Muslim misunderstanding by revealing the scriptural truths of Islam.

Sugata Bose @Bhaskar Ganguly : আমার লেখার ওজস্বিতায় কি তা প্রকাশ পায়নি আজও? বিদ্রুপ একটা করে দিলেই বুঝি বিরত্ব প্রকাশ পায়?

Sugata Bose @Bhaskar Ganguly : না, আপনার অহংকারের প্রতিফলন অপরের স্কন্ধে চাপাচ্ছেন | অতএব, আপনার কপট অনুরোধ রাখতে পারব না | বলব তাই, যা সত্য | সত্যের চেয়ে ব্যক্তি বড় নন, সে যে মাপেরই হ'ন | তবুও বলছি, ঠাকুর-মা-স্বামীজী-রাজা মহারাজ সম্বন্ধে অহংকারপ্রসূত অসম্মানজনক কিছু কোনদিনও বলিনি, বলবও না | তাঁদের অনুগামীরা কিন্তু তাঁরা নন, বরং ইদানীং তাঁদের উচ্চ আদর্শ প্রায়শই খর্ব করে চলেছেন | তবুও যথেষ্ট সংযম রক্ষা করেই তাঁদের সম্বন্ধে কথা বলে থাকি | তাঁরা যদি, যখন, যেখানে যথাযথ আদি আদর্শ পালন না করেন, তখন সেই আদর্শের দিকে লক্ষ্য ফেরানোর কাজ করি ও সেই বিষয়ে লিখি অত্যন্ত সংযমের সাথে | আপনার ন্যায় যাঁরা কটাক্ষ করেন তাতে, তাঁদের দুরভিসন্ধি সম্বন্ধে অধিক বাক্যব্যয় অনাবশ্যক | তাঁরা যে ঠাকুরের ভাব, যা চূড়ান্ত সত্যাশ্রয়ী, তা বোধ করেন নি ও তা যথাযথভাবে অনুধাবন করা নিষ্প্রয়োজন বলে মনে করেন, তা কি আর বলার অপেক্ষা রাখে? স্বামীজীর বিখ্যাত বাণী -- "Truth does not pay homage to society, ancient or modern. Society must pay homage to truth or die." -- মনে পড়ে ও ইতিবাচক সমালোচনায় পুনঃ অনুপ্রাণিত করে | ঠাকুর আপনার আমার রচনাসম্বন্ধীয় ভ্রান্ত ধারণা দূর করুন !

Sugata Bose @Suvadeep Sen : Thanks. And my wonder never ceases to behold you furnishing such a plethora of pertinent facts before us with undiminished plenitude, each day surprising us with 'new discoveries'. [Quoted words, courtesy, Marie Lousie Burke]

Sugata Bose @Suvadeep Sen : I know. But to quote everyday new extracts from diverse sources is hardly anything less than a marvel.

Sugata Bose @Adam Seeker [YouTube] : Adam's IQ is high, his presence of mind exquisite and power of articulation devastating that crushes opposition in a flash. His focus is breathtaking, the instances he cites are so pertinent and his persistent pursuit of a line of argument so intense, with a flashy wit augmenting it, that it leaves his 'believing' opponents capitulated or beating a hasty retreat, never to show their faces again. Adam's language is pointed, often profane, that corners his opponents and crushes them thereof without hope of revival of their dogmatic stance in a shouting match that so often characterises their clerics in conversational confrontation. Adam well knows the nuances of this dirty game of deliberation and brings in a like response that leaves his opponents confounded, his verbal volleys utterly destroying their citadels from where they fire their cannonballs. Adam is very well prepared with his references from the relevant texts and furnishes them instantly to his opponents' utter distress and is thus ever victorious in the war of words that inevitably ensues. His devastating wit, lampooning and open aggression is unique among those who are today espousing the cause that the Ex-Muslims stand for, and is, perhaps, the right medicine for the dogmatic and often roguish clerics who from their armchairs must be listening and shaking in anger and angst. Carry on doctor! The sick need the treatment and you are healing them whole.

Sugata Bose @YouTube [Sahil] : 🕉 Mumbai movies are a medium of slow, almost imperceptible indoctrination of Islamic ideology and denigration of Sanatan values. Regrettable. A movement ought to be launched to resist such perversion of our civilisational values and to protect Hindu interests. 🕉

Sugata Bose @News Nation [YouTube] : The anchor [Peenaz Tyagi] talks too much. This is disturbing and often hypocritical. 

The anchor pretends too much. She is too vocal instead of being calmer that will induce speakers to state their views better.

The Maulana quit which clearly proved that he had no answers to the questions Sahil and Adam Seeker posed before him. 

Islam is a Deen, not a Dharma.

Islam is not a Dharma. It is a Deen. Understand this Ms Moderator [Peenaz Tyagi].

This moderator is pretentious, her statements insincere and directed to eliciting response from her interviewees while keeping up the respectful facade of the television channel. Such a resorting to clever tactics is in effect deceit and a crooked betrayal of trust. It were better that the channel and the anchor would come clean with its purpose of receiving rating points towards commercial ends instead of posing as pious seekers of the truth about Islam which, perhaps, is a secondary objective, if at all. However, political motivations gearing the programmes may not be ruled out. At any rate pretence is detestable and hardly palatable between delightful dialogic dishes. The oft-repeated apology on behalf of the channel in a plainly perceptible insincere way betrays the intent of both the channel and the moderator. Greater boldness were better but the channel evidently dares not to do so in view of dire threats that may ensue from extreme elements within the Deen. 

Terrible pretender this moderator is, just unbearable. Such hypocrisy in every show to the same effect is an exposure of insincerity of intent that is loathsome. 

The moderator pretends the same way on every show of hers. It seems she has hypocrisy embedded in her, putting up a pious front while practising hypocrisy to perfection.

The Indian Muslim lady is evidently lying. She should stay in an Islamic state such as the Islamic Republic of Pakistan for a while to come to a truer estimation of the truth about the Deen. Here in India she enjoys too much state protection to appreciate the Constitutional gift of liberty that has been bestowed on her rightfully for being a citizen of this country. Either this or else she is parroting the words which have been fed into her by the Maulavis. If not even so, then she is the product of systemic brainwashing which, though, given her deliberate utterances to political perfection, seems not to be the case.

Is this a debate? This is pure cacophony with the moderator [Peenaz Tyagi] leading the charge.

Sugata Bose @Swami Nikhileswarananda :  Maharaj, why is the punctuation so poor while presenting one who was the epitome of spiritual perfection that necessarily must imply perfection in all its lower linguistic derivatives as well on our part who are his ardent followers?

Sugata Bose @Riya Bhattacharya : Kashi Sevashrama, started by Swamis Shuvananda, Achalananda and several other friends of theirs in the very city whence Swamiji had made his earthly entry. A decade earlier, responding to insults heaped on him by the pandits of Varanasi, Swamiji had thundered, "I shall not return to this city till I can burst upon society like a bombshell and make it follow me like a dog." And he kept his word. Swamiji grew in stature, realisation, fame and spiritual power but never did he grace Varanasi again during this phase of his flourishing till the very end when he fulfilled his word to the hilt by visiting the site of his earthly entry in his last year on earth. This time he was royally received, offered obeisance and literally worshipped as the Lord Shiva Himself by the very priest class that had so rudely rejected him earlier. The circle had been completed and it was time to return home. July 4, 1902 and his earthly sojourn was over shortly after the night had entered its second tri-hour phase. 9.10 p.m. and all was still. Varanasi had paved the way back from Belur onto ethereal realms where the sage belonged while Kashi Sevashrama looked on in mute wonder at the glory that Vivekananda was. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Subhrajyoti Bhowmick 🕉 Very much so. And it is regrettable despite their seminal contribution to the renaissance of the Sanatan Dharma. However, with the lapse of time organisational interest has seemingly assumed greater importance in their eyes than working for the defence of the Sanatan Dharma against the predatory aggression of Islam and Christianity and their foster friend, pseudo-secularism. Perhaps, the hour dawns when Ramakrishna-Vivekananda will be reborn to meet the challenges of the times that have been well nigh neglected by thd Mission citing apolitical imperatives. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : I do not think there is any legal bar as such. It is just preferred policy of the Union Government from Nehruvian times. Precedence is law, you see, and, hence, the inertia continues. But a radical force needs to be given to change the status quo and introduce both Sanskrit in the school curriculum and scriptural study of some sort along with it in the higher classes at least. The juniors may be taught stories from the Hindu epics.

Sugata Bose @Abhijit Mandal :

ভক্তের বড় আদরের বস্তু এই ভয় | 

শুধু মুখেই বলে, "জয়, স্বামীজীর জয় !"

Sugata Bose @Pranaram [YouTube] : The full-stop is missing at the end of your stated sentence, a feature that copiously comes out in your camera-work as well.

Sugata Bose @YouTube : J. Sai Deepak is as erudite as he is articulate and he is powered by a fabulous vocabulary put to devastating effect, his words pouring out like lava or fired like artillery shell at his ideological opponents who are the enemies of Bharatvarsha.

Sugata Bose @[YouTube] : It is unbelievable that Dr. Anand Ranganathan can be so suffering from levity in the face of the formidable facts afforded the audience by J. Sai Deepak. As a polity we cannot afford this sort of frivolous attitude towards our impending destruction at the hands of Political Islam.

Sugata Bose @Satyanand Bhattacharjee : Humanism, if materialistic, will not be the solution. Humanism, if Vedantic, will be ideal. But the exigencies of the times, as you say, will carve out social destiny, hopefully towards a brighter end. However, I understand what you mean. The common denominator for social cohesion is what you are talking about. But in the face of growing Islamisation of India secular humanism even will be thrown overboard as it has been in the Indian subcontinent elsewhere [Pakistan and Bangladesh]. So, where do you see the Muslims going with their ideological adherence to intolerant Islam? Will it be possible to wean them away from their intolerant attitude towards the kafir while maintaining their faith? Hence, I say, difficult as it may be, reconversion to the Sanatan Dharma of the erstwhile Hindus who have been perverted from their ancestral faith must be the way out. Secularisation of these to accepting a la communist materialism will be a noxious development wholly harmful to the nation. How this may happen, though, will depend largely on many factors -- governmental approach, attitude of the Hindus to expanding their arms and broadening the social scope to accepting the reconverts, international political developments, the condition of the economy, education and exposing the toxic tenets of their faith [Islam] and its gory history from inception till date. Who knows what hand evolution will play in this game of bridge that hopefully will bridge the wide gaps between communities that have existed thus far? 🕉 

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