Wednesday 4 July 2018



Chhatrapati Shivaji was an ideal king. The honourable way in which he treated captured Muslim women was in such sharp contrast to what the Muslim rulers did by way of violation of the honour of captured Hindu women.

Shivaji and Maharana Pratap must be held up before the youth as models to be emulated in terms of valour, fortitude, self-respect, patriotism and ethical living. Our country is not short on such iconic figures of history but they are sadly not projected enough to lend character to our polity. It is meet that we redress this state of things and redeem our best historical figures by bringing their contributions to the fore and by emulating them to take our nation forward.

The likes of Vivekananda, Netaji, Bagha Jatin, Rash Behari Bose and a host of other heroes did not rise to epic levels in a vacuum. They were the continuing links of valour, virtue and vitality in response to oppression by alien forces, in line with the likes of Shivaji and Maharana Pratap. We must recognise our national icons in the truest sense and build our nation seeking inspiration from their glorious lives of sacrifice and courage, conviction and character.

Written by Sugata Bose

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