Tuesday 4 July 2023



There is terrible persecution of women in Islamic Pakistan. Women must be freed. The rule of religion has ruined the lives of countless women. They are the mothers and they are bound in chains, subordinated by scriptural doctrine to their male guardians. And what guards indeed they are! Beating the life out of these poor creatures, abusing the patriarchal rights of bygone ages by citing scripture. Unless women be freed, there is no hope for Pakistan. It will disintegrate and get reabsorbed in due course into Bharatvarsha. So will Bangladesh and Afghanistan. Free your women. Let them breathe in peace. Do not force them into indoctrinated living as slaves in a patriarchal set-up. Do this and you live, failing which your destiny is sealed. The Vedanta will have its way eventually. Free women in India too. Everywhere women must be on the march. Half of humanity cannot suffer to see humanity rise. Humanity will fall unless the womb that gives birth be revered. Raise women and raise the world. This is Practical Vedanta.

Written by Sugata Bose

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