Wednesday, 13 December 2017


Versatility at the fundamental level lies in being open to diverse ideas and at the executive level to translate it into diverse fruitful action. It is a talent rare enough to be valued for what it is and those possessing it must be given their due honour, especially, in these days of mass mediocrity when everything flimsy goes for premier evaluation and wins accolades at that while the germs of genius for want of acknowledgement and patronage so often fail to germinate. Thus, culture keeps plummeting as population soars making performance more profane to win public approval and crass consumerism the order of the day. Men of genius dwindle in number and popular taste, coarse and common, rule the roost setting progressively lower standards of excellence to attain. The talented die a silent death and the versatile vanish into nothingness. Such, my friends, is the situation the world over today, especially, in our benighted nation where we are content to ruminate over past glory but seek not to emulate such. I urge you all, therefore, to take up the cudgels for culture by way of national service and give off your best effort to revive our glorious heritage of the arts, the sciences and other diverse disciplines of knowledge. Encourage them who have sparks of genius and do not neglect them for they are a dying class, an endangered species, soon to become extinct for want of avenues of self-expression and paucity of appreciative audience. Jai Hind!    

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