Tuesday 5 December 2017


The fiasco over my identity continues. This time it is a young man, a student whose name for his honour's sake I am not revealing, who has made the error and humbly asked me this unintended insulting question as to why I am preaching the life and message of Swamiji and Netaji, a very honourable act for sure in his opinion, but hiding my identity behind the name of Sugata Bose. I wonder if my parents had made a mistake in naming me Sugata Bose. Also I wonder how shallow human beings can be that they do not even bother to check up on the relative differences of the faces of two individuals bearing the same name or have the ability to distinguish between their distinctive facial features. I regret to say that our countrymen will have to make a lot of progress in social ethics before we may feel proud of our public demeanour. I have been the recipient of both abuse and adulation because of this continuing misapprehension of my identity for which I am in no way responsible. I rest my case here, not at all hoping that things will thereby improve, for they have not till date despite my repeated remonstrances. Jai Hind!

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