Tuesday 19 December 2017


The essence of Hinduism was exemplified in the life of Sri Ramakrishna and needs to be constantly reflected on to avoid dangerous digressions. Ramakrishna was the Sanatan Dharma embodied and his life was the commentary on the Vedas, according to his principal protégé, Swami Vivekananda. If sanity prevails, we are able to see into the truth of this profound utterance of the Swami and so strike our roots in the pristine principles of the Vedas without compromising on its essence for political or material gains. Our heritage is not to be tampered with by alien aggression or homegrown subversion, by foreign proselytisation or indigenous fraudulence. We must revert to Ramakrishna if we are in doubt about our spiritual bearings and seek guidance in the lectures and written works of Vivekananda rather than resort to seeking refuge at the feet of fake Gurus who are mercenaries masquerading as messiahs.

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