Wednesday 29 September 2021



Those who point their fingers up towards the sky by way of meaning God are in the preliminary stage of conception of the Divine. The Semitic religions all point to an external God in Heaven and their adherents by this definition belong to the said category. But followers of the Sanatan Dharma, that is, the Hindus, ought not to use such words as 'Uparwala' (the One above). Hindu philosophy says that God is immanent everywhere, inside us, outside us and as us and every thing that has name and form. And God as ultimate reality is transcendent as well. He is then the attributeless, formless, infinite sea of consciousness which has been called Brahman, although It has no name as such. Hence, cultural associations with Muslims and Christians have induced Hindus to point heavenward as well but it is high time that spiritual literacy and understanding spread among the Hindus to rectify this wrong.

Written by Sugata Bose

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