Thursday, 23 September 2021



These days we see fake Gurus with political and industrial backing making hay, fooling the nation with 'yogic' gibberish which are not in consonance with what our scriptures declare as truth. The people, gullible as they are, gobble up such arrant nonsense as spiritual truth and come to grief. But such is the power of propaganda backed by industrial and political powerhouses that the delusion they diffuse into society continues unabated. Rather it gains momentum with every passing year and its stranglehold on society assumes diabolic proportions. The result is as expected -- a sliding down of the nation into the dark ages despite pretensions galore to the contrary. The situation is complex and confounding and there is no easy way out of it for the country is huge, its population vast, problems perplexing and contradictions contending for resolution which can only happen over time.

Meanwhile, what are we to do? Must we allow our country to be looted by these goons who masquerade as messiahs? Must we be mute witnesses to the destruction of the spiritual principles of our age-old civilisation? Must we by our silence be tacit supporters of these rogues who go by the name of gurus and godmen? The most lucrative business that knows no recession is ruining the immediate hopes of our country as even eminent citizens are being lured into the commercial ventures of these godmen which is helping consolidate their hold on the public imagination. No, we must not bear this derailment of the national rational discourse thus but must actively oppose these charlatans and their political bosses who help promote their perfidious programmes. But to do so we must understand the societal compulsions of our country, its inner tensions and tussles, and the dynamics of its evolving history. 

Written by Sugata Bose

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