On the surface I blame the capitalists for the degeneration of the world and, in especial, India. The progressively lowly advertising culture is eating into the vitals of the character of humanity like never before. Decency, morals, ethics, all these have taken a backseat as men sell their wares wearing nothing that would count for classical culture, nothing that would account their lineage well. Businesses have run in the past but never have businessmen stooped so low to sell their wares and never have men and women sold their bodies and minds thus to help them sell such while perverting culture, polluting minds and debasing whatever remains of humanity yet. This must stop. Else, a violent reaction will amend things in the long run for the antithesis to all such thesis will have set in to redress the lost balance.
But, is Hegelian dialectics necessary to explain away the anomaly each time and, at any rate, will it happen without human effort? Can common sense not make better sense of the situation and rectify course? Are we imbeciles that we should so give in to the coarse current of crass culture and do nothing about it? Can we not start a reverse current of enlightenment as had rescued Europe from Christian corrosion? What is the point of flaunting superior spiritual culture before the world when in practice we behave like animals? Is commerce everything? Must a job be done at any cost just because one has been paid to do it? Must men of eminence also join in the party and scoop up handfuls of money even if it means selling person, personality, ideals, culture and one's very civilisation? Is the dollar going to dictate thus, the pound pound its way to the soul and the rupee reduce humans to base animals? Read and reflect. Then realise and redress. God bless my fallen urban lot !
Written by Sugata Bose
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