It is best not to follow a divine book but to follow oneself. No book is divine. All books are human, limited and flawed. Language itself is limited, so is the intellect, and cannot express the inexpressible essence of truth, the transcendent reality of existence.
Experience, even prophetic, so to say, is personal that may be shared with others but not thrust on them by so-called divine dictate. God as divine dictator is obsolete in emerging democracy.
Rationality, though limited and limiting, must be the guide through the dense dark deep of earthly existence but it must as well not shut its casements that lead to introspection, inner reflection on reality.
Overall, let freedom be and not transmission of archaic superstition, traditional trappings of thought from one generation to another. Indoctrination must be done away with by individual and collective effort.
In encapsulation then: no book, no prophet, no messiah, no avatar is holier than you, O man, who are the arbiter of your own destiny. May collective wisdom wend its way through to eventual freedom of the spirit of man!
Written by Sugata Bose
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