This world is run by a higher power which has been active since the beginning of space-time and, as such, does not need human determination for its destiny to unfold. Rather the human species is subject to its higher will, the free human will being a mere mistaken notion, however much Christians may differ from this view on grounds of scriptural teaching and however much western philosophy may propound the idea of the free human will on the basis of materialistic principles which do not allow for divine control over human affairs.
By divine omnipotence is meant absolute control over phenomenal affairs and by materialism is meant subjugation of the human will to natural law. Either way, the human will is subservient to a higher power, call it God, Nature or what you will. But it is certain, let me reiterate, that a higher power governs human destiny and it is this power towards which the whole of phenomena is tending through its timely swell and timely fall, the waxing and the waning of cosmic waves in an unending series of undulations through countless communicating parallel universes. Like beads on a string they hang on to this primal power whence they have emerged or, shall we say for the sake of truth, this power holds them in its infinite sway. Thus, system after system, simultaneous and separated, integrated and connected, are run by this omnipotence which we know not but which, despite our naive explanations of self-determinism, keeps us oscillating in its dual field where light and shade alternate with their concomitant consequences. Humans have no clue to this but in their folly furnish facile theories that have no bearing on the reality of their lives or the cosmos they inhabit. The seeming truth they assume to be the real truth and, thus, they move on through the dark night of self-discovery like blind men averring vision by might of articulation.
While man masquerades as monarch, Nature smiles and the governing principle behind Nature breaks out into peals of laughter whose vibrations spread through countless cosmoses bringing life into dust and rendering life unto dust. Om!
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