Sugata Bose @Deepanjan Mitra: Here you witness the origins of the movement as enshrined in the memory and life of one who had seen Thakur first-hand. It is so far removed from secondary commentary of individuals who base their assertions on information gleaned from books. Here is information gathered from a secondary source in Prasanta Kumar Ray of a primary source that Mohendranath Datta was. Hence it captures the spirit so well. This is truth in more approximate terms and is, thus, sattvik as opposed to rajasik as in the case of monks of this generation who are in the tertiary phase of communication to us about Thakur.
Here's a point that needs to be noted. There are two derivatives of the original impulse as of now, one that is dead and gone, the first derivative which Mohendranath Datta represented and the second which Swami Chetanananda and the like represent. A third derivative is now coming into vogue with the younger Swamis of the order like Stavapriyananda and the like which is making a mockery of what the movement originally was.
Sugata Bose @Deepanjan Mitra : Sleep has left me tonight. Tried but the bird of the night did not rest in its nest. It flew away to distant depths.
Sugata Bose @Sita Babu : Neither life nor death must we seek to comprehend in our bid to comprehend the Reality. We must transcend both and let the universe drop, with us falling with it as well. Then the ever-revealed Self stands luminous as the singular Reality, existence and consciousness absolute. Life and death both relate to the body and the mind and are in consequence phenomenal events, the undulated twin phases of Maya. The thirst for life gone, death ceases to be and the Self reveals in its solitary, singular majesty.
Sugata Bose @Sita Babu : Young man sitting while old women and men keep standing, a standing testament to the feudal mentality of the average Indian, monastic or the laity.
Sugata Bose @Dr. Suranjana Sarkar : Exceedingly bright babies. A shining future awaits them. Give them Swami Vivekananda's Works early on and nurture their innate talents to mature fruition.
Sugata Bose @Sharmistha Chatterjee : Do not intellectualise everything, simplify living. Academic attainments are the biggest bar to spiritual perception. This is why Thakur rejected it this time in an age of superficial study, short attention-span, limited concentration and limitless distraction. Feeling is to be nurtured, love, not sentimentality that caters to selfish interest while camouflaging intent. It is feeling that is the propelling power of spiritual life, love for the less fortunate ones the sublime austerity of the age. Hence, 'Shivjnaney jeevseva', the fertile formulation of the Lord which in its mature fruition will transform the world. Love of God must translate into loving service of His manifold form in the moving mass of humanity. Spirituality is the witnessing of the Self within and without. This Self in finest projection is God, in grosser manifestation man and the lower species and in the grossest as inanimate natural matter and energy. This Self is to be seen. That is the goal.
Sugata Bose @Alok Sarkar : আপনার মন্তব্য সঠিক | আগামী দুই প্রজন্মে আমূল পরিবর্তন আসবে | ব্রহ্মসিংহ আজও বিদ্যমান |
Sugata Bose @Abhimanyu Saha : This is Sugata Bose here. Our gratitude for your kind donation, truly a reverent act of service to Thakur. Please continue to serve the great cause and help spread the word among like-minded associates and acquaintances. May Thakur bless you and yours ever and ever!
Sugata Bose @Deepanjan Mitra: Thakur leads ever. We are inconsequential instruments in the hands of the One who is the sole executor of cosmic evolution. He transcends phenomena, is immanent in it and sways His Lordship over all, Himself being the manifold manifestation in human and other forms. His work He does. Ours is just a privilege in delusion to think we are the doers till Self-realisation obliterates the unreal ego and reveals all as emanation of the Lord Himself.
Sugata Bose @Swar Nava : Yes, life-building, nation-buidling action is necessary -- systematic, combined, coordinated, constructive work carried to completion.
Sugata Bose @Sharmistha Chatterjee : Possibly the best lecture I have ever heard. It seemed he was a man possessed with the spirit of the Rishis, a young sage of ancient lore, 'kashchit dheera'. He is fast becoming the rightful representative of Vivekananda in the Vedantic mode. One only wishes he will not be carried away by flimsy Anericanisation of things as is often his wont in the West. Sarvapriyananda seems to be well on the way to becoming the second greatest exponent of the Vedanta after Vivekananda. Who knows, perhaps, he is on the way to becoming world-famous, only the second monk of the Ramakrishna Order ever after Swamiji, in the truest sense of the term. He might even end up with a Nobel Peace Prize in the distant future if Thakur so wills it. We are witnessing the rise of a phenomenon, one who could even don the robe of the President of the Order one day. Is this the beginning of the new wave of regeneration of the Sanatan Dharma then as prophesied by Swamiji, a fresh upsurge of the ancient wisdom?
Sugata Bose @Sugata Bose : Preaching the Vedanta is no ordinary task but far greater is beholding suffering humanity as divinities which is the essence of the Vedanta in real life terms. Here it must be seen what big talkers can do. Hindus are a degenerate lot today revelling only in idle scriptural dispositions while their brethren die of want everywhere. The loftier the scripture, the lowlier the practitioners. Beware of such folly and its terrible consequence in karmic terms! The heart is missing among devotees and the head is engineering self-seeking. Such callousness towards human misery, however grandly philosophised, cannot be the prelude to God-realisation. It is the heart that attracts the Lord to the shrine of the devotee's devotion.
Sugata Bose @YouTube : Swami Sarvapriyananda, listen to how Asheshanandaji is censuring America. Dare you address Americans in a like manner, leave aside the blasting Vivekananda gave deluded Americans of his age. Dare you? Then alone will you be deemed a true Vedantist for Vedanta does not pander to human vanity, much less American arrogance and its dollar imperialism.
Sugata Bose @Riya Bhattacharya : American war policy has since then changed. She has inflicted untold misery on nations in the last eight decades.
Sugata Bose @YouTube : He (Swami Sarvapriyananda) suffers too much from levity, quite unbecoming for a speaker of such a serious subject as the Vedanta. Greater manhood is necessary in his delivery. Towards his twilight years Swami Vivekananda had said that manhood was his gospel in final summation to humanity. This must never be forgotten. Effeminacy of all sorts must, thus, be strictly avoided for it induces infatuation and is not at all productive of the strength needed to combat and overcome Maya. Mother Herself is almighty. How can Her monastic preachers be so patently weak with such verbal effeminacy?
Sugata Bose @Sharmistha Chatterjee : You are free. Assert your freedom. Give up over-identification with the body and see the world in a spiritual light.
Sugata Bose @YouTube Swami Suvirananda : It seems Swami Suvirananda is reading his speech from a text held in front of him outside of the vision cone of the camera. This is highly unwarranted. He should have read it from paper held on his table within the vision cone of the camera. That would have been more honest as here many would be deluded by his inordinate poetic diction which they would mistake it to be his spontaneous brilliant oration which it really wasn't.
Sugata Bose @Rohini Jalan : Save for Ramakrishna Math, Mekhliganj. It is acutely short on funds and needs urgent assistance for both subsistence and expansion.
Sugata Bose @Surya Sarathi Roy : Bangladeshi version of democracy, civil rights et al. Sibling will follow suit and that, too, soon. The production sector is very active.
Bengalees are a strange race, a curious hybrid of the daring and the dastardly. Two-thirds of them (West and East taken into unitary reckoning) are already Muslims and the rest are resting on either eager expectation of an impossible alliance with the corrosive convert or an ostrich attitude to their own impending fate.
Hindus must practise spirituality, help each other and, above all, develop character to be able to avoid an otherwise inevitable catastrophe. Philanthropy, social help, scriptural study and indigenous cultural awareness are on the decline among us and the trend must be reversed. Swami Vivekananda must be extensively studied and character formed. With scores of shining characters to follow, the masses will be led to their own good. Islamic and Christian proselytising must be resisted at all costs and Hindu samaj made an integrated whole on the basis of the Vedanta, not merely in theory but in practice. What is necessary are a few flaming souls with volcanic power and heroic heart. Feeling for the poor and the suffering, the destitute and the dying must be cultivated and all attempts made towards alleviating misery through combined, collective, organized effort.
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