Tuesday, 11 July 2023



Mere verbal expression of reverence for Swamiji and anger directed at his critics will not do. We must study Swamiji thoroughly and act accordingly. Refutation of criticism must be rational, pertinent, pointed, factual and civil. 

The study of Swamiji is neglected by most of his vociferous devotees for various reasons. As such, when anybody duly or unduly criticises his public statements, devotees raise a hue and cry over it but cannot quite rise in proper defence of Swamiji on a point to point basis. They then find fault with the critic's motivation, mannerisms and so on and so forth, and beat about the bush while positing their 'arguments'. This is purely due to lack of sufficient knowledge of and reflection on Swamiji's works which lie in utter neglect unfortunately. This must be redressed.

The recent episode of ISKCON's Amogh Lila Prabhu's jibes at Ramakrishna-Vivekananda has drawn much flak from devotees but has gone haywire of terms of real refutation of the points raised by the critic. A much-viewed video that has been made by way of due response was a welcome move but could not address the criticisms accurately. It was merely an opinionated, emotional response that went haywire but was not a pertinent rational response that would refute Amogh Lila Prabhu's statements point to point. For that to have happened, depth-study of Swamiji was a sine qua non which it was not the case. Devotees of Ramakrishna-Vivekananda must organise themselves intellectually and academically to be able to do this. In the future as well such criticisms will come from diverse quarters for which they must be prepared. Hence, of all such who are deeply offended by undue criticism or pure mocking---as in this case of Amogh Lila Prabhu---of the divine duo of Ramakrishna-Vivekananda, some at least must take up serious study of their literature and train themselves in due articulation of such, both over the keypad and over the microphone, so that the air is cleared of misconceptions about their revered ones whenever the occasion arises. Think-tanks on Ramakrishna-Vivekananda are the need of the hour. 🕉 

Written by Sugata Bose

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