The Islamic invasion despoiled us, ravaged our culture, destroyed our flourishing civilisation. The European colonists impoverished us, tortured us endlessly like the Muslim invaders and kings before them. Well, these are now history and must be objectively studied and analysed. But we are now free for over 70 years. Why are we torturing ourselves, killing our brothers, molesting our sisters, rioting between communities and reducing the masses to hopeless destitution where suicide is often the only option left for the hapless farmers to end this hellish existence on earth? Why are we putting up with the corrupt politicians and their cousins, the corrupt profiteering businessmen who merely put up a show of charity towards the poor who they have stolen their life's resources from before dishing out their dole for self-absolution, for satisfaction of vanity and for earning a name here on earth and a secure seat in an imaginary heaven? How long will you tolerate this national plundering of that which belongs to every citizen of this glorious land of ours? Why on earth must you not awake and take up cudgels against this perfidy which is daily reducing our masses to beasts of burden even though they are free citizens of an independent nation which their forefathers have fought to liberate from alien control? Arise, my friends, awake and do something to redress the situation. If you cannot, then join me at least in this crusade to better the state of affairs in our motherland. Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda are our twin guides. Jai Ramakrishna! Jai Swamiji! Jai Hind!
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