You cannot cut out history from your unfolding tale. It will be your lifeline in times of crisis.Give each one his due and with a common front move on. This is the grand narrative of your nation, its good as well as its ills. History must not be denied, else, it will have its vengeance for sure.
There is a message here and it is this : truth must prevail, not falsehood; culture must include all, not obliterate any. There is a grave danger in exclusive ideology or in a specific set course, narrow and unnatural, full of predetermined notions of little men. The broader the vision, the more democratic the discourse, the wider will be its appeal, the deeper its resonance in the essential humanity of a people striving to discover its roots in the past while surging ahead into the unknown terrain of the future wherein lies the destiny of a nation.
So, let light form the past of our motherland stream in to illumine our national progression even as we see to it that it is not a truncated vision of the aeons gone by. Let us march on into the future with a solidarity born of the experience of the oneness of our people rooted deep in essential humanity, rational and spiritual and not culturally coloured by historical episodes, abrupt and transient, even though they be of duration of centuries. The realisation that the people of this nation are one, of a common stock, however internally diverse in distribution they may be, will forge human bonds in an emerging atmosphere of enlightened democracy with education, scientific and rational, holding ground against irrational credos and uniting the citizenry into conjoint constructive creative endeavour of nation-building and social evolution. May such a mood of national welfare, such an aspiration for the commonweal inspire our countrymen into affirmative action as we extend our horizons with every footstep into the future that beckons us with its deepest appeal! Jai Hind!
There is a message here and it is this : truth must prevail, not falsehood; culture must include all, not obliterate any. There is a grave danger in exclusive ideology or in a specific set course, narrow and unnatural, full of predetermined notions of little men. The broader the vision, the more democratic the discourse, the wider will be its appeal, the deeper its resonance in the essential humanity of a people striving to discover its roots in the past while surging ahead into the unknown terrain of the future wherein lies the destiny of a nation.
So, let light form the past of our motherland stream in to illumine our national progression even as we see to it that it is not a truncated vision of the aeons gone by. Let us march on into the future with a solidarity born of the experience of the oneness of our people rooted deep in essential humanity, rational and spiritual and not culturally coloured by historical episodes, abrupt and transient, even though they be of duration of centuries. The realisation that the people of this nation are one, of a common stock, however internally diverse in distribution they may be, will forge human bonds in an emerging atmosphere of enlightened democracy with education, scientific and rational, holding ground against irrational credos and uniting the citizenry into conjoint constructive creative endeavour of nation-building and social evolution. May such a mood of national welfare, such an aspiration for the commonweal inspire our countrymen into affirmative action as we extend our horizons with every footstep into the future that beckons us with its deepest appeal! Jai Hind!
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