Tuesday, 31 January 2023

যে যুগে যা? না, না, তা কেন?

যে যুগে যা? না, না, তা কেন?


অর্থকষ্টের মধ্যে যিনি বলতে পারেন, "আমার ঠাকুর আছে, আর কিছু চাই না," তিনিই ভক্ত যদিও তাঁরও অর্থোপার্জনের জন্য সমভাবে প্রচেষ্টা করাই ধর্ম | তবে ভিক্ষাবৃত্তি নয় আত্মসম্মান বিক্রয় করে, নিজ মানবসম্পদ বৃদ্ধি করে মা লক্ষ্মীকে প্রসন্না করা চাই | ব্রাহ্মণ যেন বৈশ্যবৃত্তিতে নিমজ্জিত না হন, ক্ষত্রিয় যেন শূদ্রে রূপান্তরিত না হন | স্বধর্ম পালন করেই প্রয়াস করতে হবে জীবনরক্ষার | জীবিকার তাগিদে যেন আদর্শ হতে চ্যূত না হন | লোভ যেন সেবারূপ মুখোশ পরে আত্মপ্রশ্রয় না দেয় | সে পরিণাম ভয়াবহ | শ্রীভগবান নিষেধ করেছেন তা কুরুক্ষেত্রের রণাঙ্গনে | ধর্মাধর্মের এই তো সূক্ষ্ম প্রভেদ যা বিচার্য | স্বীয় ধর্ম পালন করেই জীবনরক্ষা করতে হবে ও পরিশেষে অধ্যাত্মলক্ষে পৌঁছোতে হবে | আত্মপ্রচার, বিজ্ঞাপনের প্রয়োজন নেই | তাতে আদর্শচ্যূতি, অধ্যাত্মপতন অনিবার্য | মুখে শাস্ত্রবাণী ও কর্মে বৈশ্যবিজ্ঞাপন বিসদৃশ | শেক্সপিয়রের বচন স্মরণে আসে -- 'Note the Devil doth cite the scripture for his purpose.' আর কি? এবার ইতি |

রচয়িতা : সুগত বসু (Sugata Bose)




In the remotest antiquity of this great civilisation of the Hindus that continues uninterrupted till date was the city of Ayodhya which was the capital of Koshaala ruled by Dasharath who belonged to the Suryavangsh [Solar dynasty]. The river Sarayu fertilised the plains of his kingdom and brought abundance to it. The subjects were well provided for, well administered, and were loyal and happy. But the king was sonless and was yearning for an heir to his throne.

So, Dasharath, on the advice of his spiritual counsellors, arranged for the Ashvamedh Yajna [horse sacrifice] to be presided over by Sage Rishya-Sringa. It was a massive affair, invitees pouring in from the four corners of Aryavarta. The yajna was performed by Rishya-Sringa and his associates in strict accordance to Vedic rites. Sumptuous feasts were arranged for the invitees and everything went off well as per prior planning.

As the yajna proceeded, the Devas [gods] in their celestial sphere conferred among themselves to make good the occasion to bring about the descent of the Divine in human clay to subdue the Rakshasraaj [demon-king] Raavan who ruled over Lanka and had made life hell for the gods. Raavan enjoyed immunity against defeat at the hands of the gods by a boon he had received from Brahmaa and had proceeded to indulge in all sorts of evil activity which had plagued the gods and allowed them no rest. They complained to Brahmaa to seek a solution and the latter asked them to place their plea before Vishnu who promised to incarnate as a human to end the plight of the gods. This was because Brahmaa's boon covered Raavan against mortal harm from any except man. Hence, Vishnu's descent unto earth as mortal man.

Here in Ayodya the yajna proceeded to perfection and out of the holy fire arose a shining figure holding a golden bowl that contained god-sent paayasam [clarified rice-pudding] which it presented to Dasharath with the words that if his wives partook of it, they would be blessed with sons in due course.

Dasharath offered half of the paayasam to Kaushalyaa, a fourth to Sumitraa, the eighth part to Kaikeyi and the remaining eighth part to Sumitraa again. The queens drank it and soon conceived in their wombs the fruit of the divine offering.

Written by Sugata Bose

Bibliography: 'Raamaayana' by Chakravarty Rajagopalachari.



Sugata Bose @@YouTube [Pradhanmantri] : Shekhar Kapur's affected style of narration is destroying what otherwise is a very fine documentary. He is evidently trying to copy Orson Welles' narration in 'The Man Who Saw Tomorrow'. A fine director Shekhar Kapur is but a poor performer as narrator.

Sugata Bose @Riya Bhattacharya : Incredible episode but real. Shows the power of Swamiji to transmit spirituality which is the hallmark of the Avatar. So, this the conclusive proof of his spiritual status. He had once remarked, "Within ten years of my death I shall be worshipped as a god." The prophesy came true. In 1912, exactly ten years after his passing away in 1902, the Vivekananda Temple in Belur Math came up where he came to be worshipped not as a god but as God Himself, the incarnation of Shiva. Indeed, Swamiji was Shiva as testified by Raja Maharaj (Swami Brahmananda) and some of his other brother disciples. Sri Ramakrishna himself held Swamiji as one with him. Swamiji was worshipped as Shiva in the Kashi Kedarnath Temple on his last visit to the holy city in 1902 when, as prophesied by him in a mood of incensed indignation upon being insulted by the braahman pandits of Varanasi on an earlier visit to the city, he did 'burst upon society like a bombshell' and made 'it follow' him 'like a dog'. This, however, was the swansong and Swamiji 'cast off' his 'body like a disused garment' on 4 July, 1902 and flew to his ethereal abode whence he is for sure preparing for his return to earth as he had himself confessed to a Western disciple that he had 'fallen in love with man'.

Coming back to the discussion on the post, though, Swamiji very rarely exhibited inordinate spiritual powers as in this case but was always in possession of them as his Divine Master, Sri Ramakrishna, had bestowed upon him all his life's accumulation of spirituality and the powers thereof to help him transform the subliminal consciousness of humanity and reset the course of deflected humanity along the divine path. This was the store in the possession of Swamiji which never saw profane currency in him but worked at the foundations of human evolution. History will bear out the truth of this exertion on Swamiji's part as its convoluted course finally seeks recourse to his ways and means, his message and his teachings. Then will this assertion that Swamiji was the Avatar of Shiva be rightfully vindicated. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Suryodoy Mandal : Think it out and start leading the movement instead of engaging in idle questioning. Each man's commitment counts. Drops of water fill the ocean. So also your labour of love, ingenuity and enterprise will help Hinduism flourish along the line suggested. All force to you. We are there with you. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Suryodoy Mandal : Keep reading my posts unfailingly and light shall dawn before long. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Habibur Rahaman : All Hindus are Brahman [ ब्रह्म ]. So, come into the fold of the Sanatan Dharma. But before that first give a full-stop to your statement and learn to be sincere. Braahmans are accurate in their disposition and converts are expected to be sincere in returning to their Mother faith. Now chant the 🕉 and return to your ancestral fold. Remember as well that the braahman is sattvik by nature and does not thus bargain for gain as you evidently are doing here. One more thing. Braahman is a varna and not a caste which is akin to the French guild as per one's vocation or profession. The varna on the contrary is based on relative qualitative excellence based on the gunas that form the fabric of one's personality. 🕉

P.S. All prodigal children of the Mother, who had earlier been perverted from the Sanatan Dharma and are seeking readmission to their ancestral fold now, may be accepted under the banner of the 'Pratyaavarti' caste. 🕉 

Sugata Bose @Suvasish Ganguly : 'Pratyaavarti' will be the caste name for those seeking readmission into the Sanatan fold. But you are insincere. Hence, your idle questioning as earlier evidenced on my profile as well. It is thus a wasteful expenditure of energy to discuss with you anything. Renegades we have had enough and seek no more. And, curiously enough, nearly all of them bear the braahmanical surnames. 🕉

P.S. Even your question is devoid of proper punctuation, that is, the note of interrogation which is missing, which leaves one in doubt whether it is a semi-asserive sentence or a semi-interrogative one and, that too, held in suspended animation which is the most difficult lot for any entity to bear.

Sugata Bose @K Ajit : In due course this has to done. Else, peril awaits the Hindus due to their being eventually outnumbered by the Muslims who cannot brook the presence of the kafir among them once they are in the majority and the Sharia has replaced the democratic Constitutional rule of law.

Sugata Bose @Joyaditta Brahmachari : Please do not insult those who are our brethren but in a different denomination of faith. Sympathy wins over converts, never the lack of it. We should have historically learnt this lesson by now. Accordingly, we must amend our ways and means. "Love can cleave its way through adamantine walls of difficulty," said Swamiji. Welcome, brother Habibur Rahaman, to the Sanatan Dharma as and when you please. Meanwhile, keep repeating off and on 🕉. Let the strain be thus: 🕉 🕉 🕉 🕉 🕉 🕉 🕉 🕉 🕉...

Sugata Bose @Suvasish Ganguly : Brahman, being infinite, hath no part. Hence, the 'Pratyaavarti' jaati belongs to the whole of Brahman, for Brahman is nothing but the indivisible, immutable Whole. 🕉 Sanatani Akhandasangha!

Sugata Bose @Smita Mukerji : He (Suvasish Ganguly) operates from within locked lumber room, casting about caste crap with a bid to countering conversion to the country's correct course in historical flow. So, he won't bother you once he has been duly repulsed, and will choose fresher pastures elsewhere or put in a guest appearance at a deferred date hither. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : Annadaanam? Not anymore. Prasad being distributed in Belur Math itself against compulsory donation, a contradiction in terms really.

Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : Fallacious and facile claim made that China has learnt socialism from Swamiji and not Marx. This will be laughed at everywhere in China and, why so? everywhere in the world except in the world of self-deluded devotion. Intellectual naivete of nursery level. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Pahari Pothik : You are God in your innermost essence. This is the Vedantic view. There are disagreements among the different philosophical schools about the external God, the creative, preservative, destructive cosmic principle or embodiment, but none can deny his own existence which the Upanishads call 'Sat' and which in relative terms is called God. Sat (Absolute Existence), Chit (Absolute Consciousness) and Ananda (Absolute Bliss) -- these three integrated form the Vedantic divine principle. Abstruse subject but, if you understand it, it is a divine delight that you experience. No more dependence on an external God but dependence on yourself entirely. Your very understanding of yourself will change and life will take on a new turn. This is not to say that the omnipotent external force we call God does not exist. But it also, like our phenomenal selves, is a dependent reality. Transcend the limitations of the senses through yoga [Raja Yoga, Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga or Jnana Yoga] and attain to Atmajnana [Self-knowledge]. There you will behold the universe melting away like a dream and your true Self shining in pure glory. That Self [Atman] you are. You are God. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Sharmistha Chatterjee : In general start observing silence. Read and reflect, concentrate and contemplate, talk only when necessary and listen more. Become a lofty lady of few words.

Sugata Bose @M. Nayeem : The Qur'an divides the world into Momins and Kafirs, not Mohan Bhagwat and the RSS.

Sugata Bose @M. Nayeem : Using the democratic justice system to subvert it later when the Sharia rules. This is the history thus far.

Sugata Bose @YouTube [Jaipur Dialogues] : Sanjay Dixit gives the impression of self-conceit, assuming an air of superiority which is opposed to the humility characteristic of a man of genuine knowledge. This spoils the show somewhat. Also his self-exposition as a scholar of sorts takes up valuable time, denying the guest speakers greater time to place their propositions. This is poor journalistic posturing for an anchor. Dr. Koenraad Elst and Shankar Sharan have excelled in their depositions.

Sugata Bose @Khalid Umar : Great souls are those that are grateful.

Sugata Bose @YouTube : 🕉 Whatever the Maulana may say by way of apologetics, the Islamic agenda in the India of today, which is Dar-u-Harb in the eyes of Islam, is to convert democratic plural India to exclusive Islamic state ruled by the Sharia. And they are moving steadily in that divinely ordained direction. Hence, all these arguments based on legality and logic are inconsequential and this Islamic agenda has to be countered duly. The state should not pander to these religious extremists whose sole agenda is the destruction of Hinduism and the democratic republic of India. 🕉

Sugata Bose @YouTube [Neeraj Atri Channel] : Keep propagating the truth about Islam and its history in inoffensive language. That will bring home the truth about the same to its teeming millions (1.8 billion) and draw them away from their faith. However, do not be deluded by the preaching of Maulanas and Maulvis, Madanis and Masihaas, for they are patently anti-Hindu forces bent upon perverting people from the Sanatan Dharma. Expose the truths about Islam in an intelligent way and let truth do the rest of the work. Study Islam, know its ways and means of perverting people from other faiths, its age-old agenda of political domination of the world -- for Islam is not a religion but a political cult designed for territorial expansion of the Arabs and the Turks historically, its religiocentricity merely being a cover for its aggressive agenda -- and propagate in civilised language the uncivil intent of Islam among the people of the world. The world alerted, Islam's intent will be known and the subterfuge of its proponents seen through. Overall, conquer fear. Study the Geeta and be fearless. But do not forget to thoroughly acquaint yourself with the Islamic trilogy -- the Qur'an, the Hadis and the Sirah. Om 🕉

Sugata Bose @Dhyan Maneesha : Buddhism did not demonise anything but it was Buddhism that introduced idol worship in India. Prior to that the Sanatanis did not do idol worship.  That is all that I have said.

Sugata Bose @Ranjan Mitra : With whom? Be specific. To my understanding I am not with any element that is the corrupt combination of these two factors [force and ignorance that lead to barbarism]. I stand alone as an independent thinker and travel along the pilgrim's path seeking the intermediate truths en route to the destination divine where my Absolute Self reigns in supreme solitude.

Sugata Bose @YouTube [Bodyline 1984] : 974 runs in a series, not 975. [Refer, Bradman, Ashes 1930 in England]. Mistake made by Percy Fender in delivering his dialogue concerning Bradman. Perhaps intended to bring in a touch of reality where people are actually prone to such lapses of memory. If that be so, it was a brilliant cinematic move that has lent authenticity to the whole dialoguic affair.

Sugata Bose @YouTube : This Rajdeep Sardesai is a shallow moderator for he interrupts and deflects discussion more than he moderates it to good effect. His superficiality, confused understanding and suspect motivation, all compound to produce a perverted programme whenever he is in the act of anchoring.

Sugata Bose @Prabal Kanti Choudhury : And it is quite true. The natural propensity to advertise self seeks easy, unedited expression on Facebook.

🕉 HINDUS, AWAKE ! ... 7

🕉 HINDUS, AWAKE ! ... 7

We, Hindus, are not just 'a wounded civilisation', as V.S. Naipaul puts it, but a suicidal civilisation headed towards annihilation. Our numbers are declining, our enemies on all sides are multiplying, and, yet, we are busy entertaining ourselves with the frivolities of life while our torpedoed national ship keeps sinking. 

How long will the Sikhs and the Jats, the Rajputs and the Marathas, and the intrepid Gurkhas die along the borders to defend our motherland? What will be our contribution as Bengalis to our national defence -- song and dance, poetry and drama to entertain the soldiers?

Our men were exhorted by Swamiji to be manly but they are busy singing soft and sentimental songs that have not a modicum of martial strength in it? This popular culture, utterly hollow and lacking in spine, this use of the intellect to serve roguish antinational ends, this overriding ambition to serve petty self-interest, this apathy towards the suffering of the masses beyond sending out loud proclamations of the Communist Manifesto, how long will such betrayal of national interest go on at a moment in history when the imperilled world looks to India for spiritual guidance? Weakness and the trading instinct masquerading as spirituality cannot fool the intelligent races of the world nor wean away the toxic elements from their preferred path of perfidy that threatens humanity everywhere.

A valorous stance is necessary, not a singing and dancing mode, to awaken the masses unto lifebuilding and civilisation-saving activity. In language, in movement, in behaviour, in attitude of every sort the martial spirit of service and sacrifice must shine, discipline of a higher order marshalling the forces towards a life of ceaseless activity that will save civilisation. Hundreds of thousands of men and women need to feel inspired unto leading the higher life, not of passive piety full of sentimental songs adorning life but of vigorous display of energy that will transform oneself and one's neighbour unto serving a sublime end.

It is a pitiable situation right now and needs immediate redress. Despite Swamiji's unceasing exhortation to awaken manliness among the polity, his fellow Bengalis today have let him down. But this is a general trend. Commercialisation of culture is devitalising the nation and careering it towards its doom. Awake, my countrymen, and hearken to what Swamiji says. Give up this effeminacy. 🕉 

Written by Sugata Bose

Monday, 30 January 2023



1. 🕉 If as a devotee you are a coward and cannot stand up for Hindu rights, dismiss your 'devotion' as trade with God. 🕉

2. A religious ratio. 'Fundamentalism : Hinduism : : honesty : Christian missions' 

-Sita Ram Goel

3. The litmus test of love is loss of shame.

4. 🕉 All our secularists should be sent to Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Bangladesh and the like to preach multiculturalism there and the equal validity of all faiths. What are they doing in India whose Sanatan tradition has never violated it nor will ever do so if exclusive religiopolitocal cults learn to keep to their limits and attempt nothing subversive to the Hindu civilisation? 🕉

5. Expose the truths about Islam. Its foundations rendered insecure, its ramparts will fall of their own, for the precipitating factor of natural gravity is ever at work even in the psychological plane of man.

6. The world is still divided into nations, alliances, countercultures and interest blocs. Humanity is yet to be.


The young Narendranath at Kashipur Garden House in open-eyed meditation during Thakur's last illness.

8. Why are we so afraid of death when we openly vouch we are Ramakrishna-Vivekananda devotees? Fear is opposed to devotion. Is it not so? To fight and to die, if need be, must be the principle of the devotee's life, for fearlessness is the test of devotion to the Divine.

9. যে সততা মানুষকে সাহসী করে, সেই সততাই সততা | যে সততা মানুষকে মিনমিন করতে শেখায়, সে সততা সততা নয়, তা কাপুরুষতা |

10. Talent itself is a trap. It consumes one's life and binds one to earthly attainments. Time flies thus, then death seizes.

11. দেখুম, আমরণ দেখুম সিরিয়াল | আমাগো মরতে ভয় নাই , লোডসেডিংএ ভয়, নেট ফুরাইলে ভয় | সিরায়াল দেখুম কেমনে?

12. দেখুম, আমরণ দেখুম সিরিয়াল | আমাগো মরতে ভয় নাই, লোডসেডিংএ ভয়, নেট ফুরাইলে ভয় | সিরায়াল দেখুম কেমনে? হালায়, মরণের পর স্বর্গে তো কিসুই পামু না | সব বোগই (ভোগই) তো মরদের লগে রাখসে | সিরিয়াল পামু তো? নাকি সেথায়ও লিঙ্গবিসার?

13. এক ডিলে (ঢিলে) সার (চার) পাখি মারসি |

14. There is much to read, much to know, much to do to stir up the nation unto its due defence.

15. Pakistan reaping the fruits of its karma despite it, being Islamic, not subscribing scripturally to the Hindu theory which is having a telling effect on its economy today.

16. স্বামীজীর জীবনের বড় দুঃখ ছিল বাঙালীর ভোগসর্বস্বতা |

17. The demographic decline of the Hindus in India and the incline of the Muslims in contrast is developing into a potential clash of civilisations quite like the scene that obtained at the time of India's Partition.

18.  Read Koenraad Elst's 'The Demographic Siege' to understand the impending fate of Hindus in India in the light of Muslim population explosion. 🕉

19. 🕉 Hindus in India will be outnumbered by the Muslims within a century with disastrous consequences to the polity. Counterconversion of Muslims to Hinduism now remains the only way out. 🕉

20. 🕉 Hinduism must go aggressively proselytising if Hindus are not to be mowed down by sheer demographic change in the country. Our numbers are declining. We must proliferate. 🕉

21. 🕉 Convert the Muslims and the Christians to Hinduism just as they do unto us. 🕉

22. 🕉 Build up the pressure of Hinduism on the polity just as the Muslims build up their Islamic pressure by loudspeaker call to Namaaz five times a day. 'Let the lion of the Vedanta roar.' 🕉

23. দেশের স্বার্থ আগে না নিজের নাম করার তাগিদ আগে? ভাববার কথা |

24. 🕉 হিন্দু ! 🕉, the unifying link of all Hindus.

25. মায়ের সন্তান হবে বীর, কাপুরুষ কোন মতেই নয় | মায়ের রুদ্রাণীরূপে হস্তে অস্ত্র আর মায়ের সন্তান কিনা ভীরুর ন্যায় পালাচ্ছে শত্রুকে দেখে?

26. 🕉 গভীর দুঃখে স্বামীজী জীবনের শেষদিনে বলেছিলেন, "এই বিবেকানন্দ যা দিয়ে গেল তা আর একটা বিবেকানন্দ এলে বুঝবে |" স্বামীজীর বাণী অক্ষরে অক্ষরে ফলেছে | অর্থাৎ, আমরা তাঁর ভবিষ্যদ্বাণীকে অভ্রান্ত প্রমাণ করে তাঁর জীবনের মহান আদর্শকে খর্ব করেছি | এরপরও নিষ্কর্মার ন্যায় তাঁর জয়ধ্বনি দিতে এতটুকু কুন্ঠিত বোধ করি না | নির্লজ্জ আমরা -- এত দেখি, এত শুনি, এত বুঝি, তবুও নিজেদের অগ্নিমন্ত্রে দীক্ষিত করি না স্বাধীনতাকামী স্বামীজীর বীর সন্তানেরা একদা যেমন করেছিলেন | নির্লজ্জ আমরা, চরিত্রহীন কাপুরুষ, স্বামীজীর প্রতি ঘোরতর বিশ্বাসঘাতকতা করেছি | আমরা ইন্দ্রিয়াসক্ত, তাই এত ভয়াতুর | আমরা বিষয়মদিরায় অচেতন, তাই বিনাশকালে বিপরীত বুদ্ধিধারী | হুঁশ আমাদের কিছুতেই হয় না | 🕉

27. A tremendous spiritual pressure needs to be borne upon Hindu society that it may be purged of all Abrahamic influence. 🕉

28. 'ত্যাগ ও সেবা' -- স্বামীজীর অমোঘ ভারতোদ্ধার মন্ত্র | ত্যাগ, অর্থাৎ, ক্ষুদ্র স্বার্থ ত্যাগ ও ভূমাকে গ্রহণ, এবং সেবা, অর্থাৎ, ব্রহ্মবীর্যে বলীয়ান ব্রহ্মাবগাহি কর্ম | এতেই জাতীয় শক্তিলাভ, এতেই ব্যষ্টি ও সমষ্টির মুক্তি | 🕉 


🕉 Sanatani Akhandasangha!

🕉 সনাতনী অখণ্ডসঙ্ঘ!

🕉 सनातनी अखण्डसंघ!

30. It is a dashed universe, dashed and discrete. The integrating base is continuous, though. Beneath the gaps lies the solidified basis.

31. The leftists say that the right are the enemy of India. Just the reverse. It is the left that has subverted India's interests thus far.


Saffron on top -- renunciation, the colour of the awakened sun of superconsciousness; white in the middle -- sattva, peace, wisdom, the colour of integration of the seven spectral chromatic bands representing the solidarity of the universe in Brahman; green at the bottom -- vegetation, fertility of flora and fauna, the colour of animate life, of civilisation, of the mean propensity to earthly evolution unto freedom.

33. Do not get seduced by the Islamic Dawa to convert to Islam. Beware of their intentions!

34. 🕉 জাতি হিসেবে আমরা এগোচ্ছি না পেছোচ্ছি তা নির্ভর করছে আমাদের গুণগত মানের ওপর | আমরা সুরশক্তির প্রকাশ করছি না অসুরশক্তির প্রকাশ করছি, তাই বলে দেবে সভ্যতার নিরিখে আমরা উত্থানের পথে না অধঃপতনের পথে | 🕉

35. India must be completely reclaimed by the Sanatan Dharma. This is the foremost enterprise for all of us. Be brave and keep moving in that direction.

36. Be responsible towards India. Love India and use your intellectual acumen to serve her. Study the Sanatan Dharma, popularly called Hinduism, and spread its message through future writings. Be devoted to the cause of the resurrection of Bharatvarsha and the whole of humanity along Vedantic lines.

37. সৎসাহস বলে একটি বৃত্তি আছে যার অভাবে সত্যলাভ হয় না | স্বামীজীর ভাষায়, কাপুরুষের 'ইহকালে দাসত্বভোগ, পরকালে নরকভোগ |"


Read 'Hinduism and Monotheistic Religions' by Ram Swarup (Voice of India Publication). You must if you are a serious Hindu. Impeccable English, deep, delightful read. Exposes many myths, many falsehoods. Delineates doctrinal discrepancies of Abrahamic cults and sympathetic religious institutions. Several chapters on the Ramakrishna Mission's Minority Appeal's Case.

39. Ruthless expansionist, Akbar the Small.

40. Swamiji's words must not be edited and toned down. This is a betrayal of trust, the trust reposed by the great sage.

41. In a crumbling universe exploitation rages high to keep life going. This is the Age of Capital, My Lord!

42. The book is the best idol of God, it being the junction point of thought and matter, the dual element that defines man.

43. Be responsible towards India. Love India and use your intellectual acumen, your spiritual powwr to serve her. Study the Sanatan Dharma, popularly called Hinduism, and spread its message through your writings. Be devoted to the cause of the resurrection of Bharatvarsha and the whole of humanity along Vedantic lines.


My sisters! May your voices sweeten to the Mother's tone! May your lives be moulded along the Mother's mode!

44. Fearlessness is virtue, fear is vice.

45. Forget that you are a body and move on.

46. The power of purity none can understand. But it breaks through the citadels of earthly power and erects the edifice of the gods on earth.

47. Who is the idolator? The one who sees the disembodied Spirit in the embodied casement of Matter or the one who keeps breaking idols and temples housing them for 1400 years running?

48. Mere defence of Hinduism is not enough. Propagation of the Sanatan Dharma is necessary for its survival in a world increasingly being populated by adherents of barbaric ideologies.

49. Hindus have historically kept on fighting among themselves over petty issues and have weakened their polity. Invasions and destruction of our Sanatan culture has been the result. It is time to rethink and forge solidarity among our diverging groups on the basis of the Vedanta. 🕉

50. 🕉 So long you are slave to circumstance you are not free to perceive your spiritual self. Break free. Strike the conditional fetters off and assert your inherent freedom. 🕉

51. 🕉 ব্যষ্টি থেকে সমষ্টি, ব্যক্তি থেকে রাষ্ট্র তথা বিশ্ব -- চিন্তার এই প্রসার প্রয়োজন । সামঞ্জস্য সহজলভ্য নয়, তবু প্রচেষ্টার যোগ্য । 🕉

52. The greatest obstacle Swamiji faced was the inability of his people to comprehend his message in-depth and to translate it into life-giving action. He passed away unable to gather perhaps any who could fully appreciate his views. He lamented to this tune towards the end of his life.

53. Every Indian's labour of love will go to build this beautiful motherland of ours, molested for millenia, yet surviving to light the lamp of civilisation the world over. Aryavarta arises from the womb of her near-forgotten past. 🕉 

54. Kashmir will be reclaimed by the Sanatan Dharma. Swamiji had two of his greatest experiences there. Kshir Bhavani and Amarnath arise in luminous memory. 🕉

55. Feudalism has been replaced by capitalism and there has been socialism too. But through all this runs imperialism as the underlying feature. Greed for gain and hunger for power, to dominate and to dictate terms remain the central vices that afflict man even today. 

56. One life or many lives? Which philosophical standpoint is true -- that of Judaism, Christianity and Islam which vouch for one life or the Sanatan Dharma, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism which aver multiple lives?

57. People talk of Sufism as mystical Islam. But Sufism in many ways goes against the basic tenets of Islam and in classical terms is considered unIslamic.

58. আমাদের দেশের একটি বৈশিষ্ট্য এই যে আমারা সহজেই একে অপরকে দমিয়ে দি । এটি কিন্তু দাস জাতির মনোভাব, স্বাধীন জাতির নয় । সকলকে উৎসাহিত করুন । এই উৎসাহের মধ্যেই নিহিত দেশের প্রগতি । আত্মশক্তির বর্ধন হয় সামগ্রিক উৎসাহ প্রদানে । সহানুভূতির দ্বারাই সম্মিলিত শক্তি জাগ্রত হয়, দেশের সার্বিক উন্নতি সাধিত হয় । তাই একে অপরকে খর্ব করবেন না, উন্নতির পথে অগ্রসর হতে সহায়তা করুন ।

59. Hindus say Islam is true and Muslims say Hinduism is false. Ganga-Jamni tehzeeb!

60. Why only blame the communists for destroying the fortunes of West Bengal, assuming they did do it? Blame the bulk of the Bengalis as well who voted them consistently to power with overwhelming majority for 34 years.

61. Muslims on the one hand in public call the Hindus 'hamara Hindu bhaiyon' (our Hindu brothers) and within closed quarters or in community scripturally address them as 'najis kafir' (unclean infidel). What a double standard! What a deception! What hypocrisy! What a betrayal of trust! What a solid foundation for harbouring genuine fraternal feelings for the Hindus!

62. 🕉 To me a Galileo who could dare the Catholic Church and present the heretical 'Heliocentric Theory' of Copernicus is far greater than a modern monk of great erudition who compromises with Abrahamic untruth and preaches pretentious 'Harmony of Religions'. 🕉

63. Introduction of Sanskrit in school and college curricula could revolutionise our education system and consistently produce intellectual giants as in the past throughout Bharatvarsha's glorious history.

64. India is growing wealthier day by day alright but the economic exploitation of the middle classes and the poor masses is increasing by the day as well. Whither progress then?

65. Our country was beautiful once. We must make it beautiful again. Let us keep our temples spotless clean to begin with.

66. The Jizya was imposed on the Hindu subjects by the Sultans of Delhi. If they wished a reprieve, they could convert to Islam. This was a crafty way of compelling conversion.

67. 🕉Convert to Islam or Christianity from Hinduism for what? Truth? God? Philosophy? Well, Hinduism has these in infinitely greater measure than Islam or Christianity. So, why convert? Islamic clerics and Christian priests, ponder before attempting the perversion of innocent Hindus to your proselytising cults.🕉

68. এটা কি একটা সমাজ যেখানে বেঁচে থাকা এত ব্যয়বহুল?

69. কে আর ভগবানকে চায়? এখন ভোগই ভগবান |

70. 'টাকা মাটি, মাটি টাকা' কি তাহলে সংঘগতভাবে শেষ?

71. একটা বড় অসুখ করল তো সারা জীবনের সঞ্চয় শেষ | জীবনসায়াহ্নে কত মধ্যবিত্ত মানুষই না নিদারুণ অর্থকষ্টের স্বীকার |

72. 🕉 Hinduism is on the rise once again. Swamiji's words are being fulfilled. The world will be flooded by the rising tide of spirituality emanating from the banks of the Ganga. 🕉

73. 'And what your right hand possesses.' Dangerous Islamic decree that has historically enslaved kafir women and forced Jauhar on Rajput royalty.

74. Not many are aware that Babur was born on Valentine's Day.

75. 'Myself last, the world first' was Swamiji's dictum unto us.

76. When force and ignorance combine, barbarism results.

77. Proper punctuation has become redundant in online writing. Carelessness abounds as ignorance proliferates with exploding population and democratic means of attaining self-expression through social media.

78. Christianity like Islam spread by the sword. They have historically been siblings in spiritual brutality.

79. Drubbing complete. Aussies found fumbling yet again. High win for India by an innings. Ashwin triumphs to set the seal. First Test Match at Nagpur, 9-11 February, 2023, match over on third afternoon. Scorecard: Australia 177 & 91, India 400; India won by an innings and 132 runs. Ravichandran Ashwin 3 & 5 wickets in the two innings. 31st 5 wicket haul in an innings.

80. Spontaneous good behaviour is spirituality. Conscious restraint of bad behaviour to be in the good books of the polity is politics.

81. I am obligated in my quest for truth not to believe in anything where reason does not lead me. Crude credulity does not become the seeker of truth even as rude rejection of anything incomprehensible at this moment does not bespeak for real rationality. An illumined reason, a suspended judgement and a probing scepticism must guard the advance charge for truth. And this is the way knowledge on a secure foundation advances.

82. Why do Indian Muslims not feel aggrieved about the fact that most of their forebears were forcefully converted from Hinduism and Buddhism primarily to Islam? Why do they defend the Islamic invaders who desecrated the places of worship of their ancestors? 🕉

83. In a sinking world of dreadful dreams Lord Thou art our only support.

84. Animal sacrifice to appease God is an archaic practice that ought to be given up.

85. Future incarnations of God will as yet arise who will give fuller expression to the divinity of Man and approximate the polar ideals.

86. Ought we to accept the Abrahamic Christ of flawed proportions or the perfected Christ of our Indian visions or reject both?

86. Imagination lends perfection to flawed reality even as Reality fires imagination of the ideal state.

87. উত্থানের উপায় আছে - নির্মোহ দৃষ্টিতে নিরাসক্ত কর্মসম্পাদন | এরই নাম কর্মযোগ, গীতার জীবনসিদ্ধান্ত |

88. From the reader-response to posts on Facebook one can gauge the intelligence quotient and originality of the average run of humanity here. Rather a distressing scene.

89. When householders speak on Thakur-Swamiji, one of two attributes are in evidence - false humility or open egotism. The monastic manages to strike the right balance of strength and self-effacement.

90. The great thing about great people is that they are independent. Self-reliant, they lean on none. They are themselves their sole support. The attainment of this independence is the goal of the Vedanta. It is the endpoint of all evolution, the final repose of the conflicting forces of Nature in relative tussle for equilibrium in the elusive mean. This independence we must aim for and arrive at by our toil and labour, by our aspirations fulfilled and foiled till desires be no more that can hold us in 'captive bounds'. Swamiji used to say, "Independence is bliss, dependence misery." 🕉 

91. The Bodyline Series had proved the fabled British fairplay, the defining feature of their colonialism the world over.

92. Solitude is the bliss of the spiritual soul. Alone in life and in death alone abides the conscious being till in the vast beyond it merges.

93. The British showed their true character in the 1932-33 Bodyline Series down under. Everything British about it!

94. The Muslim invader Bakhtiyar Khilji destroyed Nalanda University which was the premier seat of learning in the world for centuries. We need to rebuild this academic institution to its former glory.

95. Nobody speaks the truth about Islam eventhough they all vouch publicly for truth in the name of Vedanta.

96. Theological training that is aimed at dividing the polity into believers and infidels runs counter to national integration.

97. From racial arrogance to surface civility, the British have evolved in treatment of the adversary, but underneath is Bodyline still.

98. I detest such people who have not their spines straight.

99. This is the age of self-advertisement, each one beating his/her own drum and trying for a bit of appreciation in the eyes of others.



আহা !

চারিদিকে কুহুতান,

জীবনের গান,

সঙ্গীত স্রোতস্বিনীর ন্যায় ভেসে আসে |



Sometimes I despair about the fate of Bengali Hindus when I find such materialism abounding in them that masquerades as superior secularism, such abject cowardice and easy capitulation before roguish, fanatical roadside strength, such an apathy to the study of their own danger from growing Islamisation of West Bengal and, overall, such antipathy towards the welfare of the Hindu civilisation and culture of Bharatvarsha. My posts, unceasing in warning my co-religionists about the impending Islamic danger that faces us in the wake of shifting demography, either go unattended or evoke crude comments by communists who are a legion in West Bengal. This is regrettable and perhaps answers why two-thirds of the entire mass of Bengalis [Bangladesh included] have converted to Islam. Not a bit of moral fibre left, no trace of civilisational rootedness, just frivolous preoccupation with life's levity. Shameful! 🕉

Written by Sugata Bose



For our defence against ever-increasing Islamic inroads into the Indian polity, we, Hindus, must open powerful think-tanks everywhere to study Islam and the challenge it poses us. We must never forget our horrific experience of 1300 years at the hands of invasive Islam culminating in Partition and continuing ever since in the form of four Indo-Pak wars, unnumbered terror attacks, cross-border armed aggression, local riots, arson, rape, vandalism and conversion using the nefarious system of Dawa. America and Europe are likewise threatened by the influx of Islam but they are fighting it ideologically with programmes of the study of Islam. Our problem in this regard is far worse, especially in states like Jammu and Kashmir, Assam, West Bengal, Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra, and yet we are not upto the mark in the careful study of Islam. It is time we set some of our best minds to studying Arabic, Persian and Urdu along with Sanskrit and English to decode Islam's political doctrine, for Islam is essentially a political system which we fail to realise and in our folly classify it as a religion at par with our Indian dharma traditions.

'Knowledge is power', as the old adage goes, and with dawning knowledge about Islam and the due propagation of information about it among the polity, we may hope to combat the impending danger from it whose evidence we copiously find in our own history and in world history, and of whose track record of suppression and oppression of the non-believer [kafir] we find everyday evidence in neighbouring Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh, and in the Muslim-dominant state of Jammu and Kashmir, not to mention West Bengal,  Kerala, Assam and the rest where sporadic violence breaks out to this effect, leave aside the gory tale of global terrorism. So, to reiterate, we, Hindus, need to seriously study Islam if they are to survive the civilisational challenge it poses us. 🕉 

Written by Sugata Bose

Sunday, 29 January 2023



🕉 The children of Ramakrishna, brought here from a world afar to regenerate this earthly realm of ours. These veritably were the Gods whose worship narrow monotheism deems as polytheism. Folly it is for them to misconstrue so the real nature of Hinduism, the graded progression of the Spirit from manifold phenomena to the transcendent unnumbered Reality.

Dualism [Dvaitavaad], Qualified Non-dualism [Vishishtadvaitavaad] and Non-dualism [Advaitavaad] -- these are the three stages of spiritual evolution which define Hinduism. The crude tribal monotheism of Abrahamic religions which is cited to denigrate the grand philosophy of the Sanatan Dharma [Hinduism] stands in stark contrast to it and may be roughly fitted into the very lowest level of the dualistic phase of Hinduism if at all such accommodation ought to be made considering the exclusive, violent and antithetical nature of these three Semitic  cults which are man-made religiopolitocal orders of a negarious kind as opposed to their so-called Pagan counterpart obtaining in Hind. 🕉 

Written by Sugata Bose

🕉 HINDUS, AWAKE ! ... 6

🕉 HINDUS, AWAKE ! ... 6

Martial training is necessary for the urban Hindus who are becoming increasingly effeminate on account of the growing influence of advertising and entertainment culture. Here you witness the INA girls wielding weapons while you all unashamedly sing and dance and indulge in all sorts of debilitating profanities even as the collective body of the Hindus sinks unto the netherworld where, in the words of your ideological opponents, fire and more fire await them unto eternity. A sleeping soul wakes up when its hour of rest is over but does a pretentious person or polity ever wake up till doom strikes it unto perdition? I await your response, though, perhaps in vain for the aforesaid reason. 🕉

Written by Sugata Bose

Saturday, 28 January 2023

🕉 ভাববার বিষয়

🕉 ভাববার বিষয়


সন্ন্যাসীর অমায়িক বচনে ঠাকুর-স্বামীজীর ভাব যেমন পরিস্ফুট হয়, তেমনটি তো গৃহীদের মুখে হতে দেখি না | হওয়া সম্ভব তখনই যখন মানযশাকাঙ্ক্ষা ত্যাগ করে বিনম্রচিত্তে অথচ বলিষ্ঠভাবে কথা বলতে শিখবেন মানুষ | "বিনয়," রবীন্দ্রনাথ বলেছেন, "একটি অভাবাত্মক গুণ | উহাকে প্রকাশ করিলেই অহঙ্কারকে প্রকাশ করা হয় |" সন্ন্যাসীর সাধনলব্ধ বিনয় স্বাভাবিক, সম্মুখজনের উদ্দেশ্যে প্রেরিত কৃত্তিম ভাবাভিনয় নয় | তাই বৈরাগ্যে প্রতিষ্ঠিত অন্তর্মুখীন সাধুজনের শ্রীমুখেই ঠাকুর-স্বামীজীর কথা মানায়, বাকপটু, আত্মপ্রচারনিষ্ঠ, আত্মম্ভরী, ক্ষীণবীর্য গৃহীর মুখে অনুরূপভাবে শোভা পায় না | অখণ্ড পবিত্রতায় প্রতিষ্ঠিত না হলে যথাযথভাবে ঠাকুর-স্বামীজীর ভাবপ্রচার সম্ভব নয় | এ প্রচেষ্টা ব্যর্থ হতে বাধ্য | তাই আত্মজ্ঞানের নিমিত্ত সর্বত্যাগীর মুখেই শ্রীভগবানের বিশুদ্ধ বাণী শ্রতিমধুর লাগে, সংসারকলঙ্কে নিমজ্জিত শতদুষ্ট গৃহীর মুখে তা শ্রতিকটু লাগে | 🕉 

রচয়িতা : সুগত বসু (Sugata Bose)

Friday, 27 January 2023



Hindu activists today are extremely shallow in their knowledge and pretentious in their manners, levity characterising their demeanour overly that does not inspire confidence in their motivations even if what they utter has some surface truth in it. Deeper knowledge about Islam will reveal its real intentions and make kafirs better aware of thd terrible dangers approximating on them with every passing hour altering local and global demography to increase the probability of their impending annihilation. It is a culture war, a 'clash of civilisations' [Refer Girilal Jain (1988) and later Samuel P. Huntington (1996)] that confronts the kafirs which they must tide over, and that requires utmost seriousness of approach, not frivolous disposition as we are wont to witnessing so often. May the Hindus 🕉 become fully aware of the dark days ahead that needs must descend upon them due to this demographic change and the global Islamic agenda! Never forget the Hadees which prophesies Ghazva-e-Hind. 🕉

Written by Sugata Bose 

Comments : 

By Surajit Dasgupta @Sugata Bose [Refer YouTube - Sangam Talks] : Glad to come to know of you from your comment on my Sangam Talks video.

By Sugata Bose @Surajit Dasgupta [Refer YouTube - Sangam Talks] : Happy to be in communication. All strength to your work of awakening mass consciousness about the terrible dangers that confront us as a community, culture and civilisation whose earlier history in gory terms our forefathers have already witnessed and suffered and whose legacy we must not bear in ostrich terms or in alignment with the Stockholm Syndrome but must alter along the grain of our earliest heritage dating so many millenia back that history dares not peep at it. 🕉



🕉 We have to build up a well-oiled Hindu think tank to wage effective ideological war against the proselytising Abrahamic cults, Islam and Christianity. In today's sophisticated internet age the war has to be won in the ideological plane. Christian evangelists are well-versed with the basic Hindu scriptures, not so much, though, the Islamic clerics. We, Hindus, are, however, woefully underprepared in this regard. Our knowledge of Christian and Islamic theology is generally poor. Here we have work at hand if we are to successfully debate with our proselytising adversaries. To that end we need enthusiasts who will devote themselves for a protracted period of time to gain mastery of the Islamic and Christian scriptures. Join me in this holy cause, the defence of the dharma. 🕉

Written by Sugata Bose

Photo: left - Ram Swarup; right - Sita Ram Goel.

Thursday, 26 January 2023

🕉 HINDUS, AWAKE ! ... 5

🕉 HINDUS, AWAKE ! ... 5

If Hindus are to survive, they must go martial. The kshatriya spirit alone can save. This is what Swamiji by implication had prophesied would eventually be adopted by the slumbering Hindu polity [the inhabitants of Hindustan], 'Vedanta brain and Islam body', after the Hindus had suffered much 'chaos and conflict'. Vedanta would harmonise the Hindu sects, reHinduise those perverted from the Mother Faith to alien cults and bring about Hindu solidarity which was the Islam body that had been alluded to by Swamiji.

🕉 While reading 'The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda', I seriously suggest that you supplement your read with Sita Ram Goel and Ram Swarup ['Voice of India' Publication]. Only then will you understand what Swamiji meant in many of his lectures when he warned the Hindus about the existential threats that they as a race faced. If you do not read Goel and Swarup, it will be, O Hindu, to your own peril. Therefore, heed this advice and move on. Wake up before it is too late!

🕉 You cannot hope to live in your comfort zone of cowardly piety and hope that Abrahamic persecution on you will stop. They will continue with their perfidious agenda till Hindu civilisation and their perceived idolatrous, polytheistic dharma have been uprooted from the face of this earth. I ask you, my Hindu brethren, "Will you allow yourself such a laxity that annihilates you before long or will you start thinking, reading and reflecting on the existential threat that faces you as a race?" All is not lost as yet. Wake up, wake up, I say, and act in self-defence. It is an ideological war that has to be won against these two inimical Abrahamic political cults, Islam and Christianity, that are theologically motivated to destroy the Sanatan Dharma and its adherents. Therefore, become serious students of these two Semitic cults and combat them aggressively in the thought-field point to point. This is the modern warfare that you must wage and win.

Vande Mataram! 🕉 

Written by Sugata Bose

Tuesday, 24 January 2023



Read Ram Swarup and Sita Ram Goel [Voice of India Publication] if you care to know about the dangers that Hindus face from proselytising Christianity and Islam, and how they may avert their prospective annihilation as a spiritual culture at the hands of these two perfidious political ideologies masquerading as religions. 

Hindus for over a millennium have remained largely ignorant about Islam in especial and have paid a heavy price for it. It is time that they wake up and start reading the scriptural texts of Islam as well as the interpretations of these texts by these two brilliant Hindu nationalists so that they may avert the coming catastrophe in the wake of ever-shifting Hindu-Muslim demographic balance. Ram Swarup and Sita Ram Goel's books will be an eye-opener for you all and help gear you up for the defence of the Hindu society which ought to be the concern of every sincere Hindu.

The 'Voice of India' started by Ram Swarup and Sita Ram Goel themselves is an excellent publishing house and its publications are all in high quality paper, the print immaculate and the paperback cover exquisite. The books are of such high quality and, yet, they are so cheaply priced as to make them easily affordable that they  provide an exemplary contrast to what other publishers are doing in the same business. Once the books reach you, dear reader, they will become your collector's items by their very external appearance itself. And when you have read the substance within, you will emerge enlightened about the deep dangers Hindus face today from Islam and Christianity which are ceaselessly preying on the gullible Hindus.

It is an existential threat that Hindus face today and it is high time that they educate themselves by reading the works of these two seminal scholars who are intellectuals of the first order, ardent nationalists and articulate observers of the perilous situation confronting the Hindus. The language of the books is excellent, the literary presentation of a high order and, yet, the text highly readable. The educative value of the books is immense, literally critical to the survival of the Hindus in the foreseeable future. Therefore, do buy the books one after the other and read them. That itself will be a patriotic act, one that will make you rethink about these political systems and respond in a rightful manner. 🕉 

Written by Sugata Bose

Photo, courtesy, Internet: left, Ram Swarup; right, Sita Ram Goel.



Islam is opposed to democracy. It mandates the dictatorship of Allah as the only way of submissive living on earth where submission is to the one and only God [Allah] who is the greatest and who allows no partners in offered worship. This earth after all belongs to Allah, the creator of all, and, hence, only His divine law as enshrined in the Sharia must have sway over all of humanity. The Sunnah of the Prophet is the earthly guide in human affairs, the Hadees and the Sira offering solution to problems pertaining to life and death. The Qur'an is the absolute and inviolable Word of God as revealed to Muhammad by the Angel Gabriel [Farishta Gibreel]. The trilogy of the Qur'an, the Hadees and the Sira form the core scriptural text of Islam whose dictates are binding on all Muslims. There is no question of the submitted Momin to deny it and establish a human democracy based on man-made laws. Thus, Constitutional democracy is not permitted as per Islamic tenets and is anathema to the genuine Muslim of original scriptural intent.

Islam divides the world into two major sections: Dar-ul-Islam [land under Islamic law] and Dar-u-Harb [land under non-Islamic law]. It is binding on every Muslim to do jihad [holy war] to convert Dar-u-Harb to Dar-ul-Islam.

The Dawa is the individual as well as institutional invitation to join the fold of Islam [Umma]. It is mandatory on every Musalmaan to extend the Kafir this Dawa. After all, as per Allah and His Rasool, all Kafirs are headed to Hell and must be saved by converting them to Islam. Thus, you will find ordinary Muslims needlessly talking to you about the glories of Islam, thereby gradually processing your brain to accepting Islam at a future date. If a Momin can convert a Kafir to Islam, the probability of his/her passage to Jannat [Islamic Heaven of infinite sensual delight] is much enhanced, for Allah is most merciful on such devout Muslims who propagate His cause of earthly dominance.

This being the general attitude of the Muslims as per Islam's scriptural dictates, dictatorship and not democracy defines Islam and Muslims. Their preoccupation is with the Deen which they are mandated to abide by to enter Jannat and escape Jahannum on the Day of Judgement. Their only mission in life is to pass the Test of Allah that is being conducted here on earth for which they do everything that the Deen dictates. Dictatorship is thus the norm for the Momin and democracy a human perversion of law which is erroneous and, thus, not worth aspiring for or abiding by. How can true Muslims -- most are Munafik [insincere and partial adherents of the Deen] -- therefore obey Constitutional laws except in pretence or perforce when they cannot help it, being in a minority and with no power to seize control of the state machinery? The moment they are in the majority or in power even as a significant minority, they are duty-bound by Allah and His Rasool to establish the Sharia state where the former through their eathly agents [Khalifa, Ayatolla, Badshah et al] will rule with an iron hand, crushing all opposition to divinely decreed mandate.

Throughout the western democratic world we thus see Islamic revolutionary groups clamouring for imposition of the Sharia with the moderate Munafik maintaining a studied silence as if by passive acceptance of what is their destiny by faith. These Islamists, to put it euphemistically, wish to destroy democracy and replace it with the Sharia. But why blame them? They are being true to their Deen, to their Allah and His Messenger. Are they not? This today is a major civilisational clash, to quote the Harvard professor, Samuel P. Huntington. Whither are we headed? 🕉 

Written by Sugata Bose



These Bengali braahman atheists of degenerate character and conviction are a curse on India, these communists who constantly carp, criticise and spread calumny on India's hoary spiritual tradition, these subversive forces who are patently anti-Hindu and in consequence anti-India. Their alien ideological allegiance to Marxist material thinking of a degenerate derivation even does not do Marxism due justice. They never speak against the perfidies perpetrated by the proselytising Abrahamic religions but with impunity cast every aspersion that comes to mind on the Sanatan Dharma in order to undermine it and its billion plus Sanatani polity. These are the real enemies within who are ever engaged in eroding the superstructure of the Sanatan Dharma to replace it with their roguish communist cult whose track record of barbaric butchery of the masses the world over, humanity has witnessed for over a century.

It is a shame that these Bengali braahmans -- not all but so many -- have sunk to such despicable depths of material corruption that they have forgotten their ancestral heritage of Sanskrit learning, erudition that had preserved the Sanatan tradition through those dark days of Islamic invasion and Euro-Christian occupation. That they today indiscriminately keep vilifying Hindu practices and even the Hindu philosophy while keeping a mum over Islamic and Christian proselytising malpractices, their exclusive violent scriptural tenets, their cunning and craft, deceit and inducement used in conversion, and the open aggression of the easily angered Muslims on the streets of India threatening bloody vengeance for perceived blasphemy by the kafir Hindu is proof of their [the Bengali braahmans'] prejudice, their monumental ignorance of these theological systems [Islam and Christianity] and their surface reading of the prevailing situation that is threatening to disintegrate India, a repetition of the Partition we have already endured to a bloody effect. [Refer: Kashmir, West Bengal and Kerala]

When these malicious Marxists come onto my page and pose questions purely in pursuit of their perfidious agenda of shaming the Hindus, questions to which I have earlier supplied satisfactory detailed answers repeatedly, I find that they have a veritable factory of comrades-in-arms who ceaselessly flock to posit the same questions over and over again despite the answers to their queries being easily available in 'The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda' which they either will not study or, even if they do, refuse to understand, pinning their faith rather in the German political philosopher of profound thinking and pronounced practical failure wherever communism has ruled. These Bengalis of divorced heritage neither know their ancestral dharma nor their adopted alien philosophy well enough to know why Sanatanis like us can yet bear profound respect for Marx while remaining true to our dharma tradition. Here lies the absorbing, assimilating essence of the Sanatan Dharma which stresses the divinity of all sentience and, hence, not only cannot bear ill-will to any human personality of massive or meager measure but also has the magnanimity to absorb and assimilate whatever good there be in any thought system anywhere in the world. This, my Bengali braahman brother, is civilisation, culture, dharma to which you are heir but through the cover of material corruption have lost track of, for oblivion comes fast to the desire-laden dusty mind, amnesia being endemic in a self-betrayed populace. Hence, stop vilifying Hinduism and the Hindus, and forthwith start your preparations for returning to your ancestral faithfold. Become a prodigal son thereby in true intent. 🕉 

Written by Sugata Bose



[Text] ... 1.1

🕉 धृतराष्ट्र उवाच ।

धर्मक्षेत्रे कुरुक्षेत्रे समवेता युयुत्सवः ।

मामकाः पाण्डवाश्चैव किमकुर्वत सञ्जय ॥ १-१॥

dhṛtarāṣṭra uvāca

dharmakṣetre kurukṣetre samavetā yuyutsavaḥ

māmakāḥ pāṇḍavāścaiva kimakurvata sañjaya

Having assembled on the field of righteousness, on the field of the Kurus, eager for battle, what did my own ones and the sons of Pandu actually do, O Sanjaya?



The Kurukṣetra is the field of war where all the forces of good and evil operating in the political sphere of ancient Bharatvarsha of the times have assembled to exert their powers and perpetuate their influence. It is also the field of righteousness where Dharma seeks to establish itself through the divine incarnation Shree Krishna, verily God Himself. Krishna has earlier destroyed demons and dastardly despots but here a bigger challenge poses itself, the annihilation en masse of the consolidated evil of India. Upon it depends the future of India and of the world for it is a seminal moment in history when the synthetic wisdom of age-old India must be delivered and sustained for the future preservation of the world. The hour is ripe for the fulfilment of the Vedas when a harmony of the erstwhile apparently discordant notes of the Sanatan Dharma will be struck by the Lord Himself in incarnate human form.

The Kurukṣetra has historically been holy as the site where gods and goddesses have had their sacrificial rites offered them. And it is here that this war is being fought to further that tradition.

Swami Gambhirananda writes, "In the Jaabaala Upanishad it is said: 'Kurukṣetra is for the gods the resort of the gods; and for all the creatures it is the abode of Brahman, place of liberation, salvation.' In the Satapatha Braahmana, too, we have: 'Kurukṣetra is indeed the place of sacrifice to the gods.' "

Dhritarashtra [holder of the state] was born blind. Thus, though in terms of seniority of age he ought to have been heir apparent to the throne of the Kurus, he was denied kingship on account of his visual handicap and younger brother Pandu was crowned king in the fullness of time. This became the seed of dissension in the family which eventually evolved into the fratricidal war on the field of Kurukṣetra.

Dhritarashtra kept nursing his sense of deprivation while Pandu reigned. But upon Pandu's untimely death sovereignty fell on him for the interim period till Yudhishthhir, the eldest son of Pandu, came of age. However, when the hour arrived, a feudal feud broke out between the rival claimants to the throne, Yudhishthhir and Duryodhan, the latter who was Dhritarashtra's eldest son, plotting to deny the eldest Pandava his legitimate right to the throne. A truce was made by partitioning the kingdom between the rival claimants and peace reigned for a while before the wily Shakuni, maternal uncle to the Kauravas, plotted in a game of dice to deprive the Pandavas of their kingdom and saw to their exile in the forest. When the stipulated term of twelve years in exile and a thirteenth year incognito was over, Duryodhan refused to hand over even a needle-point bit of land to the Pandavas. When Shree Krishna's mission as mediator for peace failed, war became inevitable.

Dhritarashtra's long-nursed and failed ambition now got hold of son Duryodhan who brought a calamitous course upon the family and the entire nation. His eagerness for war got the better of his sanity and precipitated upon Aryavarta a peril from which there was no escape. The warriors were assembled at Kurukṣetra awaiting their fatal end and, yet, father and son both remained impervious to any sense of sanity. Dhritarashtra was in point of fact fearful lest the war was called off at the last moment and his long-nursed dream of being sovereign ruler of the Kuru clan, now vicariously through his son, was not realised. This sense of egocentricity is evident in the first shloka itself. 

Dhritarashtra asks Sanjay anxiously as to what his own ones (sons) and the sons of Pandu are doing on the battlefield. 'Own ones' -- mark the words, the sense of 'me' and 'mine' even in this hour of dire distress. This sense of bodycentric, egocentric identification with Duryodhan and company as opposed to the relatively distant relation with the Pandavas creates the dualistic tension that leads to war in the eventual sense. So it does here. 

Dhritarashtra, blind as he is in his physical eyes, is blind as well in his psychological and spiritual eyes. His flawed judgement, his partial administrative conduct and his indiscriminate love for his wicked sons to the detriment of his subjects form the motive-force for the gruesome developments in the making. From ego-centricism to edge of sword is but a hair's breadth often in consequential terms even as breath separates the living from the dead on the battlefield by not more than a moment so often. 🕉

Written by Sugata Bose

Sunday, 22 January 2023



Today is a fighter's birthday, that of the premier patriot of our motherland who took up arms against the British. Are we capable of paying due homage to his memory, to 'our dear motherland' [Netaji's emotionally charged expression] by taking up the defence of the Dharma in a like manner, in the spirit of the kshatriya? Or are we going to appease our patriotic appetite by offering flimsy tributes only, verbal adulation of no consequence to the averting of impending national danger from internal and external enemy? Beware! There are sinister forces at work that are slowly but surely subverting the democratic fabric of our country and attempting through time-tested methods to transform it into an alien theocratic state of 'divine' dictatorship, a dark perversion of deserted times. [pun intended]

When Swamiji was once interviewed by the Press and asked about his objective, he had promptly replied, ''To make Hinduism aggressive." Are we willing to aggressively defend our culture, our civilisation, our religion, the threefold composite of which is called the Dharma, or are we going to passively allow the takeover of our truncated motherland yet again by seventh century desert forces now operating with legal immunity within the heart of India? Where lies our devotion, our national and civilisational duty -- in passive piety and in futile fraternity with fissiparous forces or in aggressive defence of all that we for over ten millenia have held close to our bosom as dear and integral to our very existence? 

This is pertinent today as we engage in infertile emotional effusion by way of offering copious birthday tribute yet again while our civilisational imperatives lie in tatters at the hands of proselytising political cults that are singularly focused on age-old India's utter destruction.

Vande Mataram! Alas, even that had to be replaced with 'Jai Hind' at the insistence of invidious forces! 🕉 

Written by Sugata Bose