Ramakrishna-Vivekananda must be studied in depth with utmost reverence by the youth of the world to effect the necessary changes in human society that will save it. And they will do so for it is the divine mandate that future humanity has been charged with. Our mission must be to expedite the process, to facilitate the movement that will bring succour to suffering humanity the world over. Mere dry preaching of the Vedanta will not do. By preaching absolute existence and consciousness to American devotees the sails will not catch wind. Ramakrishna-Vivekananda must be preached, their life-stories told and retold till it tingles in the very lifeblood of humanity which is at war with itself. It must be sweetly told and it must be authoritatively told with power and force. Men must be made to listen to the Master's words. There must be no apology about it, no moderation to accommodate the West, no diluting standards, for God must be given to men fully and wholly. The fate of humanity depends on it. Preachers must spread across the length and breadth of the world carrying the gospel of truth. The internet has made lightning communication possible to the remotest corners of the world. But that alone will not do. The personal contact is necessary. Mission centres will have to be opened for this purpose, first in every city and town in India before wider work across the world may be contemplated. Preaching must be done by capable men and not by seekers of personal name and fame, men who hanker for recognition despite donning the ochre robe. Mediocrity must not be encouraged, rather genuine talent must be given prominence. Zeal for Thakur's mission on earth must fire up monks and men so that the movement gains momentum. Devotees must support the Mission's activities liberally with love, labour and resources. Upon their participation depends the rapid spread of the Master's work. Thakur is our Lord and Master. He will guide us to glorious consummation of his mission on earth but ours is the sacrifice and the labour which he will extract as reciprocal price for such an attainment. Jai Ramakrishna!
Written by Sugata Bose
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