Saturday, 30 December 2017


There is no plan. The Beloved is plan-less. He is Pure Consciousness and His entire manifestation is an instant's doing where laws are nought, yet, with little brains and our linear programming thereof, we reduce it to plans and schemes and what not even as the Beloved rolls in peals of laughter that sounds the unvibrated one, the Om, from end to end of the cosmos and of countless such of which we have no cognition.
The entire episode of manifestation of terrestrial life is so mysterious, for we have no clue as to how the miniature may be the sibling of the mighty, how cosmic bonds are forged and the karmic wheel set into motion across unknown horizons ever opening up into new vistas of evolutionary being. So are hidden from our vision the eternity of fresh beginnings and the endlessness of cosmic dissolution.
We are caught in between the infinite spectra of life on either side in a finite zone of a terrestrial tide where motives are secret, motions guarded and the mission sacred tending ever to the infinite source whence we sprang. In this island of a planet how we are able to commune with the vast universe surrounding us is a wonder, for the laws governing human thought are strangely in harmony with natural law and are responsive to each other. This clearly indicates that there is an essential integration of the being underlying biological life and the natural world and that there is a fundamental oneness somewhere that is the prime principle governing phenomena. And when we look within, we discover the same oneness of essential existence and a deep connection between the inner and the outer world. Only when we transcend the sensory universe do we cast off this phenomenal world as a shadowy myth and stand firm in the consciousness of the Self, the undivided being whose reflection is phenomena and whose effulgence lights up all that seems to live in this domain of darkness. As to it all, as I said, there is no plan nor design nor programming, for these are all human modes of attempting to comprehend the essentially incomprehensible. So, Divine Plan is a misnomer.

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