Thursday, 31 March 2022
Wednesday, 30 March 2022
তাঁর ইচ্ছা
তাঁর ইচ্ছা
তাঁর ইচ্ছায় জগৎ চলে, তাঁর ইচ্ছায় বায়ু বহমান | তাঁর ইচ্ছায় জলধি উচ্ছসি উঠে, তাঁর ইচ্ছায় হিমবাহ বিগলিতধারায় হয় লীন সাগরবক্ষে | অগণিত গ্রহ-নক্ষত্র ধাবমান কোন্ অদৃশ্য আকর্ষণে, করুণাক্ষেত্রের কোন্ কেন্দ্রবিন্দুতে ধাবিত ?
নিশ্বাস বহে তাঁর ইচ্ছায় লক্ষকোটি জীবের দেহে, আশা জাগে অমরত্বের নশ্বর প্রাণীর কম্পিতহিয়ায় -- তাঁর ইচ্ছায় | সমস্ত স্থাবরজঙ্গম চলেছে তাঁর ইচ্ছায় প্রবৃত্তির কুহকজালে, আবার দিগভ্রান্ত খুঁজে পায় জীবনের পরম পুরুষার্থ তাঁরই ইচ্ছায় |
সৃষ্টি, স্থিতি, প্রলয় সংঘটিত তাঁর ইচ্ছায়, আবার বীজের পুনঃপ্রকাশ পূর্ণমহিমায় তাঁরই ইচ্ছায় | ঘটন-অঘটন-পটিয়সি মহামায়া সঞ্চালন করে চলেছেন কোন্ অমোঘ নিয়মে এই অনাদি-অনন্ত ত্রিগুণাত্মক ব্রহ্মাণ্ডলীলা -- এই গড়েন, এই রাখেন, আবার এই ভাঙেন |
তাঁর ইচ্ছাকেই আমরা নিয়ম বলি, কড়ায় গণ্ডায় হিসেব মিলিয়ে বুঝতে চাই, নাম দি তার বিজ্ঞান, ধর্ম, দর্শন, আরো কত কি | কিন্তু তিনি যুক্তিগ্রাহ্য নন, তিনি প্রেমপরবশ, অনুভূতিসাপেক্ষ | তাঁর ইচ্ছা বুঝিনা, তাই তো বলি তাঁর ইচ্ছা বোধগ্রাহ্য সকল বিষয়ের সঞ্চালিকা অথচ সকল বোধের অগম্য | তিনি দুর্জ্ঞেয়, তাঁর ইচ্ছাও বোধের অতীত, কর্মশৃঙ্খলমুক্ত | আমরা শুধু শরণ নিতে পারি তাঁর ইচ্ছার অনুগামী হয়ে তাঁর শ্রীপাদপদ্মে | শরণাগত ! শরণাগত ! শরণাগত !
রচয়িতা : সুগত বসু (Sugata Bose)
Monday, 28 March 2022
Sugata Bose @Abhijit Mandal : No problem whatsoever. He's been magnanimous in sending donation for which we are grateful. This is not the end of it. If he understands the financial plight of the centre and the prospective scope of its welfare work, he might be inspired to continue to serve the cause. These are early days. I am sure help will come. Your friend and you must both feel happy in being part of the grand mission of amelioration of the people's poverty. May Thakur bless you both! Keep serving with all your might, Abhijit. When do we find such sincere concern in devotees for the Mission's cause that we so eminently find in you? You are dear to the Holy Trinity of Thakur-Ma-Swamiji.
Sugata Bose @YouTube : It is not true that Swamiji had said that he would not return to earth before the passage of 1500 years. This is what Swami Shridharanandaji says here which is a misquoting of Swamiji. Swamiji had said that the spiritual wave that had struck the banks of Belur Math would bear out its impact on the world for 1500 years.
In his second trip to America Swamiji one afternoon in Miss Alice Hansbrough's house told the inmates that he would be revisiting earth after 200 years as part of the entourage of Sri Ramakrishna who would be revisiting the earth then. Sri Ramakrishna himself had confided to Sarada Devi that he would reincarnate himself on earth after 100 years. This was reported by Holy Mother herself. Swami Vijnanananda corroborated it. But Swami Saradananda and Girish Chandra Ghosh had said that the Master would reincarnate after 200 years. So, there are conflicting reports in this regard but none that extends in time beyond 200 years. Hence, Sridharanandaji's affirmation here is incorrect.
Swami Sridharananda says that Swami Vivekananda had said that he would not be returning before the lapse of 1500 years but this is an incorrect affirmation of his. While Swamiji did say that he had given enough spiritual food to the world for the next 1500 years, he had by no means said that he would not be returning before the lapse of that period of time. In fact Swamiji himself had confided to Mrs. Alice Hansborough that he would be back with Sri Ramakrishna once again after 200 years. So, this statement of Swami Sridharananda is factually incorrect and misleading. It is one of those erroneous inferences in unwitting self-indulgence out of reverence for a great one which casual conversation is prone to at times and must not be given credence to for the facts are quite otherwise. The talk in general, though, is masterly as usual and bears the signature stamp of authority of this highly accomplished monk of rare acquaintances in his monastic life.
For the relevant point of error made by the Swami watch from 15.45 min for a few seconds.
Sugata Bose @Monojit Dutta: This is the way of the third epoch of human social evolution, the epoch of capitalism with its material proliferation and concomitant exploration of the masses.
Sugata Bose @Yes, we are carrying on the crusade for funds to keep the Mekhliganj projects afloat and alive.
Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : যা পারেন তাই খানিকটা সমস্যার সমাধান করবে | প্রচুর খরচ এই মুহূর্তে, প্রচুর অর্থের প্রয়োজন প্রকল্প সমাপনার্থে | সাধুনিবাসটি হয়ে গেলে আবার জমিক্রয় আছে, তারপর কৃষি উন্নয়ন কেন্দ্র (Agricultural Institute) ও শিল্পশিক্ষা কেন্দ্র (Vocational Training Institute) প্রতিষ্ঠা, বিদ্যীপীঠ উন্নয়ন ও আদিবাসী উন্নয়ন -- এইসব কাজ সামনে রয়েছে | এছাড়া ঠাকুরের মন্দির সংস্কারের বাকি কাজ, মঠের ভেতর রাস্তা তৈরী, প্রেসিডেন্ট মহারাজের থাকবার উপযুক্ত বাসভবন নির্মাণ, অতিথি নিবাস নির্মাণ, মঠের সেবামূলক কাজের জন্যে একটি গাড়ী -- এইসব কাজ করতে হবে | অর্থসাহায্য তাই একান্ত প্রয়োজন | যতটা পারবেন করবেন অনুগ্রহ করে, নিজেকে অসুবিধায় না ফেলে |
Sugata Bose @Swar Nava : Yes, even he is. So are Gandhiji, Nehruji, Patelji, Shivaji and countless other warriors of various shades and hues. Now, if you have predetermined an answer and want others to fall in line, that's a different issue. Instead I would suggest that you buy up the Collected Works of Subhas Chandra Bose, all the volumes, and concentrate on reading thoroughly through them instead of attempting to garner support to your intended end. Also, I would request you to thoroughly study 'The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda' to arrive at a more comprehensive understanding of Netaji, remembering that Swamiji was, by Netaji's own admission, his informal Guru, the Pole Star of his life. This was so because by the time Netaji came to maturity, Swamiji was dead and gone in body but lived on as spirit in receptive souls like Netaji.
Sugata Bose @Parnika Bubna : Parnika, keep serving Ramakrishna Math, Mekhliganj. The Ashram is in financial disarray. Rishabh and you can contribute to alleviating the misery of the masses around by feeling for them and adopting appropriate measures to removing their plight. Huge funds are required for this which by Thakur's grace will be forthcoming. But the opportunity to serve must not be lost, both from the personal standpoint of self-training in the art and science of philanthropy, in the expansion of the heart and from the perspective of national reconstruction. The Ramakrishna Mission in Swamiji's vision was the Poor Person's Mission, and it has for well over a century discharged that duty duly and often at the cost of life of the serving monk like Swami Prabhananda (Senior) - Ketaki Maharaj, who was my Gurudev's cousin brother and had inspired my Gurudev to renounce life for the service of God in the guise of the teeming millions. It is your sacred duty, an obligation unto the Mother whose terrestrial form is the motherland, to do unto Her as She has done unto you and given you safe anchor in hearth and home. But there are those that yet live lives not much removed from that of beasts of burden, and that too smilingly, such are God's children in this blessed land of ours. You must do something for them. Future promises are never fulfilled. She who cannot do now, can never do. Do not get worked up by my words temporarily as in a flush of excitement of emotions but quietly cogitate and brew up in the distillery of your heart a potion that will assuage the grief of these hapless children of Thakur-Ma, these divinities disguised as the despairing lot of humanity.
Sugata Bose @Sharmistha Chatterjee : Fun? In a world of so much suffering when the only fun is the widow's wail and the orphan's cry.
Sugata Bose @Sharmistha Chatterjee : It was not funny that my mother died and yet to a Brahmajnani life and death are fun. Isn't it? But the Buddha, the Vivekananda, the Ramanujacharya and the Ramakrishna weep for the suffering of the people. They do not denigrate suffering as fun.
Sugata Bose @Sharmistha Chatterjee : These are words spoken in good fortune by the prosperous. Think of the misery of the masses around and come to conclusions. When one is well provided for, these words of yours come out. Imagine your plight were you to live in a hut full of the violence of poverty. The heart that cannot feel but quotes the scriptures is not yet ready for ascending even the first step of the spiritual staircase. Scripture you quote but have you the heart to feel that your very spiritual ideal, Sri Ramakrishna, lives in such squalor, in such dire ignorance and impoverishment forced on his billion bodies by the heartless practitioners of these lofty scriptures and by the rogues who trade flesh for earning their property and perverted pleasure?
Sugata Bose @'Suffering' and 'fun' are the obverse and reverse of the same coin? Who on earth could have come to such a stupendous conclusion? 'Dhnokar tnati' and 'mojar kuti' are from the highest transcendental standpoint post Avaitic realisation of the Brahman. This apathy to human suffering in the name of philosophy is an aberration of philosophy itself and the cause of our historical downfall. Earlier the Brahmin pandits thus quoted scripture to their advantage, being devoid of sympathy for the fallen and the downtrodden. The trend continues to this day as spiritual aspirants keep talking in the same vein while looking after their worldly interests well enough, nonetheless. Philosophy becomes practicable only when it comes to addressing the abysmal condition of the masses daily sinking like beasts of burden unto perdition on earth while one reserves for oneself the best that self-interest can procure from God and Man in a world where the trader reigns supreme and masquerades as the pious.
Sugata Bose @Vedabrata Basu : Yes, I was forced into it by way of response to some indiscriminate observations and acts of certain Swamis and a devotee who is equally apathetic to human suffering. Will tell you more when we have our next brainstorming session.
Sugata Bose @Parnika Bubna : What a weak response both in word and deed to such a powerful statement, literally an overwhelming oration seeking expression in literal terms!
Sugata Bose @Abhijit Mandal : You alone, Abhijit, had the magnanimity to appreciate. Now live it. All others have been passive readers as is the lot of us who have not yet grown to appreciating or encouraging others, far less helping hapless humanity come up in literal terms.
Sugata Bose @Rohini Jalan : In burning love and in bold deeds these ideals must be translated in real life into tangible terms for the uplift of humanity grovelling like savages on the face of this earth. Divinities they are but we have reduced them to being beasts of burden who bear nonetheless the yoke of our flourishing civilisation while remaining bereft of the least return for their sweat and toil, their earthly harvest a pittance in terms of what they produce for the privileged, for feasting humanity even as they, the producers of the fruits of the womb of Mother Earth, stay starving, ill-clad, destitute and despairing whether life must linger on or death will deliver the fell blow to save them from further suffering.
Sugata Bose @Gireeshan Pandan : Gireeshanji, we must build up a grand alliance of Mother's workers, the Grande Armee of Thakur, as we we trudge on towards the golden gate of the Lord's resting place residing in the sanctum sanctorum of our very hearts.
Sugata Bose @Parnika Bubna :
Dear Parnika,
It moves me to behold a glittering girl in you, romping about gaily in Mother's garden, spreading the fragrance of your self to enhance the entrancing aroma already abiding. God bless you, my child!
Yours ever in Thakur-Ma-Swamiji,
Sugata Bose @Anoushka Alicia Thakur : Bless you, my child! Be pure. Study. Attain to goodness, greatness, grace.
Sugata Bose @Debashis Halder : Wiser still is to be fascinated with God and not God's creation which in such infatuation deludes the soul into a cyclical round of birth, life, death and rebirth. As Sri Ramakrishna so aptly said, few are interested in the owner of the garden, most are taken up by the beauty of the garden. Thus, these wrongly oriented ones are deflected from the real unto the apparent and miss their mark in life. It is only the rare soul that rejects the temptation of creation -- more accurately, manifestation -- and move like the rhinoceros along the rectitudinal path direct towards the Master of Ceremonies of this cosmic play, this multitudinous manifestation of Maya.
Sugata Bose @Stavapriyananda YouTube : What about Swami Nirmalananda (Tulsi Maharaj)? He was a direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna. Why is he disregarded as such? Why no mention of his name and deeds? Sri Ramakrishna had 17 direct disciples and not 16 as is unfortunately propagated by the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission. This should be rectified forthwith and the deliberate aberration of history done away with.
Sugata Bose @YouTube : Information error from Ranganathanandaji -- in the train to Boston from Chicago Swamiji met Miss Katherine Sanborn and not Professor John Henry Wright, neither did he take up residence at the Professor's house but did so at Miss Sanborn's where he was introduced to the Professor by her who helped him out by making preliminary arrangements for his appearance at the Chicago Parliament of Religions. It is strange that a man of Swami Ranganathanandaji's lifelong dedication to Swamiji should make such a glaring mistake.
Sugata Bose @Dulal Krishna Basu : May be your eyesight is weak, as you have pointed out, or your mobile set is programmed in a manner as to make it not clear enough for reading because it is very easily readable as such and I have sent it to umpteen people who have had thus far no problems whatsoever with reading it. Anyhow, sorry for the inadvertent inconvenience caused. Will desist from sending such in future.
Sugata Bose @Anoushka Alicia Shankar : Have infinite confidence in your abilities, unbounded enthusiasm and energy to fructify your dreams but direct all your life's labour to serving this moving mass of humanity we call India.
Sugata Bose @Debjit Banerjee : Mekhliganj in dire straits financially. Huge expenditure ahead. Construction work is entailing enormous expenditure. We have to expedite the process. Else, cost of construction will go up further. Please do something if without disturbing yourself you can for I know you have done significantly for the work already. But the challenge the Math is facing is enormous, the task arduous in the absence of funds. Everyday poses a fresh challenge.
Sugata Bose @Sangeeta Chakraborty: Mekhliganj in dire straits financially. Huge expenditure ahead. Construction work is entailing enormous expenditure. We have to expedite the process. Else, cost of construction will go up further. Please do something if without disturbing yourself you can for I know you do serve in your own capacity for the cause of the Master. But the odds facing the Math are onerous and the task arduous in the absence of funds. Everyday poses a fresh challenge.
Sugata Bose @Anoushka Alicia Thakur : Easter commiserations to you, Anoushka. May the Master walk through our hearts even as he did through the streets of Judea!
Sugata Bose @Alok Sarkar : Beautifully written. Encapsutes the history of West Bengal of the last sixty years and its horrendous consequence on the polity.
Sugata Bose @Subhamoy Banerjee : Then study Swamiji daily and propagate the message on social media, in your interactions with young people, and generally live upto the ideals he preaches so potently. May Swamiji bless you and activate you unto such life-giving service for the cause! Human hopes, human survival, human civilisation depend on each one of us. Let us discharge our duties to the aforesaid effect instead of lamenting over what people in power ever keep on doing.
Sugata Bose @Subhamoy Banerjee : In the absence of such capacity on our part we can actively post from Swamiji's Complete Works on social media. Even that will be doing something rather than nothing. To that end I am working as you can very well see. Be active in a like manner -- that is my plea. Today, governments officially and unofficially use social media to influence public opinion. Every action must have its equal and opposite reaction if even in the psychological plane. Let us provide that reaction by way of response to the government. If a critical mass can be built up by people who think like you and me, governmental policy is bound to change. After all in a democracy public opinion is all that counts. Thus far we have been treated like cattle fit for fodder and then fit for consumption by crony capitalists and roguish rulers. But with the advent of information technology things are changing and we must use that advantage to press on with our programme on behalf of Swamiji. So, you see this idea has substance in it. Be thou a participant in this grand programme of natural development along the line of the Rishis, ancient, medieval and modern, and fill yourselves with inspiration to zealously work for the cause. As Swamiji says, "Within you lies indomitable power. You can do anything and everything."
Sugata Bose @Monojit Dutta : Ist May, 2022 is the 125th anniversary of Ramakrishna Mission. It was founded by Swamiji on 1st May, 1897. It would be a tribute to the Mission's grand service over this long stretch of time to contribute something on this day to Ramakrishna Math, Mekhliganj. May Thakur-Ma-Swamiji bless you with light, love and zeal to work for the well-being of our motherland!
Sugata Bose @Sumanta Bose : Study Swami Vivekananda and overcome your delusion. Right now you are inebriated with false notions that have covered up your spiritual consciousness. Hence such articulation. However, your time to recognise the higher verities of life has not yet come it seems. The scriptures say, "Shraddhaavaanam labhatey jnanam." (The one endowed with sraddhaa receives enlightenment.) Never mind, whether you recognise it now or not, a time will come, maybe several lifetimes hence, when this sensory association will greatly reduce owing to past buffeting by the billows of the material ocean and you will come to enlightened understanding of what I now am saying. Godspeed unto that dawn of dispelling of the dark!
Sugata Bose @Randeep Bhattacharya : That is professionally incidental. But he did seminal work to unite the freedom movement and mobilise the masses in the absence of which freedom would never have been. Gandhiji recreated the Congress and gave shape and structure to the freedom movement en masse.
Sugata Bose @Randeep Bhattacharya : Not on the same pedestal for sure but Gandhiji was a successor of Swamiji in a fractional form.
Sugata Bose @Randeep Bhattacharya : That is because Gandhiji sided with democracy against dictatorship.
Sugata Bose @Randeep Bhattacharya : You are mixing up facts of history and making misrepresentations by calling communists and fascists democrats.
Sugata Bose @Randeep Bhattacharya : According to Sri Aurobindo the Axis powers were far more evil than the Allied ones. In recognition of this fact Gandhiji, Nehru and the like sided with the British in spirit than with the Nazis.
Sugata Bose @Randeep Bhattacharya : Because behind the facade of democracy and human rights reigns neo-imperialism still.
Sugata Bose @Randeep Bhattacharya : But Nazi domination and domination by the Japanese fascists would have been far more dangerous, reckoned Sri Aurobindo.
Sugata Bose @Vidya K : Gandhiji was human, not superhuman. He made mistakes but evolved to attain greatness.
Sugata Bose @Randeep Bhattacharya : Yes, so Netaji argued but Sri Aurobindo called him a traitor to the motherland for his having sided with Nazi Germany and fascist Japan.
Sugata Bose @Randeep Bhattacharya : Yes, many viewed Sri Aurobindo so. Netaji was equally carping in his comments on him in his maturer years as a politician. However, he had his own pretensions to being God/Avatar and his followers lent credence to it.
Sugata Bose @Vidya K : Yes. So they must. But great people evolve from a lesser status to greatness often. Hence, allowance must be made for that.
Sugata Bose @Rohini Jalan : Never be a miser. Hold everything that you think you possess as God's. In truth everything belongs to God. Have no attachment whatsoever for wealth but spend judiciously for the wealth is not yours although seemingly it was earned through your labour. You are but the instrument of the Divine. There is material misery all around. Work to alleviate it.
Sugata Bose @Angshuman Chatterjee : First read 'The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda' and his several biographies in detail before venturing forth with such forays against your supposed Bengali adversaries. But I like your intensity, zeal and passion, although misplaced in the absence of sufficient reading on Swamiji. May Swamiji bless you! Also keep your profile unlocked if you wish to interact with people. It is improper to launch verbal tirade from behind fortress walls. Courage of conviction should deem exhibition of better valour.
Sugata Bose @Alok Sarkar : This line of demarcation is important -- where lies the limit of sympathy and where lies the limit of ability in respect of that. Very important to discern it.
Sugata Bose @Angshuman Chatterjee Serve the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission instead of engaging in futile discussion. That will conduce to the well-being of the nation. What is the use of wasteful expenditure of energy this way? Channelise it to useful activity. I very much doubt that you have read Swamiji's Complete Works thoroughly and whatever bit you have read, you have failed to assimilate. Study him over and over again, practise purity and meditate on him. Then you will get to the solution of many an intractable issue that besets you right now. I am in no way beholden to you to answer your rather puerile questions, not that I cannot but that I will not as I want you to find your own solutions. He who doubts Swamiji's intentions and motivations is as yet far removed from either comprehending his life and message and his work for future India. This is not a child's play that every truant must be accommodated within its framework and their propositions catered to. I did my work on Swamiji lifelong and you must do yours. Posing to be a superior patriot may become the pretentious well but it does not sit well with me who shall refuse to entertain such silly questions devoid of context as you are posing. So, charaiveti (onward) and godspeed unto better understanding from the depths of your being!
Sugata Bose @Angshuman Chatterjee : You are simply incorrigible and horribly arrogant to question other people's credentials thus. Better train yourself in self-restraint. If this tendency proliferates in our country of little knowledge assuming superior teacher's role, we have had it. Kindly do not waste your time and mine. If I have not answered your question -- silly as it is -- thus far, it is because these things take a lot of explanation, background reading, a modicum of humility to learn, absence of preconceptions, prejudices and prefilections that hinder communication and comprehension thereof, a bare minimum of rationality and a tinge of civility aiding discourse which your brusque manners do not quite inspire me to believe that you are possessed with. Against such a backdrop holding discussion becomes an exercise in futility which I wish to refrain from. Hence, you see the reason why I am reticent. First cultivate that wonderful Nachiketa-like shraddhaa and your preceptor will be no less than Yama, the first among the restrained ones, who will clarify your clouded conceptions.
Sugata Bose @Angshuman Chatterjee : Thank God you are off my back at last. I will answer you if your question persists after repeated readings of the Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda. Till then, adieu!
Sugata Bose @Angshuman Chatterjee : God bless you! Stay well, stay safe and love our motherland with all your heart. Build your character, expand your knowledge-base and serve our billion brethren with ardour. May our motherland give birth to ardent ones like you!
Sugata Bose @Angshuman Chatterjee : Now coming to your question of Max Mueller and his translation of Sayanacharya's commentary on the Vedas, and Swamiji's appreciation of this monumental achievement. Max Mueller, a German-born scholar settled in Oxford, studied the Sanskrit language for twenty-five long years before spending another twenty years translating the Sanskrit Vedas into English for its wider dissemination in the world. His was an achievement that was not only phenomenal but was a seminal service to the cause of global propagation of the message of the Vedas. Swamiji considered this as a great service that this German professor had done to eternal India, a task that no Indian had attempted in a like manner in English. So, where does Max Mueller's earlier and possibly later lingering allegiance to Christianising India come into the picture so far as Swamiji's appreciation is concerned? Swamiji loved India and what Max Mueller had done was to him the ultimate gift that a foreigner could have giv6en India, then reeling under colonial economic exploitation and attempted cultural conquest. True enough, Max Mueller was seemingly prejudiced against India's social status then with its multifarious caste and creed coming in the way of its rapid development into a modern nation, a trait he had inherited from his boyhood surroundings which was accentuated by his beholding of India's benighted social status, but he was in no way a confirmed colonist with corrosive intentions. Max Mueller, for all his inherited limitations, did wish India well as he evolved fast from initial bigotry to Vedic enlightenment during his protracted period of study and transcribing of India's ancient scriptural text. Swamiji naturally applauded this service of the old Oxford professor, paid a visit to his house in Oxford, was graciously received, treated and seen off when the old couple stood at the doorway with the old man further holding the umbrella over the young monk's head as it drizzled when Swamiji left his apartment. When reproached affably on that, the professor said, "Why, I must do it as everyday one does not get a disciple of Ramakrishna at one's doorstep." Max Mueller considered Sri Ramakrishna an Avatar or an incarnation of God and had arrived at this conclusion simply intuitively from his reading of terrestrial human conditions and the great transformation that had suddenly occurred in the psyche of the Brahmo stalwart, Keshab Chandra Sen, who had undergone a rapid and thorough metamorphosis in his being and convictions post his interactions with the peerless Paramahamsa of Dakshineshwar. Max Mueller did criticise the direct disciples of Sri Ramakrishna but Swamiji, when approsed by a disciple of his to this effect, said that it was but natural that the professor, a householder, would have some residual traits in ordinary smallness of conception as becomes a householder but that the attention of the children of Ramakrishna must not be on that. They must view with gratitude his monumental service to their motherland in laying before the Western world the wisdom of the Rishis. Swamiji further affirmed that it was his belief -- and Swamiji, do not forget, was a 'trikaalajna Rishi' (a Seer with unobstructed vision of the past, the present and the future) -- that Sayanacharya had himself incarnated in this modern age as Max Mueller to translate his own work on the Vedas into modern European language. Swamiji went on to say that day by day the old professor, who had never visited India but had been steeped in its lore and philosophy for almost his entire life, was experiencing his oneness with Brahman. Swamiji wistfully remembered Max Mueller and his wife as Vashishta and Arundhuti of our Vedic age. Now you see, my friend, you must know all these and not enter into puerile perception, proposition, preconception et al but must persist with humility in deep study and reflection even as the venerable German professor did on distant India till his heart and soul had caught the colour of ancient India in all its glory.
Sugata Bose @Angshuman Chatterjee : You are incorrigible, hence, not worth further discussion. I did not take time at all to collect information on Max Mueller. I was testing your knowledge-base before proceeding to inform you with facts that I was well aware of but was unsure whether I ought to needlessly present them before one who was so fanatically predisposed towards antipathetic attitude towards the subjects of discussion. However, when at the end of it all you resigned yourself to seeking greener pasture elsewhere for due information perhaps, I thought that I owed you the necessary information that was in my kitty. But now I realise that my original misgivings about your attitude and stance were well-founded and I merely spent time and energy illumining other more deserving readers with the knowledge that evidently bypassed you on account of your stupendous ignorance about Swamiji and his doings on earth. I was right in my original diagnosis about your innocence on Swamiji and feel happy to realise that my intuitions work right even today. God bless millions like you who are literally groping in the dark and yet deem it to be light of sorts which it is not! Swamiji must be read thoroughly to overcome this lacuna in your data-base. Else, you will not be able to realise even what I have been saying thus far, far less realise the implications of the activities of seminal personalities like Vivekananda and Max Mueller. Take due care during these unfortunate times and concentrate on gleaning knowledge from authentic sources rather than enter into senseless dialogic discourse with people who have spent a lifetime researching Swamiji. May Swamiji bless you!
Sugata Bose @Bhaskar Sen Sharma : If Muslims become a majority in India, all this talk of secularism and democracy will vanish like thin air as it has happened in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and in every other Muslim-majority country. India is tolerant, democratic and secular because of its Hindu-majority population. Wake up! Kashmir will teach you a lesson or two if the Partition of India has not yet taught it.
Sugata Bose @Bhaskar Sen Sharma : When was Islam born? Are you aware of historical facts, Muhammad Bin Qasim, Raja Dahir etc.? Where were the Muslims in Afghanistan (Gandhara), Pakistan (formed the other day in 1947) and Bangladesh or East Pakistan (born 1947/1971)? All of it was Aryavarta. Do you get it? Kashmir? Was it not fully inhabited by the Hindus and the Buddhists once? See the state now. Wake up!
Sugata Bose @Bhaskar Sen Sharma : Ah, deluded Hindu still dreaming just like in the early 1930s! The price to pay will be heavy. By the way, have you read the Quran and the Hadith?
Sugata Bose @Bhaskar Sen Sharma : You may be, not I, neither many such who have woken up and refuse to daydream.
Sugata Bose @Bhaskar Sen Sharma : You could not refute my earlier statement which came as refutation of yours. At any rate in earlier arguments also I have seen that you conflate things and refuse to factually and rationally argue, bringing needless devotional stuff to confuse clear discussion as in a scientific parlance it is the standard practice that is followed.
Sugata Bose @Bhaskar Sen Sharma : You are biased on the basis of fixated views which are factually incorrect. I speak on the basis of facts which are all well known. Krishna exhorted Arjun to take up arms against evil and not play the flute as little liberals are won't to reducing us to do in the name of the valorous one. This ostrich mentality is killing the Hindu race. Fortunately, not too many are giving in to this toxic pseudoliberalism in the wake of stupendous ignorance about the adversary's inimical intentions. And there lies the hope that Vivekananda will finally come alive despite his followers playing passive pseudo roles of sympathising with the dangerous elements through their inebriating superficial talks. May the Motherland rise to glory! May the poor get their due share of rightful living without being coerced or induced into atheism or any anti-Hindu attitude! At any rate I don't see too many of these liberals coming forward to contribute a bit in our mission to raise the living standards of the Mekhliganj tribals. That much for Hare Krishna.
Sugata Bose @Bhaskar Sen Sharma : Why do you enter into ill-founded arguments in the first place? First root yourself in facts, then proceed to discuss, deliberate, debate, whatever it be.
Sugata Bose @Bhaskar Sen Sharma : You are simply wasting words that have no core content because you have been unable to understand the import of the post and have proceeded as usual to pile up superficial comments tantamount to nothing substantial. Your very first question I refuted to which you could give no answer. God bless you!
Sugata Bose @Bhaskar Sen Sharma : Thank you. Adieu! I have wasted enough time in the past and today in explaining things to you in the light of reason and facts but you have always conflated things and stuck to your guns. Keep doing. I have better things to do than waste words on this infertile deliberation where the initial proposition has been missed and the initial argument sidestepped into meaningless meandering. To many India's welfare may lie in listing words but not to me. Every moment counts as the country sinks into dangerous terrain where Hindu interests may be permanently impaired again with countless gullible Hindus playing the adversarial band and expediting the motherland's ruin.
Sugata Bose @Bhaskar Sen Sharma : Adieu! And wake up! From this moment I refuse to entertain you anymore as an imperilled motherland beckons me. No time for childish prattle. Enough is enough. God bless you! Stay safe.
Sugata Bose @Susan Baker : I feel, Susan, there are no good speakers today on Swami Vivekananda, men and women of sterling character, full of the original fire of Swamiji, who can inspire the youth. If preachers themselves are not inspired enough, what chances are there of their lacklustre lectures filling others with inspiration?
Sugata Bose @Modi 3.0 : Perfect. Break the myth. Show the real face of truth and not its make-believe false form.
Sugata Bose @Ghosal Babu : Spreading hate or stating the truth?
Sugata Bose @Ghosal Babu : Yes, there you have a point. Overmuch of emphasis on religion is bound to be regressive in its socioeconomic return.
Sugata Bose @Ghosal Babu : Are you in favour of conversion which Christianity and Islam engage in by hook or by crook or at any rate?
Sugata Bose @Subhadeep Banerjee : You have already done a lot individually. But you see the project costs these days are enormous and so are people's individual budgetary constraints. The balance is crucial and must be struck, each to himself/herself through his/her own discernment.
Sugata Bose @A passive 'participant' : Not a passive acquiescence like that which much disturbs me but an enthusiastic, active commitment and dedication to the ideal.
Sugata Bose @Parna Sarkar : But I hope you are not mistaken about my identity. I am not Professor Sugata Bose of Harvard University but am another Sugata Bose altogether. This is unfortunately a common misperception of people which I hope you have not been susceptible to as well. May Thakur-Ma-Swamiji bless you!
Sugata Bose @Parna Sarkar : Thank you. May all good attend you and yours circumscribing the world over!
Sugata Bose @Ghosal Babu : Superficial idea based on scant understanding of the political intent of Islam. The Partition proved Netaji wrong despite his best intentions to avert it. One must face reality fair and square and address it accordingly.
Sugata Bose @Ghosal Babu : In calling me a criminal you are reading your own self in the mirror of life. I hope you understand what I mean. Would you also label Swami Vivekananda a criminal for his above-cited lectures and writings?
Sugata Bose @Ghosal Babu : Neither are you to engage in roguish conversation from behind barbed apartment.
Sugata Bose @Ghosal Babu : Read what I have cited from Swamiji rather than engaging in idle speculation about them. And remember that I have been thus far civil to one who has dubbed me a hateful criminal. That illustrates our distinctive cultural standpoints. I consider you God and you consider me a criminal. What love for a fellow human being you bear in the name of flaunted superficial idealism tantamount to nothing! The tide is turning, my friend. Your vaunted falsities will not last the test of time. Truth will triumph and expose age-old falsehoods. It is but a matter of time. Kaalenaatmani vindati.
Sugata Bose @Ghosal Babu : Yes, Hinduism is real. But Islamism threatens to destroy it. So does bigoted Christianity.
Sugata Bose @Ghosal Babu : How much of this real Hinduism have you studied? Have you studied Vivekananda in-depth? If not, do so instead being the votary of something that you know not of.
Sugata Bose @Ghosal Babu : This is not my ideology. This is the reaction of the times to Islamic fanaticism of ages, scriptural and practical, which I am highlighting. My ideal is Ramakrishna-Vivekananda-Vedanta in all its comprehensiveness.
Sugata Bose @Ghosal Babu : Please do not pretend to respect me after calling me a hate-mongering criminal who has let his parents down. Call a spade a spade. I'll appreciate that better.
Sugata Bose @Ghosal Babu : Are you out of your mind? You have very poor spiritual culture when you refuse to read Swamiji's own words which I have posted.
Sugata Bose @Ghosal Babu : Islam and Christianity call Hinduism false and Hindus only fit to be converted to their fold. Islam goes a step further in calling for Hindus to be put to the sword if they refuse to convert. What of that?
Sugata Bose @Ghosal Babu : Only Muslims will never admit that Hinduism is a true religion, not that it matters much to us. They do so because the Qur'an rejects all religions other than Islam as false or partially true, hence, untrue. Visit Saudi Arabia and worship Shree Krishna in public and you will see how liberal the very seat of Islam is.
Sugata Bose @Ghosal Babu : Visit Saudi Arabia and worship Shree Krishna in public and you will see how liberal the very seat of Islam is. See the state of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Remember the Bangladesh genocide of Hindus last Durga Puja and come to conclusions. An ISKCON centre was attacked, vandalised, looted, its serving devotee killed and cast off into the pond. This and many other like instances there during that period.
Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakraborty : Can you yourself not do it taking all the responsibility on your shoulders instead of firing the gun from mine?
Sugata Bose @Ghosal Babu : The very scripture of this faith is intolerant. It divides human beings into believers and disbelievers with consequent course of action against the latter. The whole of human history ever since its inception is deluged in blood and you are defending it in the name of fantastic ideas and fantasy tales perpetrated by votaries of such violence?
Sugata Bose @Ghosal Babu : Witness the subcontinent where Hindus are being persecuted.
Sugata Bose @Ghosal Babu : Are you a true Hindu who does not even realise the benighted state of our brethren who are being routinely persecuted in Pakistan and Bangladesh nor feel for their hapless lot?
Sugata Bose @Ashok Chakraborty : Yes, read the 'Lectures from Colombo to Almora' and become a man of character in the mould of Swamiji.
Sugata Bose @Ghosal Babu : But you speak senseless gibberish. How will you even cognise defeat even when patently apparent in your stubborn refusal to admit facts, especially in the light of what Swamiji, Rabindranath and Sri Aurobindo have written? Perhaps, you have still not read the citations as yet, glued as you are in posting posters. And come out into the open and deliberate. Why hide behind locked chambers and fire missiles at men like us who are in public space uninhibitedly? Isn't it a bit unfair advantage that you are privy to? Come on, man, be a man. Be a little courageous. Show your real mettle to one you had the temerity to label a fake personality. What are the others thinking of you? They must be wondering whether you have courage of conviction enough to hold guard in the open. Mr. Mathematician, get your formulae right. Right now they are failing your memory as you are stumbling in the steps to the solution of this intractable problem you have ventured upon.
Sugata Bose @Ghosal Babu: Also, punctuate your sentences properly. Forget not the full-stop at the end of a sentence, though our dialogue seems to be interminably long. But, nonetheless, as a true Hindu you owe it to your Sanatan Dharma this attribute of attempting perfection on whatever you do and that too selflessly and without expectation of return. Karma Yoga preached by Shree Krishna who you as member of ISKCON must surely be a devotee of is binding upon you. Right? So, do it from now on. Else, Mr. Mathematician, your problem of life will never arrive at its solution. Do you get it?
Sugata Bose @Ghosal Babu : But Azad Hind Fauj or Netaji do not make reality. Historical realities stand independently on the foundation of occurred events and articulated principles that have been put into practice and continue to be so in the name of absolutist fanatical doctrine which have perpetrated and perpetrate violence the world over.
Sugata Bose @Ghosal Babu : Must you not also revolt against Shree Krishna then for having inspired Arjun into taking up arms against evil in the form of the Kauravs? Nobody is supporting Hindu fanaticism but the point is why are you silent on Muslim fanaticism the world over whose apologist you have evidently become through your tacit arguments in their Middle Eastern favour done unto non-believers purely from commercial compulsions? Just ask yourself one question. Which other religion barring Hinduism accepts all religions as true? Does Islam do it? Read the Qur'an and come to conclusions. Do Christianity or Judaism do it? Read the Old and the New Testaments of the Bible and find out for yourself. It is easy to live in a fantasy world and frame flimsy arguments which are being smashed to smithereens but it takes a little labour of love for one's Dharma to study it in-depth and also the scriptures of these Abrahamic religions to be able to correctly compare the relative merits and demerits of the same.
Sugata Bose @Arijit Bose : Rightly said and with just the right sauce of sarcasm in succinct phrasing.
Sugata Bose @Ghosal Babu : Would you call Swami Vivekananda, Rabindranath Tagore and Sri Aurobindo communal as well for their statements that I have cited above which you have been cleverly avoiding reading or discussing after perusing through them?
Sugata Bose @Ghosal Babu : What about the genocide of Hindus in 1990 in Kashmir, the Great Calcutta Killing of 1946, the Noakhali genocide of Hindus in 1946, the Partition of India which was forced upon the motherland by The All India Muslim League, the continuous persecution of Hindus in Pakistan and Bangladesh, last year's genocide of Hindus in Bangladesh in which your ISKCON temple was attacked and devotee killed, Hindu minor girls molested mercilessly? What about all these? Call these communal as well. Trace out their scriptural source and, if you are honest, denounce them. Come on, be a man. Speak the whole truth. Don't hide behind convenient cover of cowardice and come out in the open. It seems not only are you locked in profile but you are locked in cowardice as well to choose silence on contentious issues while sidetracking the post proper which was simply a statement of fact and was in no way communal at all.
Sugata Bose @Ghosal Babu : Do you know how long your vaunted inclusiveness will remain? So long as Hindus are in the majority. When the scales are reversed there will be a scripturally sanctioned end to all such inclusiveness and exclusiveness will become the order of the day.
Sugata Bose @Ghosal Babu : You do not find any instances of Islamic terrorism in India and in the wide world? Are you being honest in cherry-picking instances that suit your agenda?
Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakraborty : Why are you making my private details public? Who gives you the right to do so? Desist in future from dabbling in such data-divulgence. My personal life is not Facebook property that you must provide for people to wonder. Let arguments be impersonal. I can defend myself and do not need anybody's help, especially if that compromises my personal life.
Sugata Bose @Samarbijoy Chakraborty : I know that. But I am simply using this as an occasion to clarify public conception about certain contentious issues that confound the common man. I am not trying to convince Ghosal Babu who is simply incorrigible and will not bother to read the pertinent posts from Swamiji's Complete Works.
Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakraborty : I know that but you must never make anything that is personal public. Else, people will not like it. However, I know why you did what you did. Do not feel bad. You have only defended me out of veneration for me and Thakur is blessing you for it. You have raised my reputation thus and not reduced it. So, rejoice.
Sugata Bose @Ghosal Babu Godspeed you in your endeavour provided it is good for the country. However, your personal vilification of me will not stand you in good stead, I dare say. Moreover, you have unnecessarily strayed from the main content of the post proper and also refused to read Swamiji's views on Islam which I have cited. This is anomalous behaviour for one who is a supposedly rational person by self-acclamation. You self-publicise as well your attainments which is strange behaviour as well for a scholar like you. As the adage goes, 'Vidya dadaati vinayam' (Knowledge bestows humility), a feature strangely missing in you, Mr. Mathematician.
P.S. You have conveniently missed mentioning the laugh signs which you have given in places. Such selective mention suits a gem of a mathematician like you, a la Satyen Bose, should I say?
Sugata Bose @Ghosal Babu : You please save Hinduism and the Hindus from yourself. That will be patriotic project itself.
Sugata Bose @Ghosal Babu : Thank you for giving me a beautiful Sunday. Will you be kind enough to oblige me tomorrow as well? I shall remain indebted to you for this favour, Mr. Problem Solver.
Sugata Bose @Buddhadeb Mukherjee : You are right but you must also read Swamiji's views on the real scriptural Islam with its historical gory trail stretching from the Arabian deserts to across the Atlantic.
Sugata Bose @Ghosal Babu : And in 1947 the Partition took place. Right?
Sugata Bose @Ghosal Babu : Do you know the essence and details of the philosophy which is known as Hindutvavaad or are you a casual gatherer of crumbs of knowledge that filter through the network of online postings by people?
Sugata Bose @Ghosal Babu : Hinduism does not teach that. Neither does Hinduism teach tolerating intolerance against Hinduism beyond reasonable measure. Defence of svadharma is intrinsic to Hinduism in all its connotations. I say this lest you infer svadharma as varnadharma only.
Sugata Bose @Ghosal Babu : What are the foundational principles of the Sanatan Dharma? Kindly illumine us on them since you so vociferously claim to be a votary of Hinduism.
Sugata Bose @Ghosal Babu : When have I ever said that one is a true Hindu if one hates M, whatever to your mind the letter 'M' may mean? This is superb fabricated stuff. By the way, why do you advertise your attainments and familial heritage so much? Have you not heard of the adage,
'Aponare bado bole, bado sei noy,
Lokey jarey bado bole, bado sei hoy.'?
Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakraborty : Nilanjana, nobody defends me like you do. This qualifies you to be of the highest rank among my disciples and followers.
Sugata Bose @Ghosal Babu : Why vaunt about their sacrifice? There are countless other families that have done so and are doing so silently for the progressive emancipation of India in varied bondage. Their descendants do not publicise their forefathers' sacrifices nor their own in this progressive process of the liberation of the people. Why do you? Let people judge from your attitudes, aspirations and activities what you are. Why advertise your and your family's accomplishments when humility would clothe you and yours with a finer apparel?
Sugata Bose @Samarbijoy Chakraborty : I am neither advocating nor rejecting what the great men of India have said about Christianity and Islam but am merely putting across their thoughts. Christianity has undergone reformation, true, but continues to rampantly convert with monetary inducement and other benefits, and this is seen across the face of India, in the South, in the North-east and in the Punjab, to state just a few instances. Islam continues to proliferate its toxic political ideology of divisiveness between the believer and the infidel with its terrible consequences on non-Muslims in our neighbouring countries of Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan being only too evident. These are apparently intractable issues and cannot be fancifully wished away by false fraternity unfounded on facts but must be addressed on the basis of knowledge, investigation, study and research, and by adopting remedial measures after that, even if they be temporarily unpalatable to some or even to many.
Sugata Bose @Ghosal Babu : I agree. I believe as well that socioeconomic issues should drive politics and not religion. But the sad state of national affairs is that each and every political party in India uses religion, caste, language and other identity features to purchase electoral support. Why blame one party specifically and exclude all others from your blamegame? You have been castigating right from the inception of this lengthy conversation only a specific political party, its ideological parent organisation and its adherents and activists while conveniently absolving all others from your carping and, I dare say, abusive remarks. Is that fairplay from one who by self-proclaimation is such an elevated citizen of this country and who reserves for himself the right to condemn other like citizens with less than civil remarks?
Sugata Bose @Ghosal Babu : Why are you avoiding the torture of Hindus in Muslim-majority countries like Pakistan and Bangladesh, and even in Kashmir? Have you forgotten the genocide of Hindu Pandits in 1990 in Kashmir and their subsequent exodus from their homeland there?
Sugata Bose @Ghosal Babu : I have nothing against your views which are personal to you save the fact that you have drawn the conversation from beyond the purview of the post proper and you have liberally abused me to your ill-founded humour. Still I have desisted from uttering one word by way of vilification of your self beyond humorous repartee. These are points for you to ponder.
Sugata Bose @Ghosal Babu : You are simply incorrigible. This post is not about you. But I think you need to be blocked because you have been pestering me since yesterday for far too long. Now take it. Your profile is locked. So, you are as good as blocked for me. Now let me formally seal the sanction on it.
Sugata Bose @Ghosal Sanjay : You are a bit crazy and out of bounds for rational discourse. It is not good that you harbour such self-indulgence as you do but you will realise the import of my words later on for sure. Godspeed unto you unto that dawn of self-awakening!
P.S. It is so unfortunate that Bengal has sunk to such abysmally low cultural level, so very sad, indeed!
Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : Thanks for bringing this typographical error to my notice. I had typed 'primacy' but it got auto-typed in the final reckoning as 'primary'. What a shame! Thanks again.
And how perceptive you are as a reader that you could catch the thread of my thought! Herein lies the illustration of the principle of the Many in the One and the One in the Many, our thoughts which are apparently fragmented bits of an indivisible consciousness, threaded together as it were like shining gemstones on a single underlying thread that lends location, lustre and a commonality of relative experience to each in a disjoint, discrete universe of dissolving dreams, separating and coalescing in an unending stream of the evolving-involving process. Herein lies the impossible act of communication of seemingly separate souls living in their isolated islands of inward self-experience through the intervening ocean of connecting thought. Herein lies the actualisation of the apparently impossible reach of the inside to the outside, and of the outside to beyond its self-drawn borders. This act of expression, communication, outreach and exchange is amazing, although we scarce reckon it, habituated as we are with the recurring phenomenon of events as they are. Herein lies the original urge to extend beyond our immediate selves, to reach and react, to love and touch, to bind others as in a single nest, the impulse to building social networks, the gregarious instinct of man.
This is the inconceivable design of the transcendent being assuming immanence and connecting disjoint sets of material aggregates as if in a unified conscious experience that lends them a greater wholeness that keeps evolving till the cosmos lies connected in expanded experience and is then transcended in a final act of self-shedding unto the leap of Self-realisation where separateness has surrendered its exclusive entity unto oneness that can now never break.
Sunday, 27 March 2022
রামকৃষ্ণ মঠ, মেখলীগঞ্জ, কোচবিহার (বেলুড় মঠের শাখাকেন্দ্র)
রামকৃষ্ণ মঠ, মেখলীগঞ্জ, কোচবিহার (বেলুড় মঠের শাখাকেন্দ্র)
কে চায় মুক্তি? চারিদিকে মানুষের দুঃখ-দুর্দশা, তা জেনেও স্বার্থপর হব? ঠাকুর নরদেহে, মা নারীদেহে অগণিত শরীরে নিদারুণ নিপীড়নের শিকার | অশিক্ষা, অস্বাস্থ, অনাহার, অবহেলা তাঁদের ছায়াসঙ্গি | যদি ঠাকুর-মায়ের ভক্ত হই, তাহলে এসব জেনে, বুঝে, দেখেও চুপ করে হাত গুটিয়ে বসে থাকব? তাই কি হবে আমাদের ভক্তির নিদর্শন? আচ্ছা, একবার নিজেদের ওই ভয়ঙ্কর পরিবেশে চিন্তা করেই দেখা যাক না | কেমন লাগে? কি হবে ঠাকুরের শ্রীমুখের চিন্তা করে যদি তাঁর অগণিত নরকায়ের প্রতি এহেন উদাসীনতা থাকে আমাদের মনে? তার চেয়ে ঢের ভাল তাঁরই প্রদর্শিত সেবা কর্ম করা, সেই সেবার নানা প্রকল্পে অর্থসাহায্য করা যাতে মঠ-মিশনের কাজ অর্থাভাবে দাঁড়িয়ে না থাকে |
বেলুড় মঠের এমনই একটি শাখাকেন্দ্র কোচবিহারের মেখলীগঞ্জে অবস্থিত | কেন্দ্রটি ২০১৫ সাল হতে স্বাধীন শাখাকেন্দ্ররূপে স্বীকৃতি পেয়েছে কিন্তু ঘোর অর্থাভাবের জন্য পূর্ণ শক্তি নিয়ে কাজ করতে পারছে না | স্বামী ওঁকারাত্মানন্দজীর অক্লান্ত পরিশ্রমের ফলে তবু আশ্রমটি এগিয়ে চলেছে কিন্তু ভয়ানক অর্থাভাব | আসুন, আমরা সকলে মিলে আশ্রমটিকে সর্বাঙ্গসুন্দর করে গড়ে তুলি ও তার নানা লোককল্যাণকর্মে সহায়তার হাত বাড়িয়ে দি |
The due details as mentioned below must be sent through whatsapp/email to Maharaj (Swami Omkaratmananda).
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Saturday, 26 March 2022
1. How can we talk of devotion to Thakur-Ma-Swamiji when we are so averse to serving their cause in terms of monetary support afforded by us? Lip-service is easy, easing the purse for the well-being of their human incarnations that much more difficult. Is it not so?
2. Ramakrishna Math, Mekhliganj, Cooch Behar (a branch centre of Belur Math) requires urgent financial support. Devotees and well-wishers, come to its aid. Let not Thakur's work wait.
3. Give up the fear of self-security and self-preservation. Serve Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission. Your preservation is assured. Thakur never lets down His devotee.
The due details as mentioned below must be sent through whatsapp/email to Maharaj (Swami Omkaratmananda).
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Fund : General Fund
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5. Cowards preach the Geeta, people who run away from trouble-spots to preserve their bodies and their peace. This dichotomy between word and deed has allowed evil to so rule the roost everywhere. Wise is the one who is valorous as well. But such a combination is rare even among the celebrated ones.
6. আমি আছি অথচ ভগবান নেই, এ কেমন করে সম্ভব? নাস্তিকতা অপরিণত বুদ্ধির পরিচায়ক |
7. Education is for amelioration of human misery, material and spiritual, selfless service being its mode and liberation from universal infatuation its goal.
8. Charity is offering God what is duly His and has never been yours ever. Remembering this be generous. Help Ramakrishna Math, Mekhliganj. This is the easiest way to devotion, to peace, to blessedness.
9. God is lying famished everywhere and we speak words of wisdom oblivious of such suffering. Shame unto such an exposition of the Vedanta!
10. Where, alas, shall another Virajanandaji be?
11. Alas! who cares for the poor? The Ramakrishna Mission does. But some of their branch centres are unable to function properly on account of lack of funds. Ramakrishna Math, Mekhliganj is one such ashram which is in acute financial distress but is gamely battling on. Devotees, come forward, help.
12. Zeal is what is required for the spread of Ramakrishna- Vivekananda Movement. The rapid advance of this spiritual tide alone can stem the material rot of the world and save human civilisation.
13. There is an urgency about the whole situation. The world is burning. We cannot wait for Thakur to grace us before we act. This is no resting time. We must be up and doing. Contribute to Ramakrishna Math, Mekhliganj. Thakur's work must not be made to wait.
14. Who cares if we live or die? Humanity must live. Like wild fire we must spread the Word of Thakur-Ma-Swamiji across the length and breadth of the world. There can be no gradualness in this regard anymore. The world is at its explosive worst. Act now. Help the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission grow rapidly.
15. Those that preach truthfulness must themselves be truthful. Otherwise, it makes a mockery of preaching.
16. The masses have waited long enough for their education, for their enlightenment. They must not be made to wait any longer. Every generation the poorest children are sunk into the abyss of ignorance. We must forthwith stem the tide. Help the Ramakrishna Math, Mekhliganj help our tribal sisters and brothers.
17. It is life that speaks out to life; it is feeling that powers the soul; it is love that binds men in fraternal bond. Live, feel, love and then alone preach. Else, it's hollow talk amounting to nothing.
18. We need to have such men and women who care nothing for themselves and only care for the welfare of the mute millions daily being reduced to dust by the grinding machinery of an unjust society. Where are you all, my friends, who will bear the cross for the salvation of these souls with a smile?
19. আজও কুঠিবাড়ী থেকে ঠাকুর ডাকছেন, "ওরে, তোরা কে কোথায় আছিস, আয়, আমি যে আর থাকতে পারছি না |"
আর আজও স্বামীজী বলছেন, "আমি দেখতে চাই তোরা সব খেটে খেটে মরে যাস |"
আর মা কি বলছেন? "বাবা, জগৎকে আপনার করে নাও | কেউ পর নয় বাবা, সব আপন |"
20. To quicken sympathy in devotees for the mighty cause of Thakur-Ma-Swamiji, they will have to be accorded due respect in much the same way as they do so to monks. Reverence must be mutual. Else, it will be a barren field of sterile sympathy both ways. Truth, honesty and genuine reverence ought to mark the robe of both monastic and householder.
21. লেখাপড়া করে PhD করে কি হয় যদি দরিদ্রনারায়ণের প্রতি দরদ না জাগে, যদি তাদের উদ্ধারকল্পে আত্মত্যাগের ইচ্ছা না বলবৎ হয় ? রাশি রাশি বিদ্যা আর রাশি রাশি স্বার্থ | কি হবে ওই ছাইপাঁশে যদি হৃদয় না জাগ্রত হল ? চাই চরিত্র, সত্যানুরাগ, আপসহীনতা ও পরিপ্লাবিত প্রেম ওই নিঃসহায় নরদেবতাদের জন্য |
22. Malnourished the tribal children are of Mekhliganj. Help Ramakrishna Math, Mekhliganj go to the doors of the tribal people and serve them with food, clothes, provisions and light.
23. This world is the great playhouse where we, human dolls, dance to the rhythms of an invisible enchantress before She breaks the spell and absorbs us in Her.
24. Can a nation be built by masses of unsympathetic people with tall talk and little action, hateful hearts and heads full of ignorance masquerading as patriots, pretentious and puerile? Follow Swamiji in letter and spirit if you are a true nationalist. Else, build your character before spreading your 'vanity fair'.
25. Perfection is to be sought in every endeavour of life. If not, the standard of excellence will be lowered with consequent cultural decline.
26. আমরা যেহেতু সকলেই ঠাকুরের এক একটি রূপ, তাঁকে সর্বত্র দর্শন করাটাই স্বাভাবিক -- সাধনসাপেক্ষ কিন্তু কৃপাসংযোগে অন্তে স্বাভাবিক | প্রথমে বিশ্বাস, পরে বোধ -- সহজ, সুন্দর, স্বচ্ছ সুদর্শনযোগ |
27. Circumstance holds the commoner. The men who create history are thrown up by circumstance only to reshape it. These are the epoch-makers. And yet higher are the divine incarnations who enter into terrestrial conditions out of their own volition, being free of historical forces ever. These are the ones that give life and light to civilisation.
28. The spiritualisation of the world means the altering of circumstance. Right now the roguish forces and the elements of infatuation are holding the minds of men en masse. This is being countered by the influx of spirituality from the divine personages of Ramakrishna, Vivekananda and their true followers. It is a time-consuming affair but is inexorably working its way to transforming human society. Jai Ramakrishna!
29. Raise the poor. They are the strength of the nation. This is patriotism. This is practical spirituality.
30. Support the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission. Upon its rapid expansion rests the future of India and the world.
31. If you want to build character, follow Vivekananda and none else.
32. আজকাল মানুষ publicly private | সব locked profile |
33. Few listen. Most talk. Communication is generally poor.
34. With masses of 'good' people giving in to pandering to their little selves it is but natural that concentrated evil should dominate society. Let the 'good' people exhibit genuine goodness in terms of affirmative social action executed with cipher self-interest and total commitment to the common weal.
35. My pleasure is at the cost of someone else's pain. The rich man is rich by displacing poverty elsewhere. One man's wealth accounts for the weeping of so many.
36. The life of a monk is like an iceberg, little exposed above the sea, much hidden beneath.
...Pradip Dasgupta (Bachchuda), my late cousin and mentor.
37. Concentration is the key to success, Swamiji says. Let us then concentrate our forces to fast-track the progress of the welfare activities of Ramakrishna Math, Mekhliganj, Cooch Behar which is a branch centre of Belur Math.
38. When Ramakrishna starves all around, is it right for devotees to feast? Fight malnourishment in the Mekhliganj tribal children, both in body and in mind. Help the Ramakrishna Math, Mekhliganj, Cooch Behar, a branch centre of Belur Math. The monks are ready but resources are not. Assist. Give your mite. Show your living concern for the living Thakur in these emaciated bodies, in these impoverished minds, in these suffering souls that mutely march on like shadows through the valley of death.
39. Childhood indoctrination is hard to get past even in adulthood. Thus, fanaticism persists in exclusive monotheistic religions and despite a liberal education in academic institutions, this homespun scriptural web that binds a baby in prospective bloom ever retards his humanistic growth despite the tallest of pretensions to the contrary. Free children from irrational, antihuman indoctrination if you wish to build a harmonious future world order.
তাঁর বাড়ী, তাঁর ঘর, তাঁর সম্পত্তি, সবই তাঁর | আমি নিজেও নিজের নই, নিজেও তাঁর | অছিমাত্র আমি ? এও অজ্ঞানপ্রসূত অহঙ্কার | এইমাত্র বলা চলে, দাসোহম | সেবার সুযোগ আছে, অধিকার নয় | কর্মের সুযোগ আছে, অধিকার নয় | ফলে অধিকার কেনন করে থাকবে যদি কর্মেই অধিকার না থাকে ? তিনি নিজেই নিজেকে ফল দান করেন | তাই, ফলদাতা তিনি, ফলভোক্তাও তিনি | মাঝখানে এই 'আমি'টা এসে গিয়ে পাকিয়েছে গণ্ডগোল | ওই 'আমি'টা সরানোই সাধনা, ওই 'আমি'টা সরানোই হৃদয়বত্তা |
রচয়িতা : সুগত বসু (Sugata Bose)
আলোকচিত্র : আদিবাসীদের মাঝে সেবারত স্বামী ওঁকারাত্মানন্দ (সুধাংশু মহারাজ), অধ্যক্ষ, রামকৃষ্ণ মঠ, মেখলীগঞ্জ, কোচবিহার -- বেলুড় মঠের অন্যতম শাখাকেন্দ্র |
41. The rich man craving for more is a bigger beggar than the poor beggar begging for bare subsistence.
42. ডাবের মধ্য হতে অমৃতক্ষরণ হচ্ছে |
43. কি বলছে সেটা বড়, কে বলছে সেটা বড় নয় | কিন্তু কার্যতঃ উল্টোটাই ঘটতে দেখলাম সারা জীবন |
পিশাচের বেশে,
কুকুরের বেশে
আসেন ঈশ্বর
-- কালভৈরব !
কেবা চায় তাঁকে?
বাহ্যরূপ ভেদি,
মোহমায়া ছেদি
কেবা দেখে বস্তুসার,
কে তাঁহারে ডাকে?
কেবা চায় তাঁকে?
45. Language deflects from the Truth. Beware of the word! Be aware of the Word! Go beyond words. Go beyond the Word.
46. Great men seldom live to see the fruition of their works. It is only after they are dead and gone that the work starts to bear its mighty fruit.
47.Only in nirvikalpa samadhi One is. Elsewhere, one seems to be. Post-samadhi one knows that the One and the Many are the two faces of the same coin, the Real and the Reflection.
48. The substance is the same, the form differs.
49. Is there a religion that can hold the heart of man? Yes, it is the religion of love.
50. Donations will flow if work is done to uplift the tribals.
51. The lotion of love will heal the wounds of war.
52. This substance and that Substance are the same. There is but one living reality, undivided, whole.
53. বৈরাগ্য যখন তীব্র হয় তখন কি আর লীলায়িত সাহিত্য ভাল লাগে যার আধা বিদ্যাশ্রিত, আধা অবিদ্যাশ্রিত ?
54. Every moment is a life ended, every moment is a life begun. Lingering life goes on, stringing the pearl moment.
55. I am not one body but am the extended self of all. Thus, selfishness leads to misery while service to others leads to well-being. I am after all the Self in all.
56. Spirituality may be practised in all stations of life. But that does not mean it can be gained by pandering to the senses in the guise of practising it. The senses must be subdued through absolute purity. Preachers must not attempt to make the Vedanta enticing and workable through compromise with worldliness which in effect will prove counterproductive and an abysmal failure. There is no royal road to enlightenment. The price must be paid. Purity is the price. Abstinence is the only aspiration that must don the devotee. Om!
57. Too much of theory, too little practice. Too many words, too few deeds. Too much of show, too little substance.
58. The rising cost of living, the scant salary of the common man, the massive unemployment in the wake of exploding population, the rampant corruption and the ruthless exploitation of the people by greedy capitalists have reduced the average humanity in India to increasing impoverishment. Profit for the pleasure of the privileged is the price the people pay to prove that they are the slaves of the modern-day monarchs, the industrialists who rule this new kingdom called democratic India.
59. Devotion must be dynamic in deed. Then it is devotion indeed.
60. চারিদিকে দুঃখদৈন্য এত যে সুখী জীবন যাপনের আর সময় নেই | এখন শুধু অমৃতহস্তে দুঃখলাঘব, এইমাত্র কর্তব্য |
61. অহং তো আবরণ | ও যত যায় তত ভাল | পড়ে থাকবে সত্যবস্তু -- শাশ্বত, সনাতন |
62. ঠাকুরের ভাব যত ছড়ায়, তত ভাল | কিন্তু ভাবের মানটি রাখা চাই | যেন মানুষকে সাহস যোগানোর জন্য সত্যকে খাটো করে দেখানো না হয় | যেন জাগতিকতার সাথে কোনমতে আপস না করা হয় | যেন সত্যলাভ অতি সহজসাধ্য করে দেখানোর প্রয়াসে সত্যের অপলাপ না করা হয় |
63. ত্যাগ, অর্থাৎ, উপাধিশূণ্যতা, আসক্তিবর্জন, অমরত্বের পূর্বসূরী |
64. We often say when exhorted to do a thing and when unsure of whether we can comply or not, "I shall try." This way, if we fail to deliver, we believe we will be absolved of possible untruthfulness. But we must actually try to fulfil the request made of us and not simply use the words, "I shall try", as a ruse to escape supposed untruthfulness. If we do not sincerely try, we will have nonetheless lied.
65. We cannot be satisfied with little gains when the 'world is burning with misery' as per Swami Vivekananda and as per our experience. Our service must be transformational, comprehensive, total and that, too, with rapid execution and effect. That is Practical Vedanta.
66. Devotees of Thakur-Ma-Swamiji, be dynamic. Actively support the welfare activities of the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission. Due to shortage of funds the work is being impeded, the growth of the movement getting slowed down.
67. The goodness of the 'pranam' is in the brightness of the soul and the alignment of the will, the willingness to obey and respond to the higher call.
68. The 'spiritual' industry has become the biggest duping ground for the masses as commerce corrupts its course. There is no downturn in this industry ever as willing fools abound always. On a lighter note:
Happy April Fools' Day!
69. Prosper and serve or serve and prosper.
70. Body is not all that counts. We are more than that. It is my body and not the body's me or that the body is me. This distinction will help avert overmuch of attachment and attention to this perishable entity of flesh and form.
71. The apathy of us for each other is detrimental to the development of the nation. Selfishness rooted out is the foundation of patriotism and consequent national well-being.
72. Commercialisation of culture is corroding character. This is the vicious, exploitative third epoch in human evolution, the epoch of capitalism.
73. Too many words, too few deeds. Gap between word and deed is huge. The man of character bridges this gap and aligns deed with word and word with thought.
74. Swamiji's words are simple but deep. Their implications are huge and need concentrated contemplation before they reveal their essential spirit. Casual browsing through his words will lead to flawed understanding. The kernel will be missed and surfing on the frothy billows will hide the inner intent.
75. How madly people cling to their insecure security in personal wealth! Drinking the poison potion of pleasure they come to pain and yet they persist in the pursuance of ephemeral dreams till death siezes them. Strange infatuation! Strange life! Strange deadly, daily death! And, yet, freedom at the very end when the dream is smashed to smithereens.
76. What you give, give wholeheartedly without seeking anything in return. The return will come forsooth in redoubled terms, but, to quote Swamiji, "The attention must not be on that."
77. What you give, give wholeheartedly without seeking anything in return. The return will come forsooth in redoubled terms, but, to quote Swamiji, "The attention must not be on that."
78. The rich man's luxury is the poor man's pain.
79. ঠাকুর-স্বামীজীর ভাব তো নিতেই হবে, নইলে তো মানুষ হওয়া যাবে না |
80. Oh modern-day monarch, your empire you build on the bones of the billions you destroy with one fell stroke of your greed! Spare a thought. Would you be able to bear such plight yourself were the scales to reverse balance?
81. I exhort the youth to take to the study of Vivekananda month after month, year after year, decade after decade to transform themselves and be a blessing unto humanity.
82. সর্বত্র ভগবান |
83. Hinduism will conquer the world, not merely the detached territories of Pakistan and Bangladesh. The whole world will be deluged by a flood of spirituality. But first Hindus themselves must become proper Hindus. This titular status and raucous crying will not do. Sympathy for the poor, an intense sense of charity and absence of greed must possess the land before things come to pass. Till then rabblerousing may seem religion but in one's heart of hearts one knows the distinction between truth and falsity. 🕉
84. The spirit of charity has to be revived among our citizenry. Concern for the poor and the dispossessed must be made uppermost in the person who vouches spirituality.
85. Devotees of Thakur-Ma-Swamiji must be far more active in support of the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission. In their relative passivity they are rusting the welfare potential of the monastics of the Order. Come, support the Master's divine cause with vigour and enterprise, with zeal and energy.
86. ভুলিও না দুঃখী দরিদ্রনারায়ণেরে, হে মহাপ্রাণ, জাগ্রত হও !
87. Forget not the suffering Daridranarayan, O great soul, awake!
88. When you forget yourself, the Self is awakened. Give up the least vestige of self-concern, of self-interest, selfishness and look around to serve the living God in the dying man, destitute and despairing, helpless, hopeless beyond bounds, struggling to stay alive in a world of crushing coarseness. Come to his relief, my friend. Spread love around in sweet words, in dynamic deeds and in burning sympathy that kindles a like fire in the hearts of others.
89. Swamiji starves and they offer him prostrations. Swamiji dies and they write his obituary. Swamiji lives on and they multiply their verbal adulation. My countrymen, when will you offer his living forms succour, solace, sympathy in glowing deeds?
90. From below guna, through guna to beyond guna - thus is the evolution of life.
91. Ego, that blind leader of men!
92. Alas! Who cares for the poor?
93. You are right. It is a sin to spend overmuch on oneself. It is a privilege to serve others instead who are the Greater Me.
94. যেখানে ভাব, সেখানে সংঘ কই ? যেখানে সংঘ, সেখানে ভাব কই ? ভাবকে কেন্দ্র করে সংঘ, সংঘকে কেন্দ্র করে ভাব নয় |
95. Swamiji lives and dies in a billion bodies even today. Let us come forward and worship this moving mass of humanity who are 'the salt of the earth'. If we succeed in bringing succour to them, glory unto the Lord! If we fail in doing so despite our earnest efforts, glory unto the Lord! Let us serve. Let us sacrifice. Let us die that others may live. Jai Swamiji!
96. ভাল লোকেরা যদি এতই ভাল হত তাহলে মন্দ লোক এত মন্দ হতে পারত না |
97. We are closeted in the womb of the Mother.
98. In a world of vanishing dreams what is the use of sinking roots in shifting sand dunes to establish identity?
99. The beggar-status among the aspirational and the rich is on the rise as consumerism induces increased greed in people. With it comes effeminacy and a weakening paralysing culture that injects daily doses of debility into the lifeblood of the masses. We must resist this commercial corrosion of national character.
100. How I wish the youth took more to Swamiji! It would literally transform the face of India.
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