Islam and Muslims are two separate entities although often painted as one. Islam is a religio-political philosophy and way of life [Deen] whereas Muslims are its adherents. Hence, one must be careful not to confuse one with the other although they are apparently inextricably linked. But not quite so. They are distinct entities and easily separable if one has the slightest understanding of what Islam is and what Muslims as human beings fundamentally are. Islam is a totalitarian system that is thrust on all its followers by its very basic tenet of unquestioning submission to its dictates. Muslims, on the other hand, as questioning human beings often turn out to be heretics and apostates, even at the risk of their lives, for the Sharia [Islamic law] dictates death to the Murtaad [apostate] and many such Muslims have met with that fate upon leaving the Deen [Islam]. Our concern is with the questionable and problematic tenets of Islam and not with Muslims as such who, owing to circumstance of birth or otherwise, are caught in the trappings of tradition and cannot generally extricate themselves from it for a host of reasons. However, as in the case of Protestantism during the era of the emerging printing press which on account of proliferating broadcasting of news loosened the theological hold of Catholicism on Christians, the emergence of the internet is spreading information about the real tenets of Islam rapidly round the world which is causing disaffection among millions of Muslims and making them leave Islam. These are today banding themselves as quite a new human sect called 'Ex-Muslims'. Some of these Ex-Muslims are converting to other religions but most are choosing to remain secular Ex-Muslims. Their prime objective was to leave Islam and lead their own lives free of any theological stranglehold. These Ex-Muslims are by the day growing in number and have started a powerful movement of weaning sceptical Muslims away from Islam. As per Pew Research 23% of North American Muslim youths have left the Deen and the number mounts each day. These usually join the Ex-Muslims' forum called 'Ex-Muslims of North America'. Elsewhere throughout the world the situation is similar but the visibility of these sceptical Muslims as open Ex-Muslims is not the same everywhere owing to differences in the prevailing political climate. Nonetheless, the ongoing Anti-Hijab Movement in Iran, sparked off by Masa Amini's death in police custody, is a pointer to the disaffection of millions of subjugated Muslims with Islamic rule. 🕉
Written by Sugata Bose
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