Friday, 15 December 2017


The numbers game is going to be crucial in determining the future character and culture of the world. One shudders to contemplate a return to tribal times. If repressive regressive ideology masking as enlightenment and absolute commandment of God takes over, the flourishing of future civilisation will be at stake. Hence, measures must be adopted to educate the children in liberal ideas based on pure reason, humanity and science. Culture must be inclusive and not ideologically exclusive nor must irrationality be allowed to proliferate in the name of dogma in religion. Absolutist faiths must be resisted and the Vedanta which declares the essential divinity of all of sentience and inanimate things must be allowed universal access. Only then will it be possible to check narrow fundamentalist religions and political philosophies from proliferating and in consequence holding civilisation to ransom. But in an increasingly volatile and ideologically polarised world with economic self-interest adding fuel to the imminent ignition how far these measures will succeed remains to be seen. Man is frustratingly slow in responding to radically altered situations so often, such is his inertia it seems, that the world has had to pass through two cataclysmic world wars already in the past century with a cold third war to boot. Now in a highly volatile multi-polar world with demographic changes altering the political landscape rapidly, there looms large the spectre of a third cataclysm which could annihilate humanity leaving no trace behind. These are serious questions to ponder and I do hope that readers will reflect deeply and arrive at their own inferences. 

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