Tuesday, 17 July 2018


1. Every hurt that you inflict on others will recoil on you. Beware!
2. There is no escape from karma. So, act with care.
3. You injure and then try to heal. Why injure at all?
4. It is dreadful to justify ignorance and, so, make righteousness out of a malefic cause. It hurts humanity, damages civilisation.

5. Strength comes not in a day but over years of rigorous sadhana. And we have the means to do it.

6. We are losing our religion, our traditional spiritual culture through neglect of our daily meditations.

7. Where do you settle abroad, my friend, leaving this land of the gods? Return to serve the living mass of humanity here.

8. We need the flow of tremendous rajas in India today. The country is reeling under the weight of over-population and ignorance.

9. This living mass of humanity, this is my living God. The transcendental One is manifest here right before my eyes.

10. Must I only think of my family and not beyond? Does not my family extend to the whole of humanity?

11. Those artistes who try to impress the public by mannerisms and gimmicks will be laid by the wayside in time.

12. The body is there to encapsulate the vibrations of the universe and gain experience to transcend it unto freedom.

13. Children of Bengal, please learn Hindustani classical music in depth before attempting other genres of music.

14. There is so much poverty all around. How can people waste money in frivolous pursuits?

15. Kumar Gandharvaji -- absolute genius! Novelty in ancient art, supremely original. Folk tinge in classical, universal appeal.

16. Let me smiling dissolve this form in the infinitude of space, a drop in the universal ocean.

17. Hurry, worry and curry kill. Avoid these.

18. The system of karma operational in the world is the dispenser of justice and none can escape the clutches of this divine law.

19. Poverty cannot be removed from the world so long as human greed fuels prosperity.

20. Imbalance is the structural imperative of phenomena. How can balance be ever restored en masse unless mass destruction is desired?

21. This dependent existence is so miserable. No wonder our ancients had laid the highest emphasis on moksha.

22. If to be satisfied with the little comforts of life is not foolishness in a world of vast possibilities, what is?

23. This life is so uncertain. Death can strike any moment. Yet, we cling to it as if life on earth is a permanent proposition.

24. The soul that responds not to music is not awakened yet. And, yet, the music of the soul goes unheard by nearly all.

25. It is a day of work yet. Oh, when shall repose be when I can recline and sink in the soulfulness of a raga?

26. The path that leads through this forest of life is strewn with the glittering gems of the past. Let me gather my handful and proceed.

27. When the master sings, the raga blossoms as in efflorescent spring in all its colour and fragrance.

28. It is the duty of us all to respond to the challenges of the times and save our spiritual culture from the ravages of materialism.

29. Is it the Darbari that makes the night or the night that makes the Darbari? I wonder.

30. The earlier masters knew how to sing while the present crop merely put up a pretence of a performance with much showmanship.

31. Epithets such as 'Gaansaraswati' ought not to be given by men but one must in sadhana qualify to receive it from the Mother Herself.

32. Culture declines by the day. One wonders when the U-turn will happen and the flights of fancy reveal their hues once again.

33. Is it despondency undue about the prospective cultural scene that prompts my vitriol or am I lending sanity to the discussion?

34. Sound there is much today, notes there are galore. Yet, music has fled from her earthly habitat to where the gandharvas live.

35. Royalty having disappeared from the cultural scene, culture has disappeared too. The twain were indissolubly linked.

36. Her voice is too thin and fragile, hence, unsuitable in classical terms for classical music, especially, the khayal. Guess who?

37. Mutual admiration in public and animosity behind the curtains characterises the classy artistes of the classical world of music barring exceptions.

38. Do not idealise these artistes who sell their products to further their ends, for they serve no cultural end. Idealise yourself.

39. This world is a huge mart. Trust neither musician nor monk who has his wares to sell.

40. Alas, when will you wake up to the fact that you are neither born nor can ever die but are the Self in which floats all life?

41. The Marathis sing so well that one is swept by it to almost believing that they hold the reins of the music world.

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