Monday 30 January 2023



Sometimes I despair about the fate of Bengali Hindus when I find such materialism abounding in them that masquerades as superior secularism, such abject cowardice and easy capitulation before roguish, fanatical roadside strength, such an apathy to the study of their own danger from growing Islamisation of West Bengal and, overall, such antipathy towards the welfare of the Hindu civilisation and culture of Bharatvarsha. My posts, unceasing in warning my co-religionists about the impending Islamic danger that faces us in the wake of shifting demography, either go unattended or evoke crude comments by communists who are a legion in West Bengal. This is regrettable and perhaps answers why two-thirds of the entire mass of Bengalis [Bangladesh included] have converted to Islam. Not a bit of moral fibre left, no trace of civilisational rootedness, just frivolous preoccupation with life's levity. Shameful! 🕉

Written by Sugata Bose

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