One thing that I personally feel must be maintained in the propagation of the truth about Netaji post-disappearance is that the personal profile of the propagator must be kept at a minimum much like Mahendranath Gupta [M] had kept while chronicling the life and sayings of Sri Ramakrishna. Swamiji had famously commended M by saying, "Socratic dialogues are Plato all over, you are entirely hidden." M hid his personality under seven different guises with seven such distinct characterisations so that his otherwise all too prominent presence could be obliterated and the Master's presence shine all over. Such should be the manner of work for Netaji. Not an iota of personal pride or self-glorification ought to sully the presentation of whatever facts or analyses on the disappearance issue one may bring to the fore. And scholars and researchers must learn to combine to bring to fruition this great task of highlighting Netaji's whereabouts and fate before the public. Pettiness, meanness, selfishness and self-promotion -- all these must be cast overboard if real work is to be done in this regard. Those that have thus far succeeded in doing so -- as the disciples and followers of Bhagavanji have in utter self-effacement done -- are the ones whose labour has not been lost in the desert-sand of desire and unto them we owe all our gratitude. 'Jayasree Prakashan' has spearheaded this movement and serves as a beacon in a dark sea of divisive self-interest where Netaji offers a golden harvest for selfish seekers masquerading as researchers. Not all are culpable to this offence though but quite a few are, and it is these ones serving vested interests who are maligning Netaji by partially giving credence to Bhagavanji's words while rejecting some of his statements to suit convenience and cater to commerce. This is regrettable and ought not to be. But the reality is thus and future researchers ought to avoid such temptations. Vande Mataram!
Written by Sugata Bose
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