Tuesday, 31 July 2018



We are so captivated by the world outside of us. But the source of its beauty is within where we look not, so entranced are we by its external manifestation. And this source is called God, the 'Sundaram Principle'.

He, the beauteous one, draws us outside through the senses till we reach the limit of progression and then He sends us careering within to behold Him in all His bewitching beauty. As we draw closer to Him, we meet our beloved divine and on contact merge in Him to be lost in the immensity of the Being. Now neither am I there nor He. It is a stillness of being, transcendent, Self-conscious, the eternity of existence absolute. Relativity gone, it is a singularity of existence with no possibility of partitioning unto multiplicity. It is infinite in no spatial sense, eternal in no timely sense and existing ion no causal sense, for it is the state of transcendence of the phenomenal trinity.

The Self broods on the Self in a Self-conscious way without break or fractional analysis but in an integral manner so very different from the integration of parts to lend wholeness to a substance. It is an integral entity, so to say, that has no parts, can have no parts and can never not be but the One that it is. The closest analogy that may be given is that of a condensed solidarity of absolute existence and absolute consciousness of a dimensionless spherical wholeness. The body and mind have simply been transcended and there remains no trace of such, even their very memory till the leeward retracing of shadowy steps begins, lowering the level of the aspirant, now rendered divine, till base camp is reached and the terrestrial drama is beheld again but with an transformed vision, an altered interpretation. Such are the sages.

Written by Sugata Bose

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