Tuesday, 5 December 2017


1. Divinity is manifesting itself though conflict and chaos as the world rides through its vicissitudes to a semblance of order.

2. There is a great power in each one of thee. Come ye, awake, slumbering souls, for the world awaits thy arrival.

3. Israel must be befriended for the Jewish people are a highly intelligent race and will prove to be most powerful allies.

4. The hardliner is not necessarily one who is an extreme terrorist. He may equally be one who will not compromise on national interest.

5. A hardliner is not necessarily fanatical in his approach to issues. He may be just uncompromising in his adherence to principles.

6. India must heed Netanyahu's message and learn from Israel how to deal with the enemy that is bent upon destroying her.

7. Evil has to be fought everywhere. Liberalism is good but liberals must not buy into the lies of extremists who hoodwink them.

8. We must be as vigilant as this big cat (the tiger) in keeping our national sovereignty secure.

9. We must not prey on our own people, for they are our flesh and blood, our source and sustenance, our sum and substance of national living.

10. Invaders have marauded, ravaged, despoiled and conquered our motherland due to negligence on our part. May we never allow it again!

11. We ought to learn from history that our own weakness brought the bacillus of invasion to our land. We have suffered for it.

12. If the West accepts the liberating message of Hinduism, it will be able to save itself from the cultural invasion threatening it.

13. The INA Memorial at Singapore was blasted by Mountbatten in 1945. In 1979 the IRA blew Mountbatten off while aboard fishing. Karma!

14. We should be cosmopolitan in our outlook, culturally rooted, not culturally curbed.

15. We have to strive for solidarity within to combat the enemy without. A weakened polity can scarce ward off elemental evils.

16. 4.3 million Bengalees were starved to death by the Bengal Famine of 1943 engineered by Churchill's anti-India policies. Forgotten?

17. Forget we must never nor forgive what the British have done to us till we are once more one, the undivided India we ever were.

18. Ancient ingenuity and modern ingenuity crisscrossing at right angles but ought not to be conflicting in any way.

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