Tuesday 3 January 2023

🕉 HINDUS, AWAKE ! ... 3

🕉 HINDUS, AWAKE ! ... 3

Political parties and religious organisations have both betrayed Hindu interests. A sham of an impossible religious harmony with inimical cults going on!

Greed and dharma cannot coexist. The Upanishad says, 'Ma gridha.' [Covet not.] The opposite is happening, though. It is hypocrisy all the way. Money is now the ruling deity. All else in the name of exhibited piety is pretence. Compromised men preaching piety while all the while filling up their coffers, corrupt politicians colluding with the anti-Hindu forces to spell India's doom. Where does the average Hindu go for succour when such corruption feeds the life of those who hold positions of power, be it in the political or the religious sphere? Is there a religious institution today that has not fouled its following by giving in to the despicable dollar? Show me one and I'll prove you wrong.

Wake up, Hindus! Be brave. Arm yourselves ideologically to wage the war of self-defence. There is none else to help you but yourselves. All are cheats intent on self-serving. So, stand on your own feet and defend your Dharma. Be valorous. Song and dance, poetry and art will prove ineffective when the battle lines are drawn. Remember what Bhagavan Krishna inspired in Arjun on the warfield of Kurukshetra -- not the notes of the flute but the philosophy of righteous war. 🕉

Written by Sugata Bose

Photo: Maharana Pratap Singh

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