Thursday 28 December 2017


We are divinities, yet, we are dispensable commodities if we foolishly consider ourselves to be bodies. We will either attain immortality or death just as we will it to be.

Suppress the senses or sublimate them and the underlying freedom will surface. Renunciation and service is the way, so says the prophet of our times, Vivekananda. This is the way of personal freedom and this the way of national development. This again is the way of world regeneration.

Come, brothers, let us renounce our pettiness and stand invigorated in the sunshine of life, resplendent beings with a purpose and an ideal in life. Let us not wallow in selfishness but rather utilise the time allotted us in living meaningful creative lives of courage and strength and never of imbecile sensate living. Strength is our mantra and freedom our evolutionary end. So, let us help ourselves and help each other reach the goal. Jai Ramakrishna! 

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