Thursday, 7 December 2017


Certitude cannot and must not be of faith, certitude must come through realisation. And even such certitude must be personal, never to be imposed on others. The problem thus far has been this doctrinaire imposition that has destroyed in bud the flora of democracy, the seeds of human freedom to make and to choose from an infinite variety of paths of progress that Nature has laid before us only to be then taken away by ideological and theological tyrants. Freedom is the soul of human living and freedom ought to be, thus, the basis of civilisation necessarily. Hence, uncertainty is not so bad a thing as absolutists make us to believe. We evolve over time and continually seek adjustments in our modes and mores, in our attitudes and aspirations, in our culture and customs. In the same manner must we be free to keep adjusting our beliefs and faiths to the evolving concept of the universe, life and reality. Such an ever-evolving idea of phenomena and transcendence instead of a static one dated in a point of time in history can be the best philosophical lifeline for humanity that will not lead to a stifling of the spontaneous efflorescence of the human potential and its cultural corollary. Absolutes of faith discarded in the waste-bin of history, we should as a species move towards the understanding of the absolute underlying unity of this variegated universe in a scientific-cum-introspective manner, as is the conjoint requirement of spirituality and science, in our bid to unravel the deep mystery of our existence. The Hindus had discovered this unity ages ago and the time has come for its modern expression in the language of mathematical science for it to ring the chord of reality in modern rational minds and to steer the masses clear of conflict and chaos in the name of irrational cults and faiths.

Om! Shanti! Shanti! Shanti!

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