Sunday 29 July 2018



The interviewer must be adequately knowledgeable in the discipline whose expert he chooses to interview. Otherwise, as is so often the case, it will be a well-below-par interview and the priceless opportunity of getting the maestro to speak in-depth will have been squandered. As it is, these musical maestros, often not too articulate, are so reluctant to come out of their shells and, to add on to the difficulty, these interviewers, ignorant as they are of the subject of expertise of the maestro, disorient them by drawing them into the by-lanes of the conversation and, so, mar what could have been a revelation for the listeners from the very lips of the master. The distraction the interviewer causes on account of the dearth of data at his disposal and his lack of comprehension of whatever information he has on the subject of discussion and, so, it is human nature to drag the discussion down to one's comfort zone of ignorance. This the television channels must assiduously avoid, when it comes to interviewing gurus in a field of knowledge, to raise the goodwill of their channels and it, in the long run, will raise revenue as well to sustain such excellence. But the powers that run the shows from behind the curtains must for this reason be adequately cultivated in artistic sensibility for them to even comprehend these unforgivable lapses in television anchoring. Else, it will be a continuous slide downhill till kingdom come.

Written by Sugata Bose

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