Saturday, 1 July 2023



It is not a fanciful idea that we have civilisational enemies within our polity. The Abrahamic religions with their proselytising mission are a real threat to our civilisation. For 1300 years we have endured their ravages and they have not yet run out of steam. They have come to our country to save our souls by converting us to the cult of Christ and Muhammad. They have no idea of the Atman which is inherently free and whose outer phenomenal expression we are. So, where does the question of saving the soul of the Hindu arise? The Hindus is already saved by the very nature of things, by his being rooted in  the everfree Atman which is higher than heaven or hell and higher and holier than even God who is the shadow of the Self. Rather than save the Hindu from hellfire which is the religiopolitical agenda of Christianity and Islam, it is time than Christians and Muslims learn a thing or two about the essential freedom of the soul and accept the Sanatan Dharma as their religiophilosophical anchor in the turbulent current of life. 🕉

Written by Sugata Bose

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