Wednesday, 13 December 2017


Children must be saved from ideological or religious indoctrination and must be trained to think critically if we are to advance as a species. The whole world lies before them to explore. They must be spared the ordeal of brainwashing in the name of holy scripture, prophet or divine incarnation or any hallowed authority for that matter. If the critical faculty of children is not undone at birth and thereafter, then their creativity will flourish later and original work will flow from them in the diverse disciplines the human mind is privy to.

Children are our greatest treasure and they are our best hope of salvaging a brighter future for humanity from the chaos of the times into which they are being born. Spare these blossoms the tyranny of irrational scripture, the dictates of assumed texts, falsities passing off as gospel truth, and let them grow. Two or three generations of such freedom from indoctrination will change the world forever for the better, nay, will regenerate humanity altogether.

To be continued...

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