Friday 21 July 2023



In samadhi one does not realise one's unity with Brahman but one dissolves, disappears, as it were, and Brahman alone in Eternal Aloneness abides, witnessing Itself. Brahman alone realises Brahman ever, multiplicity being rendered an impossible proposition. It is boundless spherical Self-awareness, infinitude of the Being which is neither big nor small but rounded, spherical, seamless, devoid of dualistic divide. And when in reverse mode the individual magically reappears, a silken faint ego manifests, Vedic mantra in golden letters appears and the Self, now in the interface of the Absolute and the Relative, beholds Itself in all, freshly reappeared, the spell lasting for two days and two-thirds. Traces of the experience linger for years but the singular event alters consciousness for good and releases the soul from fear, spiritual ignorance and misidentification with the body and the mind. A deeper Reality has been made apparent and Its memory remains with the individual as residuum in Truth.

Written by Sugata Bose

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