Friday, 13 July 2018


When faced with a difficult situation, one can either attempt combating it by altering circumstance or waltz past it even as the water does or simply submit to it. Each one reacts as per his tendency. The valorous one combats, the adept waltzes past and the weak submits. The choices are there apparently but to each one there is but one course available as he is impelled by his own character attributes to react the way his nature permits. Thus, despite the multiplicity of options being there, each one goes along his own preferred path and either triumphs over circumstance or is transmuted by it, never for good and ever to the detriment of the cultural health of the submissive one.

Nature, despite its fabulous variegation, leaves no room, it seems, for the co-existence of cultural contrasts and must root out one for the other. This is the animal law of evolution, the survival of the fittest which still holds in its thrall large chunks of the human race. The strong tyrannise over the weak and outline for them their future cultural bearings. Thus is civilisation brought to its knees and man rendered unto the beast, and, for all their pretensions, these civilising movements, religious and political, become the instruments for the regressive march of mankind. A greater combination, a better organisation will bring about effective human resistance to such degradation and help usher in a higher order of humanity but that, of now, is a far cry off.

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