Wednesday 29 September 2021



People use make-up to look beautiful. But the best way to look beautiful is to practise purity. The skin will glow of its own, the face will be fresh and full, the voice will be musical, the gait rhythmic and there will be an unearthly beauty all about you, that of the gods and the goddesses. The personality will be pleasing and penetrative. It will create an aura about you and you will be victorious everywhere. But the attention must not be on that. The prime purpose of life is God-realisation. All external observances are distractions to attaining it. Hence, let naturalness be your air, your attitude, your attribute and your attire. Let not artificial addition cover up your true self, both physical and psychological. Be not ashamed to own up to who you are. Dark skin need not be made fair by application of foundation nor any such embellishment aim at attracting attention to who you are not, that is, to who you are presenting yourself to be. Be yourself and if you wish to be your best beautiful self, then be your most spiritual self, your most intellectual self, your most physically healthy self so that the trinity may bring out the best from within you. Better be beautiful naturally for yourself than be so artificially for others.

Written by Sugata Bose

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