Tuesday 3 January 2023

🕉 HINDUS, AWAKE ! ... 4

🕉 HINDUS, AWAKE ! ... 4

I find too many Bengali Hindus [mostly braahmans] who are patently anti-Hindu, men who use highly derogatory language against the Hindu scriptures and social system but choose to remain silent over Islamic and Christian abuse of Hindus here in the Indian subcontinent, or over the irrational doctrinaire impositions of these two Semitic religions over all. The prime target of these abusive Bengali Hindus are the Manu Samhita and Braahmanyavaad. These are votaries for social justice apparently but are in truth degenerate people who keep backstabbing their co-religionists, although, most of these, perhaps, have lost their faith and have sought refuge in murderous materialism that goes by the name of revolutionary communism. Devout Hindus, arm yourselves intellectually against these enemies within who are sapping the vitality  of the race by their demonic designs. 🕉 

Written by Sugata Bose

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