Parvathi Sutha Nanjunda Kumar, do not attempt to be so peremptory in your denunciation without knowing me or people like me. Hence, keep your counsel to yourself and stick to your own timeline. Anyone with eyes open may see what is going on all around and why. Religions profoundly influence human action and behaviour for they are a huge cultural influence and cannot be so separated as you do by high sounding other words thereby in no way managing to disprove what I said. At any rate learn to pick the grain from the chaff and see the bigger picture and empathise with the afflicted instead of embarking on your high-sounding proselytising of men like me who speak up for the ones that are suffering. Also, do some research on a person and his motivations and aims before passing facile judgement on him for in so doing you will verily prove your credentials as a man of knowledge which evidently has been your aim here and not to empathise with the poor victims of honour killing nor to condemn such barbaric practice. I rest my case here hoping that you will see sanity soon and stop making callous remarks like you have made against me and my ilk. May God bless you with reasonableness and civility to address in future unknown human beings better and not to break off outright into a tirade against them, assuming the self-anointed status of their teacher and, hence, rightful and righteous critic. Jai Hind!
Photo : 17 year old Shafilea Ahmed smothered to death by her parents after rejecting an arranged marriage in Pakistan.
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